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Everything posted by Stryder

  1. Not sure hey. I've been seriously scarce on the riding scene. I'm claiming fitness levels are down (flu, second flu and now a third for good measure). I think it'll be cool to have a look at the DS. And so wanted to give UA a bash, but we setting up for the Trade show at CTICC that weekend , so thats out the window.
  2. Cap you gonna put a vid up of your sub 7 at Majik? Would be lekker to see in first person point of view.
  3. Cap must put up the video. Or has he already?
  4. Awesome the_wes: I am in the same boat. Just started doing the "DH" thing, and am often out distance, out heighted by 3 yr lighties on hard tails that are barefoot!! I/we love it. It all started one day in Lebanon on a bump in the trail which we rode over and over and over and thought we were legends. Then got a cheap full susser (mongoose) and decided to try DH at Eden near the hut, fell and tore ligaments in the shoulder. Off for 4 months back again with a bigger big hit (morewood) bike and armour, life insurance and a written will. Now I just gotta not think and do, there are some nice jumps in Eden and Tokai to practice. Anyway, I love it. Would love to do a DH "race" but dont have the minerals yet.
  5. Jarek you are not in the possestion of a 350lbs coil for a DHX 5 by any chance? I think the one I have on my shock is a bit hard (400lbs). Just would like to test first to be sure. I have adjsuetd the ring about 2-3mm from when the ring seats the coil, and I weigh in at 65kg.
  6. Yeah, I agree with you about Tokai. Dreams are of this stuff!!!
  7. Stock came into stores now, had a good squizz around - no tube inside. So it's definately not in Cape Town.
  8. Ha hahaha, nice for sale post.
  9. Looks pretty rad. Locally available?
  10. Bloody hell, was that at Contermans!!!! Looks like a 20m plus jump
  11. Also took a Voltage for a spin, around car park though, at CWC. Insane bike, really.
  12. Stryder

    Follow Me

    Thats it, one word!!!
  13. Stryder

    Follow Me

    Wrong spelling? Not sure.
  14. Stryder

    Follow Me

    lol, Got a new phone and sorta lost a lot of numbers, trying to transfer them to the new one. Let me have it again? We really not any Matt Hunters or Van Der Ham's but we try anyway.
  15. Stryder

    Follow Me

    Hahahaha, no worries. Might be an option. Would be nice to try the course with a little help from the shuttle. Next week Sat riding again, not sure if Tokai or Paarl. If you havent fallen apart by then you can join.
  16. Stryder

    Follow Me

    Would have at least tried the saturday shuttle. Caught the flu Tuesday and coughing like a Gunston chain smoker. Would like to see the guys practice tomorrow. Ja you cannot ride the course without a shuttle, jeez that hill is killer of note. If I am feeling better, gonna go to Paarl sunday.
  17. Stryder

    Follow Me

    Cool clip. Not a bad movie either. You riding Contermans tomorrow/sunday?
  18. That Yeti's frame looks insane. I wonder if local guys have the finese to do something like that?
  19. Thanks, will give them a call.
  20. Yeah might be the wrong thing to do. Maybe some new stickers will liven it up a bit. Do you know where I can get Morewood stickers?
  21. ....2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 I left the odd one out
  22. do tell. Which one is the funny one?
  23. I've also been thinking about stripping the paint off my bike and putting a new colour on. Would anyone know of a company in Cape Town can do the finer sandblasting? Or some sort of bath to strip the paint off. Would be nice to see the result of your bike Divernick.
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