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Posts posted by GLuvsMtb

  1. I can understand them rationing the coke, times are tough as we all know. But to ration the water???


    With the last water point running out of water, people were forced to drink coke, so it actually cost them more not to have water.



    Saying that, I was stoked that 2 of the water points had water / powerade with little bits of ice still in it, thats a first for me. I'm used to drinking luke warm drinks.



    I think its only fair to be able to fill up a water bottle. Its said you should be drinking 1 bottle per hour which means the people who do 4 hours plus would need at least 4 bottles which is not very easy to carry on a bike.



    I don't like drinking coke during a race. The sugar spike and subsequent mini-bonk is never ideal. Furthermore the sugar in coke makes me even more thirsty 15 minutes later.

  2. Like, Hheey doood! No arguments there doood. Chilled is the rule!

    So chilled, that 'flickers' aren't really like, necessary like. Turning a corner is, like, a career move, like. Traffic filter lights are, like, a friendly way of playing "no, you first"... :D

    I love Capetown bru. There are far less X5 drivers. :thumbup:


    The Clio Brigade: Yep. There's a story. Renault Clios, pink, sick blue, green, all with a GT stripe?? :unsure:, and every one had a driver who was just so, like chilled, like. Probably genetic CT.

    In Durbs it would undoubtedly have been someone on an E comedown. :)

    I don't know. You live there! Is it like a club or something?

    I just know that your latest problem is the Mini Clubman crowd. :P

    Stop speaking DURBAN...DUDE.... The rest of the country don't speak DURBAN.

  3. Of course its the fault of the organisors - people have always been filling up their bottles at watering points and they should have catered for this. It is outright dangerous that they didn't and a number of people had to be taken up in hospitable for dehydration.


    While I'm at it, I found the organisation particularly poor at this year's event from start to finish - some highlights:


    Overall this was an extremely dissapointing event and the only reason so many people ride is because of the "Argus seeding" tag. We really deserve better. :angry:

    And every year we come back for more... I did an OFM classic a few years ago. What a vibe! I'd much rather make a weekend of it and go to Bloemfontein for the weekend if it is an Argus seeding I am chasing.


    Its also a relatively flat race that will boost your Argus seeding.

  4. On a lighter note: I've kicked a car door once, but it was in self defence. The tjop was parked on the wrong side of the road and his passanger decided to open his door as a group of us approached. There were cars on the right, and braking would have meant removing a rider's helmet from my arse, so I simply unclipped and put my foot out. Its amazing how much damage a SPD cleat can cause when it hits a stationary object at about 30km/h.

  5. I'm sorry but you're commuting, on your own, in a car, hardly a standpoint that deserves any respect from anyone, let alone a cyclist.


    Also, you show me a cyclist who hasn't shot a red robot, i'll show you a liar.

    Boy - it seems like Steers is doing Wacky Tuesdays for the Trolls. Go get your buy one get one free and don't ask thehub to feed you.


    <lite trollfeeder on> We all shoot through lights from time to time, but if a motorist challenge you on this, don't try and justify it. Simply apologise and carry on with your ride. You will definately not enjoy your ride if you scream and shout at a motorist and end up damaging his property. <lite trollfeeder off>

  6. Have heard that same story from everyone I've chatted to MorewoodMad... Luckily I'll be in Plett the day after, will have to find a good bike shop to help me out down there :P

    Kevin Evans and his dad has a bike shop in Plett. I'd pre-book if I were you.

  7. I end up coming home after Sabie and having to strip down my whole bike to get the red mud out of it. Apart from the event costing me a fortune afterwards to get my bike ready again, it ends up on the bike stand for about a week during the time I really want to ride my bike, ie holiday time.


    I love this event, but every year its smack bang in the middle of the rainy season.


    Sani 2 C adjusted and is now run in May. Hopefully Sabie X can get a better time slot in future.

  8. I recall the course last year having just over 110m of climbing in 10km, We started off on the sportsfields, headed up through the orchards, past the dairy, past the dam and onto the flowing singletracks as you exit the second black loop. We then followed most of the green route back to the sportsfields.


    It was damn hot last year and starting off too hard meant that I struggled during the evening stint.


    Doing it solo again this year. I'd rather ride with my mates than ride relay with my mates.

  9. Calling all stokers and captains

    I am seriously considering getting a tandem for my wife and I. She is a short route rider at the PPA events and I am more of a mountain biker than a road rider. She also enjoys the less technical mountain bike rides. Usually if we ride together, I end up pushing her up most of the climbs.

    ITO tandem:

    I am thinking to get a mountain bike tandem (hardtail). This will allow us to ride less technical off road rides too.

    I can't seem to find much online ito availability in SA. Who in the Western Cape specialises in tandem bikes?

    What would be a decent entry level spec?

    What fork to put on the front? Would it be possible to start off with a rigid fork and convert to a say 140mm travel fork later on?

    What would be a reasonable price to pay for a tandem bike that is durable and flexable (road and off road).

  10. I weigh 130kg. I don't eat McDonalds. I run 5km every morning and cycle every evening, when I am at home that is. Come MorewoodMad, tell me to my face that I'm a fat McDonalds lover. ;) I'm sitting at Plenary entrance 31-60 on the top floor of the ICC.

    Ok See you at Mac D's in Sea Point to tell you ;)

    I've been on flights where seriously overweight people squashed in next to me. I usually stand (sit) my ground. I am also not a small guy and would have no complaints if the 65kg race snake wants to add his bike box for free.

    Interesting fact is that air travel weight restrictions were recently revised in the US



    Bottom line is that the airlines should stop discriminating against non-obese people and start to charge the fatties double.

  11. They've got our subs, so why should they care? Wait till after Argus to before you can expect any delivery from PPA.


    On a serious note: I think that they are have over complicated their website. They simply need the following headings:






    Contact us


    Under Events they can split it into Mountain biking and Road Cycling

    Under each heading they can list the events, you click on the event, and a description, route map, profile, entry fees and orginisers contact details appears

    Under entries you can select the events you wish to enter and then go to the secure link for payment

    Under seedings they can simply have your current seeding as well as the formula

    Under results they can take you to Racetec's page

    Under contact us they can list email addresses and direct phone numbers to key personnel.


    Once they get this bit right, they can add fancy gadgets like Google maps to the venues, weather forcasts etc, facebook and Twitter links etc.

  12. What I would like to see is Airlines weighing passengers with their luggage. Its not fair if I weigh 90kg and I travel with a 18kg bike box and 6 kg luggage to pay extra, when the fat McDonalds lover next to me weighs 130kg and has 11kg of luggage with him. That fat freak should pay for 2 seats.

  13. I don't get a bonus, so I made an arrangement with Wesbank for a payment holiday over Decembers on our cars, I submit my tax return just before the due date and I do my Christmas shopping from October and spread it over 3 paychecks.


    My tax refund normally equates to a 13th cheque and all the other little things I do means that I can really enjoy my December holiday.


    My increase is also due in January and I usually know by 15 December what my increase would be, so that helps me with how much I have to spend during my holiday.

  14. I have not earned a bonus for 5 years. At first I was quite annoyed by it. I did have the choice to have a 13th cheque included into my salary structure, and opted to rather take the difference every month. If staff bonusses is such a huge issue, rather have a 13th cheque written into your contract when you have your next appraisal and suggest the same to staff who are unhappy. Unless your contract makes provision for a bonus or incentive, you are on a hiding to nothing going in there guns blazing.


    Don't focus on their decision to take profits out themselves, but rather focus on the value of boosting staff morale.

  15. I have a chicken egg question before you buy your new bike.............


    Does becoming a road cyclist make you an arsehole or do you have to be an arsehole to become a road cyclist?

    <Troll feeder on> It depends - does posting generalisations like this make you dof, or are you dof before posting drivel like this? <Troll feeder off>

  16. Often bike shops would throw in a few extras when you make a purchase. When buying new remember to budget for the following extras:

    - Pedals (most entry level bikes come with standard flat pedals, higher end bikes have no pedals included). Decide if you want mountain bike pedals (SPD's) or road bike pedals. Many novices opt of SPD

    - Shoes - if you go for SPD's you can opt for mtb shoes or road shoes. MTB shoes weigh more but are more comfy to move around in off the bike

    - Helmet. Bell helmets offer a replacement if you fall and damage your helmet. Some other makes have the same offering. There's nothing worse than falling and then having to drop R1k for a new helmet too.

    - Spares (multi tool, tyre levers, spare tube, a small saddle bag). Less is often more. Don't buy a "lunch box" but get something that can hold the basic items. A small pump for your back pocket as well.

    - 2 x cycling shorts (bibshorts fit better, but this is up to personal preference)

    - 2 x Cycling shirts (soon you'll get kit from work, clubs etc, but to start off this is fine)

    - Gloves - falling on your hands takes skin off.

  17. Make sure you and your team are on the same page. They may go to party it up all night and drink beer and you may have secret aspirations to finish in the top 10. Have a captain and work out who is riding when. Log your laps and get your captain to check with the orginisers regularly to see if you are on the same count. Have your next rider in the shute when the current rider finish a lap. Part of the next rider's responsibility is to ensure that the incoming rider checks out properly. Talk to your team mates. If you are not feeling fantastic, you must say so immediately after your lap. It gives the team captain time to shuffle the order if needed.

  18. Have taken the plunge and have entered for the first time. I am 43 and no racing snake and just want to finish the event within the cutoff time. Would you recommend riding a 26" full suspension (Morewood Zula) or a 29er hardtail. There is a weight advantage with the 29er as well as it having a more comfortable riding position, but the terrain seems to suit the full suspension bike. I have ridden the 29er for between 8 and 10 hrs in 4 previous races, but never the Zula for more than 4 hrs. For me its not as relaxed as the 29er, but much more forgiving on the lower back.





    Did my first 2 Attas on my hardtail (26inch). This year I did it on the Zula. I made up more than 2 hours in the first half and lost less than 1 hour on the second half, compared to my hardtail times. The zula gives me much more traction on the 25% plus inclines in the first half, leading to better efficiency and making much more of the steep ups ridable. No second guess required as to what bike I'm taking next year.

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