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Posts posted by GLuvsMtb

  1. If you know that sponsors check these sites for name why did you mention Anderson Transport / Aurecon riders in your original post? - Because they were riding 3 abreast on a road with no shoulder. Don't forget the Cape Town Market and Cycles Direct riders too. Just now I get blasted for not mentioning them again.


    Why do you think that it is your duty to police the cycle lane? What about the other users (that use their bikes as their sole transport?) how do you reach out to them to educate them about the bike lane? - Not policing the cycling lane, rather stating FACT that the only riders not using them on this particular morning were the whannabe pro's. Note I took an easy ride with my wife and apologies to the pro teams that did in fact ride on the road with the teams mentioned and that is not mentioned in this post. If I was policing the lane I would have taken pictchas of the riders and their elite racing numbers and posted it on here.


    I think that your post should have stopped at "Big shout out to David George and Kevin Evans for using the bike lane this morning." Maybe we can learn from them. - and then you state that some pro teams dont use the lane and people say that you are vague and you should be more specific.


    I have punctured on that lane...so it is NOT BS. - I have punctured on the road next to the lane before the bike lane was there. Saying that you'll get MORE punctures on the bike lane is BS.

  2. Sometimes you are cool and somerimes you are not. Sometimes pros jump over fences and gets escorted off the farm, and sometimes we all need to move on. Not even my wife refers to anything older than a week if we ever argue. If I wanted to have a go at anyone in particular I would have used first names on the hub. I know that sponsors track the use of their team names in online forums and good team managers take appropriate action if they see a threat to the team image. I'm not saying that any riders will get suspended from their teams because some guy posts about irresponsible riding on the hub, but tomorrow its in the newspapers and then its damage control all the way.

  3. Please go and look again, I know for a fact and have seen the above clubs on the cycle lane, but not between sunset beach and t-view...I know lots of people who do not like riding that stretch or the section from the parden eiland to the harbour turn off. For various reasons...


    What you do not say is where you saw Kevin and George? Maybe they were on the section that EVERYONE uses....I have also seen the above clubs ride on those sections when on their MTB, maybe it is a puncture thing.


    Why stir?

    It was a CTM rider, and no he was not with the Anderson Transport / Aurecon riders. He was riding with a Cycles Direct group. All I said is that it is cool that big names use the lane, and uncool that the local whannabees ride 3 abreast on a road with no shoulder. The post was meant to point out that 2 of our best known riders deem the cycle lane suitable and that the locals should maybe follow their example. If I had a real problem with the Anderson Transport rider I would have contacted Heimer and discussed it with him and proceeded to name and shame here.


    I ride the lane with my roadbike and mtb regularly and have not seen anyone puncture on this section, so that's pure bull***t if you ask me. Maybe the overreaction is from people who know that they are doing wrong. Now if any of you's see more well known riders on the lane, post it here. That's what this thread is for.

  4. Mayne you must make sure of your facts as all the cape town market riders were doimg the race this mornimng ... so none of us could be there. And WE, ctm always use the cycling lane.

    Perhaps CTM should be more selective with who gets to wear their kit. There's nothing wrong with my eyesight.

  5. Well we know who's policing the bike lanes, but who's policing the police..........


    Wonder if the guys were trying to look/be cool, or perhaps just enjoying their ride - methinks that they were enjoying the time in the saddle.

    Definately enjoying their ride. Greeting fellow cyclists and chatting to what looked like a few social riders who bunched up with them.

  6. Us wannabes don't get free tubes and tyres like Dave and Kevin - we have to pay for them - and the bergies aren't messing around with the bike lane bottle smashing

    Tube patch = R2.


    Car taking you out because you ride 3 abreast on a road with no shoulder > R2


    You do the math


    Don't know when last you actually used the bike lane, but it seems to be cleaner than the inside lane on the R27. Just do everyone a favour and try to get knocked down out of peak time traffic. Having ambulances and police cleaning up an accident disrupts everyone and not to mention the cost involved for the tax payer.

  7. Big shout out to David George and Kevin Evans for using the bike lane this morning. Maybe the Anderson Transport / Cycles Direct / Cape Town Market whannabees that were spotted next to the bike lane on a road with no shoulder 5 minutes earlier should re-think their inherent uncoolness and join the movement towards safer cycling.

  8. Smith should stay though. Solid athlete.

    Definately! His indepth knowledge of the other players' energy drink requirements makes him a clear choice for 12th man... but seriously, an average of over 50 is better than what any of our other openers currently manage, so yes. He needs to stay.

  9. Mine's done.


    Now lets see if the name callers (or at least the one with the foul mouth aimed at me) will do the same?

    Done mine too. Apologies for the name calling. I over reacted. Besides Suzi has a good sense of humour and will probably wash the whole incident down with a bottle of wine with the farmer soon.

  10. The point is that when someone refuses you access to their land and you trespass, get caught, then moan on the net how you are removed with an escort, then no sympathy will be given.


    A "pro" should lead by example as many youngsters idolise figures like that.


    As many hubbers have pointed out, people who do not respect private land ruin it for others, and in this case, he can go back to europe and not care less, but others who do not have that privilege have to suffer because of his arrogance/actions.


    We have all thrown a few harsh words at the taxis speeding past stationary traffic in the yellow line, so what is different here?


    I don't take back my previous post, as it appears that arrogance over took common sense in this instance.


    To sum it up:


    So he may be a nice guy, great, but we have all done stupid things (including me) which we sometimes have to think about afterwards and say: "I was a w@nker"

    Fully agree with you, but people saying on a public forum that he should "f&ck off back to Switzerland" is not the way to get someone to put up his hand and say sorry I made a mistake. If anything it makes matters worse. I do not condone his actions, but think there are more constructive ways to deal with this.

  11. Really? People express their opinions in public on a public forum? I'm shocked.


    PS, the rest of your post I edited out, cause it falls 110% into the category you so decry. maybe 2012 will work out better for you?

    Is it possible to express an opinion without being a box? Maybe not? Perhaps change your name to Arch-box TNT

  12. This thread sums up 2011 on the hub. Some oke posts his version of the truth, and everyone throws in their 5c's. I would like to hear Suzi's version of what happened. I've met him on quite a few occasions and he does a lot of good work for Songo.info, so all of you showing him the "door" should be willing to jump in and contribute when he decides to go.


    We as mountain bikers should take the time to educate and support fellow riders, not belittle them at every opportunity we get. Hopefully if any of you ever have the privelage to ride with one of the world's best, you can take it up with him then and come back with what really happened.

  13. Alectowheels.


    I do not know why you are trying to stir here. Be a man and tell us what wheels did we sell to you for R 22 000 and show us the proof of your purchase. Surely you must have kept your slip for guarantee purposes?


    I am looking forward to your response

    +1 and tell us your name and surname too. I suspect that your gripe with CWC lies somewhere else? (Perhaps a competitor that is now forced to offer good prices and excellent service like Mr Willemse and Mr Willemse). SHOW YOUR FACE, COWARD!

  14. ooooh so they get done in the bum by an Isuzu driver.. and we should show some pity an remorse

    there is a place in Tygervalley that teaches business ethics,

    the rest of you sorry loosers,,,cwc says "poep" you guys poep....bluddy moegoes

    Cycling needs more arseholes like you. I for one like to put my cleat through 22k Rims in the middle of a ride. Hope you get what you deserve.

  15. Last year it really struck me how many 29er riders were stranded inbetween water point 2 and 3 (that nasty section just before the Spur water point). I didn't stop to check out the tire choice, but can confirm that the 3 Attakwas races I have done to date did very well on Geax Saguro on the front. For 1 I had a conti race king at the back that did the bizniz and the other 2 was Geax Saguro's too.


    This year it will be a Conti XKing at the back and the trusty Saguro on the front again.


    I had the Geax AKA on the back for Pioneer and it made it through 3/4ths of stage 1 before one of the tread nobbies tared off leaving a cut of about 3mm in length. I sealed this with a plug and a prayer and changed to the XKing thereafter (If they had Saguros I would have taken one for the rear as well).

  16. "Outdoor riders at all levels are often aware of the inefficiency of chain in terms of power transfer and the limitations over time due to chain wear and stretch that creates wasted power output through an inefficient system." Craig Taylor, on behalf of Virgin Active.


    What utter nonsensical rubbish!

    Yip - Biggest load of bullsh!t. What's even worse is that they expect us to believe this!

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