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Posts posted by GLuvsMtb

  1. If you have sensitive skin, try Bioderma SPF 50. It works all day, doesn't burn the eyes, doesn't feel sticky and if you use a good face wash, it doesn't block up the pores in your face.

  2. Would 109km in Stellenbosch be the same as 109km around Killarney Race Track? Are all 10km climbs the same?


    It's not only the distance and climbing that make a race tough but also the terrain and combination of the stages strung together. Can't comment on Pioneer but Sani2c is like riding on a highway the trails are so "flat". At the end of the day, each to their own surely?


    I challenge you to 27km in Durbanville and we can chat after about how those legs feel ;-)

    I ride the Durbanville trails regularly. It made up a lot of my Pioneer training and will also be part of my Epic training(2013 as my 2012 budget is shot already). The response I got at the finishers dinner of the Pioneer from the riders that did both, rated the Pioneer as tougher. I wanted to get the opinion of other riders as well, as often memory fades over time on exactly how tough something was.

    27km in Durbanville with my wife is also a lot different to 27km with some oke who has a point to prove.


    Weather is also a factor on particular events. Epic started in Tulbagh with very hot weather. Slightly cooler weather at the Pioneer(36 deg max recorded on day 1) may have helped initially but the rain and wind on day 3 was tough for many. So apart from the terrain, the weather also plays its part and on the balance you will have unfavorable weather during most of the longer events.


    Another factor on the Epic is that you ride with 1200 riders (ok about 1000 after day 5) opposed to less than 300. I've seen in the middle of the field how riders have to walk sections that is very ridable because traffic forces you off the bike.


    The Epic is also tough because you queue for everything, unless you're one of those corporate types that got the entry and the guest house upgrade, you WAIT for just about everything. At the Pioneer the longest I waited for a shower was about 2 minutes.


    So yes - races can't be rated on paper, but its at least a good starting point.

  3. How would you ows compare the full Attakwas with K2C?

    Karoo2Coast - About 1800m ascent - 94 km took me just over 5 hours to do and felt like a champ afterwards (took it easy)


    Attakwas - About 2500 ascent - 128 km took me just under 9 hours to do this year and was completely broken afterwards (ek het klippe gek@k van km 15 tot km 110)


    But I'm going back! My wife may just have me declared insame / retarded / both for doing it for a 4th time.

  4. Ok, fair enough!!!, The tougher question does make the argument different, but the you should't have added the price per kilometer :rolleyes:


    I haven't done either, but for some weird reason it feels that the Pioneer is tougher, not sure why, if I read what the guys say and the comments on the blogs and twitter etc, it sounds like the Cape Pioneer might be tougher.


    But then again, only a fool can really say that the Epic is "easy" I mean, if you listened to the guys speak after the stage to Worcester last year, I mean, that sounded really tough and the 147km Stage 3 in 2012 sounds like murder, but like Sauser said last night on SuperCycling, it all depends on the surface, if it is rocky and sandy, then sure, it'll be a nightmare to say the least, but if it is open gravel roads, then it is a completely different animal.


    Anybody out there that did both?

    I added the cost per km etc for my blog post that would follow this thread. I don't have an issue with the Epic charging crazy prices to get the competitors in, but there are those who fall over their feet to tell everyone what a rip-off the Epic is every year the entry prices come out. Here is an alternative that is just as tough (maybe even tougher).

    It also seems like these two events have a bit of an arm wrestle going over which is tougher, hence the races being made tougher year on year.

  5. Can we compare cars in that way to, cost per kilometer, then we will al be driving VW Golfies

    I'd be driving a VW Golf it it outperforms my Audi any day. Please let me know where I can buy one of those.

    Besides: You'd be an idiot to argue on value for money here. There is clearly only one winner. The question is: which is T-O-U-G-H-E-R.

    Hopefully this post can make page 2 before it gets hijacked by the value argument.

  6. The problem with the Pioneer Trek is, the sticker just doesn't look as cool on your top tube.

    I'm also not one to keep the sticker on after the event. It feels like I'm windgat about it. Besides: You don't need to complete the race to get the sticker. You simply have to enter.

  7. You left out the prologue!!

    While the prologue brings the cost per day down, it also dilutes the averages on the kms, ascent etc.

    For about 1000 of the 1200 riders the prologue is simply an opportunity to check the bike and warm the legs up. If I add the prologue the Pioneer would be much tougher on paper than the Epic.


    Its difficult to compare apples with apples, but by adding the prologue the comparason becomes scewed.

  8. TRUE, I still got my 2011 epic sticker on my Zula and a few months ago was doing a little XC race here in Switz and while i was busy at the late entries table saw some dudes inspecting my Zula (not to many of them here) and when they saw the epic sticker they pointed fingers at it, raised their eyebrows and nodded their heads....


    Do you think the new logo (and therefor new sticker) would get the same recognition? Not too fond of the new logo myself.

  9. I'll take a IM kitted rider in my Argus bunch over the guys who still have their Epic race numbers on their mtb's from 3 years ago. It does give me a certain level of satisfaction when I've had my boerie and coke at the finish and then Mr Epic-race-number rolls in at the finish of Attakwas.

  10. Had a quick look and this is what I found:

    On the Rockshock side I would prefer Reba or above or equivalent Fox etc.



    Merida 1500 D

    Great if you like clown bikes. For an extra 4k you can upgrade the wheelset substantially to something like the American Classic Tubeless 2011 wheels



    Giant Trance X3

    Fun type of bike with very relaxed geometry. For mild trail riding. Doesn't like climbing so much as this is the heaviest bike here




    Scott Spark 40

    Hope they give you the replacement frame upfront. All jokes aside: If Scott sorted out the weaknesses in the 2010 frames, it could be a great bike. Poor frame quality will stick for some time though. Its like saying Datsun, and thinking Rusting.

    Ghost AMR 5900

    Less known but seems comarable with the Giant.


    My choice: The clown bike or the Trance depending on whether you want a fun trail bike or a hardtail 29er to look fast on.

  11. I had the Thule roof system "transferred" from my Jeep to my Audi A4 Avant in December by an authorised Thule dealer. Long story short - the roof rail bracket failed as I was going to Eselfontein for a week of mountain biking heaven. Thule said that they'll get back to me when I took the failed parts back. Replaced the roof system with a tow bar system free of charge. They did say that they have never seen this happen before, but I'm not taking chances again.

    Its not to say that the tow bar system will not fail either, but if someone was travelling behind me when my roof rack and 2 bikes went flying, someone could have gotten seriously injured.


    And I was not speeding (this time) - I was doing about 100km/h (had to submit my tracker files to insurance as backup when I claimed for the damages to bike and car)

  12. i read it "slooooooowly" and it's the same when i read it quickly.

    saying dibs means nothing as often the seller will have received a pm from another hubber before. the guuy may also have advertised elsewhere at an earlier stage and may have buyers who enquire before someone on the hub says "dibs". i don't recall the forum rules saying one may only advertise on the hub

    You all are feeding the troll. Just walk away man. Like Mr Dibs should have done.

  13. It is your responsibility to call before hand to check if they do line entries , if not then tuff . That’s not cool dude.


    Let’s say you crashed and need the medics that are paid by the other riders entries to help you , will you tell them no please leave me to bleed as I did not enter this race…….. don’t think so. its taking advantage of the full system .

    I fully agree with you, and next time a back marker gets to a water table with only a few flat cokes standing there, think about that arsehole who simply joined the ride.


    Even on the road, if you didn't enter the event, stay off the racing route. You will inadvertedly interfere with someone's race and benefit from marshals and road closures along the way. If you didn't want to race, pay your fee and don't wear your timing chip. If you missed the entry cut-off, go gate-crash someone elses party.

  14. I don't see Burry as being someone who ride a 29er just because there is an extra carrot being dangled.

    If the Boss at Specialized gave him a single speed fully rigid to ride, he'd do it. Pro's ride what their sponsors tell them to ride.

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