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Everything posted by Hairy

  1. Those traders are behaving like a bunch of chops. They have always know that there was a servitude on that road and now they cry when a cycle lane is to be built on it. Earlier in the year when I spoke to one of the site foreman on that part of the route he said we would have a three meter cycle lane ... they have now reduced that to 1.7m then! They choose the wording in the email very well by saying that they are giving back 1.3m to the traders from the cycle lane without stating the obvious of what we are left with. The next question arrises. Now that they changed the size of the lane did they follow the correct public participation procedures as I can only imagine that they had done this previously and the then plan was approved. Not happy. 1.7m is still doable, but the principle is not acceptable. Hairy
  2. Nice bike .. you are still short on a couple of gold bits though.. BB, Headset ... etc. Keep adding and it will look like the Mafia has taken to the trails Hairy
  3. do I really have to state my preference Regards Hairy
  4. Two things 1. That looks like Silvermine Gate so well done for pedalling that SS up there! 2. What does the Peace 29'er retail for these days? Hairy
  5. Then Five Flamming Hot Chillies for Pieter. As per one of my previous posts I had mentioned his service is and was faultless. A good guy for Pro-bike to have on board! Hairy
  6. I have sent Scott an email RE the service delivery and they have comeback with the assurance the they will have the frame on special freight by tomorrow. Lets see then ... I should receive it by Monday then. Hopefully! Hairy
  7. At Pro-Bike I have been dealing with Pieter du Plessis and his service can't be faulted. It has actually been commendable. Hairy
  8. Pro-bike have not been the issue here I don't believe. They have given good service. I was promised my frame would be here this week and I have made arrangements around this ... just to be told that the frame is still in Belgium and might be sent today ... WTF! H
  9. Hi All How long should one be willing to wait for a waranty replacement. I will be waiting 1month for a replacement Scott Frame! This I feel is rather ridiculous! Hairy
  10. I am a regular commuter along this route and I asked one of the construction managers RE the cycle path. The answer was a 3m lane for cyclists. I never questioned the isolation of the lane from the general traffic though. Regards Hairy P.S ... I have a rather fun commute from Table View to CT that cuts out most of the tar/road sections if you have enough thorn protection in your MTB tyres then this if fun and a half decent workout,
  11. Best Colour for a Bike - THE ONE VOTE ONLY POLL
  12. Excuse my ignorance .... but the hell is that bottle contraption ? Hairy
  13. Hi there anybody made any DIY Chain Tensioners? Hairy
  14. BTS ... Firstly you should take your medication ... you know the nausea pills and those little blue pills to help you with your anger management. Great now we can talk. This is one section of trail that has been modified to prevent further negative environmental impact. Not very hard to accept as a good thing. I also miss the previous section and the first time that I cleared the river in both directions was rather ... well ... cool. But protecting the trails and environment as an overall entity if far more important. I am off to hug some trees. Kindest and Sincerest Regards Hairy
  15. HI Danger Dassie Your last 204word post would have earned you roughly a wopping 150Z.A.R based on the previous earnings estimate Hairy
  16. My Tread Mag "should"arrive today ... can't wait. It must be said RE the lovely lady on the Bicyling Mag cover when reading the splurb saying who she is and where she is riding the type of bike ... bla bla bla that they say "Lisa is taking a break on while on her Trail ride". Really now ... should you be doing any sort of ride you do "glow" a little and the bike and rider would not be so clean! H
  17. I should be receiving mine soon ... but I need to know ... is there allot of content or just tons of adds ???? Hairy
  18. Are you one of the following - Are you one of the following Regards Hairy
  19. As I recall from the TransB 2008 this Oom lives in Durbanville, Cape Town. He grew up on a farm - obviously he walked barefoot for hundreds of km's in snow storms and swam across raging rivers with no shoes and a short pant. Worked as a Town Planner and rides kaal voet now - because he can. Tough Old Man ... Hairy
  20. Don't need more children ... current one is enough of a handfull! This is a mid term solution. Arione is still bloody good saddle and I am curious RE the Gobi. The SDG saddle at least lets me walk properly after a ride VS the crappy one that you saw on my bike the otherday! Regards and thanks for your previous advice. Hairy
  21. In my eagerness to find a saddle I bought the SDG for 300Z.A.R as I could not wait for a planetX and I also have issues of not being able to hold something in my hands before buying it .... First ride on it this morning was pleasant although it still needs some fine tuning with placement. Will see how she fells later on this afternoons ride. Colour: Black with White trim and this works rather well with a black and white trim bike Regards Hairy
  22. Rather rebuild the back wheel with one of those adjustable hub jobbies ... this will give you the flexibility of fine tuning your chain tension and retaining the frame as is ... you can then also use the same wheel set on any other std drop out frame. Regards Hairy
  23. Why could life not be as simple as having to only find a colour that you like and making sure it works with the bike. I used the Arione for a short while and it felt good. So I am hoping that there are readers on this forum who have used both and could hopefully give comment accordingly. Regards Hairy
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