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Posts posted by GLuvsMtb

  1. Read some replies here and you will see that those used it was almost cause carnage...the people on the moan day in and day out about followintg rules/ road rules etc take pics of riders not doing so and now all of a sudden it is ok?

    and I am sure that hubbers never exagerate or stretch the truth to suite their own argument (or excuse for not performing). In the perfect world we would have the corporates racing on the Saturday and the elites racing on the sunday, for the elites we would have an independent observer in each support car and we would have full road closure for the entire race to enable support teams to have a structured approach to the event.

    Bottom line is that we don't race in a perfect environment and allowance needs to be made for teams needing to adjust from time to time, but accepting that would mean that thehub would be a very boring place, so lets rather knock the top guys in our sport and accuse them of being cheats than be sensible about it all.

  2. To enter and cater for a "Top Team" for DC can cost anywhere from 10-20 thousand rand, and that's not counting flying team riders in from around the country and paying "salaries" for Pro's


    When you invest such a lot and are cheated out of a result then there is a lot at stake for sponsors and not just pride and a medal around your neck.


    If the organisers want to maintain the high investment from sponsored teams, guest celebrity status riders like Chris Froom and our domestic Pro's headlining for Cape Teams then they will need to adhere to a set list of rules for everyone. Contravention must be dealt with and results announced accordingly.


    The way the podium ceremony was held was pretty bad, a lot of people couldn't wait that long and half the funrider contingent had left already (isn't that why the pro's wait around) and hardly anyone stayed to watch. Then to have 3 hours to sort out the protest and still not have an answer and not call the deserving remainder of the podium up to receive recognition was disappointing.


    That's like: Who won the Tour de France after Landis was stripped of his Jersey? 90% of people have no clue.

    The bottom line is that the top teams are not interested in the event, but the top riders love it. This points to either poor orginising or a format that is not attractive for the top teams. For this event to grow, it will have to split into a fun rider section and a contenders section and perhaps be run over 2 days. Many of the complaints investigated are as a result of over crowding in the feeding zones. Some top teams needed to adjust. Not to gain an advantage, but simply not to be disadvantaged due to poor orginisation when it comes to the corporates and fundriders.

  3. Doubt it, Brothers had to fly in half the Matlosana team to help them as it is... Feeding from the car the way they did can save minutes, and that could be enough to take them off the podium had they stopped.


    The First team to finish with 6 of their own team members from regular racing hasn't even been mentioned here: Aurecon. No Pro's and All of them Subvets. came in 4th.

    Clearly some Spring league Ego's clashed. So who @ Brothers Sports pee'd on your battery?

  4. Non stationary feeding was never implicitly allowed. Rules are rules and who is to say who does and doesn't apply?

    Plus it was'nt just that: making a cell phone call whilst riding to co-ordinate the rolling feed, from the right hand side of the road instead of the left, and not in front of your parked team car was in contravention of three rules in one go

    David Belairs strictly stated that the event was called off and reinstated and that ALL feeding and team car situations must be strictly within protocol at the managers meeting. It was nearly called off because of the teams feeding and chaos it causes. To now overlook teams that contravened is threatening the event for everyone.

    It sounds to me more like the orginisers taking a cheap shot at Brothers Sport to try and get some publicity. Suppose all the big teams gets their turn from these clowns. I suggest Brothers Sport look forward as they surely have bigger fish to fry next year.

  5. Morewoodmad: what's the use of this rant if you don't mention the team!

    I've taken it up with the sponsor's PR department and undertook to give them time to investigate the matter and get back to me. Ret assured, I'll climb into them if they don't get the riders to appologise to my wife.

  6. You get them at every race. 3 Years ago at the Argus there was a group of 6 lady-riders that managed to jump across to our group. They were screaming and shouting at the rest of us about lines. Without looking around, one of the guys in the group said "R100 bucks say they ride for CycleLab". Needless to say, they were quite miffed with the accurate assessment from this guy and started to chirp him and the rest of the bunch about it.


    Without a word we simply closed all the gaps and kept them at the back, with a few stronger riders falling back to block them off. Coming off Blue Rote, just before we turned onto Main Road the bunch accellerated, but the wall at the back waited 40 seconds or so before kicking to leave the 6 ladies in no-mans land. I had my massage and had time to put on a fresh shirt when I saw them crossing the line that day.


    I figured out that day why you don't piss your fellow riders off.

  7. Talk about bad manners - those riders who decided to go for a ride via Blouberg and then Koeberg, who clearly forgot that they didn't have road closure at this time, don't come and moan on theHub when a motorist knocks you and half your DC team down on Koeberg road. Blocking the whole left lane as well as half of the middle lane will only get you into trouble.


    I was the guy who patiently sat behind you lot with my hazards on. When I came past you on Plattekloof and my wife told you guys to please try and ride in single file on roads with no shoulder, you decided that it was appropriate to use bad language at us.


    I'm not going to put team names on here, but be sure that your sponsors got a report of the incident.

  8. You forgot to add that he should learn to spell. Most of the negative posts had the audacity to ridicule his spelling.

    hehe - its called a spell checker... and read your post before you post it. If it reads ok and you don't look like a cocktonsil, then go ahead and post it.

  9. post-9586-0-17544800-1321553981.jpg

    What i did not do is attach a photo of the bike ring which is hardly damaged to prove that did not happen. Find attached I have R 250 000. worth of biks in my garage i dont need to beg for a spare part. post-9586-0-17544800-1321553981.jpg

    I have to differ with you here. Those rings are shot. If you have 'shark fin' teeth on the middle and big blade, itshows bad chain wear. You small ring probably have long sharp teeth already as well.


    If you kept your post factual initially, you would have had some credibility, but trying to sound like an expert when you clearly have elementary knowledge and by exagerating you've rubbed the hubbers up the wrong way.


    Next time stick to the facts and dont pretend to know everything, then some of the peeps here may be more sympathetic.

  10. Looks like the Attakwas is no longer a MTN National Series event (http://www.advendurance.com/)

    Does this mean that:

    1. It is no longer a UCI event?

    2. The top guys/gals will give it a miss to save their legs?

    It probably means that seeding will work a bit better. Last year having the ladies start before the Sub Vets, Vets and unseeded riders made life a little more challenging at the start.

    I will also be allowed to use my GoPro camera. At Graveltravel I was asked to remove my camera as UCI rules determine that no video cameras are allowed on the route.

    Expect the top Epic teams to use the race as a long run for their Epic preperations. 700 riders will mean that the first half of the race is going to involve some porting, unless you are in the first or second batch.

  11. Simple challenge goes to all who are agrieved with CSA, Let us start at the beginning with you the individual.

    Have you signed up with a locl club?

    Has your club registered with the local provincial body?

    Has this body registered with the national body (CSA)?


    If yes to all, are you involved with your club admin? does you club attend local prvincial meetings?

    Do you mandate your club on issues of local and provincial matters?

    When last has your club committee submitted nominations for provincial elections?


    Does your committee report back to you?

    When last have you seen nominations from your provincial body to the clubs requesting a mandate to submit

    to the national body?(THIS IS WHERE YOUR CSA BOARD COMES FROM)


    Now know where these individuals comes from YOU, that particiapted in the process so before going on about this and that get yourself involved and vote for change the proper way.






    Lets compare this to any political complaint or concern. You are unhappy about a political decision at Government level. Now you have to become a ward representative and get involved with your local ward's administration. Then you need to somehow get involved with politics on a provincial level to be able to voice your concern about a national decision.


    All that is required here is a public and transparant forom for cyclists to raise concerns without having to crawl up the club president's bum to do so.


    It could be as simple as having a public comments spot on their website or having a twitter / facebook page for members to use for queries or complaints.

  12. Hi,


    Looking to purchase my first MTB. Only done 1 race and I enjoyed it, I think :D


    So before I bore everyone with my beginner questions, is there a "Buying an MTB 101" thread somewhere I'm not seeing? Basic advice on what is what and when you should take X over Y and why some people use Z etc... If not there here is my situation:


    I will hopefully have ~R14000 to spend on a Bike + Accessories. I'm looking for a softail.


    I would like to know:

    - Should I purchase a new complete bike or get a 2nd hand bike?

    - Any specified thing/brand I should be looking for? Heard you get different "sets" etc...

    - Tubeless, slime and liners? Benifits and which should I get?

    - How many gears are preferable or is there a standard?

    - Should I import a complete bike from CRC or will customs kill any sort of saving on a bike?


    Any advice would be apprecited!



    For me it is even more important where I am buying the bike. For your 14k you are buying a relationship with a bike shop too. Make sure the shop has a good reputation and that its someone that is going to be around for a while (not always possible to know this, but there are sure signs).

    Any come-backs on components is a real probability and your bike shop needs to be batting for you if anything needs to go back to the distributors (shock, wheels and frame in particular).

    Pick something that suites your riding style, whether its hardtail or duel suspension, 26 or 29 inch is almost a side issue. On gearing you'll get guys pushing SRAM and others pushing shimano. Shimano SLX or SRAM X9 will both be adequite. If you have a choice, rather upgrade your frame, shock, wheels or brakes (in that order). Groupsets wear out and can be upgraded when you need to have some components replaced.

    Most importantly: Enjoy your ride.

  13. Here is your first clue - Burry and Christoph won on DS 29'ers last year.

    Here is your second clue - Kevin and David got spiffy new DS 29'ers a week before pioneer and totally ripped the field apart with it. Their focus is the Epic as well. Kevin's dad is the route planner. Does 1 + 1 = 2 or does 1 + 1 = 2DS 29'ers?


    Hope this helps.

  14. On the race know 3 things intimately


    - Understand what it is to ride within yourself, keep hydrated and fueled

    - Use a recovery procedure that works for you (stretching routine straight after your ride, recovery shake, leg massage after a hard ride)

    - Get proper rest, especially 2 nights before the race starts

    - Eat the correct foods before and during the race



    - Know your partner's strengths and weaknesses

    - Pick a partner that you like and get along with

    - Understand your race strategy as a team



    - Know how to fix a flat tyre (plug, boot, tube)

    - Know how to mend a broken chain

    - Know how to bypass a broken rear dereullieur to convert your bike to a single speed

    - Know how to replace the rear dereullier hanger

    - Know how to replace your brake pads


    My standard 3 day pack list:


    - slimed tube

    - CO2 inflator and 2 CO2 Canisters

    - Tyger lever (1 set per team)

    - RD Hanger

    - Quick links x 2

    - Plug kit (1 per team)

    - tyre boot

    - multi tool (1 per team)

    - small leatherman (1 per team)

    - cable ties



    - 3 x tightpant

    - 3 x cycling jerseys

    - 1 x rain jacket

    - 3 x sets of arm warmers

    - 3 x pairs of socks

    - 1 x buff (handy for a cold morning)

    - full finger gloves

    - shoes

    - helmet

    - sunglasses

    - cellphone



    - 2 x t shirts

    - 2 x shorts

    - 1 x pair of strops

    - 1 x track pant

    - 1 x Sani2C all weather jacket



    - tooth brush

    - tooth paste

    - ear plugs (silicon ones works best for me)

    - body wash

    - spare contact lenses

    - contact lens solution and sterile container

    - cataflam

    - valoid

    - rehydrate

    - tabart



    - 3 x energy bars

    - 12 x race fuel (package it in small ziplock bags to stick in your back pocket / camelback)

    - 2 x recovery shake

    - 3 x rehydrate



    - head light

    - sleeping bag

    - pillow

    - single fitted sheet

    - basic bike cleaning kit

    - power monkey with charging cable for celphone and GPS

    - gopro camera and spare 32 gig sd card

    - pocket camera


    Remember that all your luggage needs to fit into a 120lt crate. I pack my gear in ziplock bags that is marked for each day. This way I don't have to unpack everything every time I need to get something. (see my pioneer photo attached). After each stage I simply pack the dirty clothes in the old Ziplock bag from that morning.



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