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Everything posted by Jozanne

  1. Selle Italia Lady Gel Flow Ladies Bike Seat Saddle BLK Retail price R2400. You can have it for R1800. 1 month old – good as new ! Location: Pretoria / Johannesburg Please email me at: Jozanne.louw@gmail.com Product Description Designed to fit a woman's anatomical shape, the Lady Gel Flow combines lightweight, comfort, and superior design. Manganese Product Details • Women-specific saddles • 290g • Leather • 262 x 160mm
  2. Dear Jozanne My apologies on behalf of the staff at the gate, they had no reason to be rude. David, could you please follow up on this? The tariffs are changed annually at the beginning of July (beginning of the financial year), there is a notice to that effect on the website. I am still working on getting all the documents updated – we unfortunately do not have a team working on the website but only one person, which makes it a bit difficult at times to get everything done in time. My apologies for this but it is beyond my control. The tariffs should be updated by the end of business today. Regards Petro van der Merwe Webmaster: City of Tshwane
  3. Was anyone else surprised that the entry fee for Groenkloof nature Reserve have gone up from R18 to R25 without warning ? The gate staff was absolutely clueless when asked questions about why and when, and without warning. Does anyone have info on the possibility of season tickets etc. Look, we love the place, but they need to respect their regular visitors !
  4. another option is ofcourse sunnto's tc6 I lovve my sunnto - but it gives me a helluva lot of problems. On average I have to send it in once every 9 months and it takes 6 weeks when they takeit away. They have also replaced my watch earlier this year... so now i have a new one. Its a great watch- but the service isnt much better than that of polar...
  5. i am blond.. and dont undertand what they actually want me to do...
  6. Can you take this fortuner issue elsewhere and stick to the issue at hand ? the accident .<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> I would just like an update on the daughter? please respect that !
  7. Awesome event ! Thank you to everybody involved !<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Only one complaint: we were a bit disappointed with the campsite. We arrived at 8am and all the nice spots were pre-booked.. mannn it was really scorching out at the back in the sun. Never the less?. It?s been a great 2009 season and I was fit and ready to race really hard- solo ? no sleep, but alas I only had the privilege of doing 3 awesome laps before the niggling tummy flu got so bad I had to demote myself to official photographer. I had a good night?s sleep, with a couple of uncomfortable visits to the ?wit huisie? , but I was still to dehydrated and week to ride on Sunday morning. The rest of our party had a blast and I am still envois.. I took a couple of awesome pictures ! will post them as soon as I can. The following things made this weekend memorable: ? 10 rain drenched people hanging onto the gazebo.. ? Awesome sunset - ? Seeing everyone coming back ? mud / clay covered and laughing- made the fact that I was stuck in camp a lttle more bearable ? Having a was in the water feature ? Crashing the back to school party ? mann did they pick the wrong weekend ! ? Finding a respectable wit husie at 3am ? Walking along the course at dawn and seeing everyone having fun on their bikes ! ? Braaing tjoppies at 9 am in the morning and washing them down with beer.. ? Witnessing the Bike chuck for the first time? missed the previous couple of years. ? Enjoying the USA drinks after packing up the camp? We are looking forward to 2010?
  8. Ready or not we'll be there !
  9. As far as I know Leatitia did it in 2h 25min for Photo's see: https://www.bikehub.co.za/forum_posts.asp?TID=56378<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
  10. I had a most enjoyable race . Thank you to the organizers an sponsors for giving us the opportunity to explore these scenic areas !<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> I am so tired about complaining... but something is very mixed with the 60km ladies results. 242 5 17 03:25:35 31 Botha Laetitia F 60 Senior F 17.51 Laetitia Botha did win it right? ( And as far as I know in was a spectacular time too) During prize giving how come she won overall but missed out on her category win ? Did they successfully subtract the additional 10min for people who started in Batch B ?
  11. I had a great race! Thanks to all the organizers and sponsors! What a pleasure to wake up in your own bed before a race!! YEAH for the local series!<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Lesson (for all races): If your heart is set to ride the technical sections... - be early at the start and ride the first 10km like you mean it.... Issue 1 If you are a serous rider - aiming at prize money ? why do you ride the 30km ? Train a little more and race with the big boys! Issue 2 We must accept that a race so close to home will attract a lot of newbie?s! = congestion!! * When I ride ? I do not like stopping, queuing or talking ? in general I am not very friendly (some one recently referred to me as that ?psycho bitch? shouting behind him.. ha ha) ?BUT I LOVE the sport ?love to ride and love to share it with new people.. ? It is VERY important to encourage those people new to the sport to come back ? skills take time to develop! Races like these are vital in growing our sport., unlike some people ? who prefer keeping this wonderful sport a secret in order to limit congestion ? I do not believe in capping participation!! ! I believe that it is VERY important for all of us to grow the sport as much as possible!!! - Perhaps seeding is the answer ?perhaps there should be special batch for all new comers? Perhaps we should think carefully about the race route and the amount of people it should be able to cater for. ( Karkloof can be an excellent example ? having a not so technical shorter race for the entry level rider ! ) Issue 3 We need to encourage our Pretoria MTB community to sharpen up their technical skills.. I always recommend my ?newbie? friends to do an X-country race early in the season ? entering them into the sport class at Fountains or Phambili else riding at Logwood or Cycle Lab?s <?: prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Bike Park. This is good exposure to technical riding. At the same time they get a look at how the AWESOME INSPIRING Elite riders grace the obstacles. None of the ?newbie?s? really enjoys the 1 lap of 7 odd km of technical riding, but after that they never again complain about a race being too technical - or about people asking for track? and passing them on single track. I really feel the clubs (especially FPC) put in a lot of effort to accommodate and teach new riders at their club rides This is GREAT - Thank You! ? Encourage your new be friends to join the Club ride for a ride or 2 !! See it as a favor to yourself ? the more we educate the newbie?s ? the smoother your next race will be. Issue 4 Getting the mountain bike community involved? club members as volunteers to help alongside the race.. If we all volunteer just 1 race a year ? we can have marshal?s at every bend and turn in a race ? making our races safer and eliminate route confusion ? Lets learn form the road running community ! Looking forward to the rest of the series!!
  12. -----Original Message----- From: DULLSTROOM - MTB [mailto:info@dullstroommtb.co.za] Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2008 2:33 PM Subject: RE: Dullstroom - Highland Gate MTB challenge <?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Hi Jozanne Thank you for your e-mail and for the trouble you have gone to to get your point across. We appreciate every rider that partakes in our races and value peoples opinions. We are a family of 5 riders and are fully aware of the costs involved in entering and getting to a race. The subject you have raised is the very same subject I have been wanting to raise in an article to the various MTB magazines regarding what it costs to run a race and the problems that cause races to go bang, die or are run badly. Our last race, the Winter Challenge & Dirty Double had the benefit of 740 riders. A pretty good turn out in comparison to many of the races we have attended or seen screened on Super Cycling with sponsors banners dripping off every pole, tree and building. The crazy thing is we can not get one of the big companies to sponsor our races, no matter how we pitch the benefits to them. Beats me as to why.. other than the fact that we don't have TV coverage. The question that has puzzled us is how do you get TV coverage resulting in sponsorship? The answer we are getting is ... You need to know someone! CSA rates (to register a race so that it is sanctioned and insured) have jumped up, medals have doubled in cost and literally every single cost has jumped up several notches in the last 3 months. To run a race efficiently, which I believe we do according to the feedback we have received, costs lots of money. Volunteers are something of the past so every person you see on our races gets paid. MTB Club members we don't have as there are only 4 local MTB riders in Dullstroom, 2 that are involved in our races, Charmaine and myself. There are far too many races on the calendar to compete on the basis of word of mouth so advertising has to be budgeted for, which is by no means cheap. If we don't provide on-line entries people complain but this service costs us up to 15% of the entry fee. When you take this charge add it to the CSA rider levy, the CSA Insurance and advertising you have lost close to 40% of the entry fees before the race has got close to starting. Then you take a thumb suck and estimate the total number of riders you think you will get: * Buy medals (making darn sure you have enough or someone is going to be upset if they don't get a medal. So because you have no idea how many riders you will get you buy 200 more than you hope you will need - costing you more than you need to spend.) * Make sure that you have enough water points and that they are well manned - again all are paid because no one works for love today. * Make sure you have bought enough Coke, bananas, sweets etc. for each water point for more riders than you hope you will get, convincing yourself that worst case scenario you can give the heaps of left overs to the Belfast Children's Home or SA Epilepsy - another unnecessary cost. * Make sure you have enough registration crew for late entries. Again having to pay people to do this job as no one really considers it fun to get to bed late on Friday night and up early on Saturday to see to riders who haven't done pre-entries. * Make sure that you have enough marshals, that every gate is manned of each private farm we ride through so that their cattle etc. don't get out because you have promised they wont. * That there are enough Medics and an assistant for each Medic (costing an arm and a leg per day) just in case a rider gets hurt. * Make sure you have marked the route properly (interesting fact here, a fencing dropper cost R 3.00 last year, this year they are close to R12.00 each and have become highly sought after and are pinched overnight - we have over 200 of them out on all the routes of a race. On our last race we had close to 50 pinched overnight some even before the race started) * Make sure all the routes are a clear of branches, big stones, wire and last but not least the tufts of grass that just about every rider complains about riding over. This task keeps 4 guys busy for 2 to 3 weeks before a race. Not to mention the petrol, time taking them out to each area and the ware and tare on vehicles that is not even factored into the equation. * Provide efficient Time Keepers that do a good job so that riders feel satisfied with the presentation of the results. Fly these folk in from where they live and accommodate them in decent accommodation because they are the best at what they do and pay them to do their job. * Make sure you have budgeted for prize money. Here is a crazy thing ... do you know how many people want to know what the prize money is? We even had a very big sponsored club try and stretch us over a barrel by saying "If your prize money was a little more and divided up in the following way, they would get about 30 top riders to attend our race". * Run around Dullstroom for days from shop door to shop door pleading for prizes to make sure everyone who wins a category receives a prize and that there are enough lucky draw prizes for those great riders who attend race after race just to compete. * Pay courier fees for this that and the next thing that have to be delivered. * Drive to Nelspruit to hire a PA system on Friday ( half a day) and drive back on Monday to return it (another half a day), never mind the cost of fuel, ware and tare and a persons time. This is a brief glimpse of what goes into a race. We are business owners and like to look at our efforts pretty analytically so spread sheet that calculate every expense are drawn up. This is pretty handy after the race to see exactly how much money we loose or make. Here is an interesting fact .. we will need close to 600 riders to break even on this race. Here is an even bigger fact ... that does not take the weeks of time Charmaine & I have spend organising the race. The most alarming fact is that to date - 5 races / almost 6, down the line the balance sheet is reflecting a R 38 000 loss excluding our time. I suppose this leaves the question : How many people would be prepared to spend R 38 000, give up close to two months of time spent on organising 6 races, resulting in a massive loss of earnings for riders to come and have fun riding around the mountains of Dullstroom. But to get back to your question now that you have the background. The cost of the Sundays ride takes all the above into account and then is calculated on the fact that the expences versus the income determines the cost of the days fun. I think at present we have 84 riders for Sundays ride. If we just look at the direct running expences of just the Sun we will need aprox 200 riders riding the Dual (both days) to break even. I just don't see how we can do it any cheaper considering that most of the marshals, medics, water points and everyone involved in running the race will be there on Sunday for hopefully more than 200 riders. Lastly to compare our unsponsored race costing a rider R 320 for 2 days of MTB fun to big, sponsored races such as Sani 2 C, Epic and considering the thousands of Rands / entry fees charged by them, then in my opinion, it is them who should have these questions directed at when you consider the amount of sponsorship the organisers will be helped with to run their events and the money they might earn for their efforts. R320 is what can easily be spent on a meal out, that is over in an hour with very little to show for it, very little satisfaction and certainly no sense of achievement, fun, camaraderie or adventure. We really hope to see you next week and hope that our explanation gives you some insight into a race organisers life. Kind regards Greg
  13. Dear Organizers of the Dullstroom - Highland Gate MTB challenge<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> We are a keen group of about 10 regular mountain bikers who are looking forward to the Highland Gate MTB challenge. We really enjoyed last year?s event and have therefore organized the weekend well in advance. We have booked accommodation and were thrilled to see we now have the option of a 2 day event! I have just been on the website to enter the event for myself and my husband, and I have found your entry fees quite puzzling. Dual Long: 70km on Sat 22 November + 40km on Sun 23 November. - Dual Long (2 Days), 70km & 40km (R320 per person) Entre fee for 70km only = R150. Could you please explain why the entry fee for the 2 day event is in fact more than double the normal 70km event? Why would the organizers expect the competitors to pay R170 for an 40km ride on the Sunday? We as a group feel this is exorbitant and would the rather opt to only do the 70km on Saturday and go for an informal ride in and around the lovely Dullstroom area by ourselves on the Sunday morning. We do understand that it cost money to organize an mountain bike event and we gladly pay for the medical support and admin cost etc that makes a race great and worth while, but it is hard to justify R170 for a 40km race in especially in conjunction with a race the day before, surely it should not be double the cost for half the distance? One however can?t compare the R640 to be spent per team on the Dual Long with prestige?s stage races such as the Sabie experience, Sani 2 C and the ABSA Cape Epic. All with steep entry fees that can be justified because they provide accommodation and some instances food ass well. These races have a reputation of being worth every sent and are fully booked months in advanced. We have been wanting to compete in the Dirty Double series earlier in the year but was also hindered by the cost of the double race, even though in the advertisement they state it to be a bargain : ?All of this for just R580 per team, that's just R290 per person. Two days, two riders, 100km ? how can you not be there? ? We feel R145 for a 40km is still a steep entry fee. The cost of race is becoming a growing concern for our group. In the past we believed to race as often as possible ? every weekend, and sometimes sommer on both days. Not only do we have fun at races where the course is set out to include variety in single track and technical sections. Additionally we recognize the aspect of added safety when racing compared to a social ride without a support vehicle. To know paramedics and marshals is at hand in case of an emergency makes a big difference. We strongly believe it is in our interest to support the various race?s, so as to grow our sport and support the organizers! Unfortunately financially this is just not viable anymore because of the cost of the entry fees, not even mentioning the cost of accommodation as well as traveling to the event. We Look forward to an awesome 70km race on Sat 22 November ! Kind Regards Jozanne Louw
  14. I wrote a Letter to the organizers of the Dullstroom race in November 2008. about the cost of races and what exactly it all covers.<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> The letter was published in the January 2009 Ride Magazine. Even though they had 2 responses from members of race organizing bodies, they still did not answer my questions. I will post my letter and 1 reply in the next thread. I feel we as a mountain biking community need to step up and take action against substandard races with enormous entry fees.
  15. No way - go ride with those cleats! They are going to make your ride so much more fun! I have just introduced 2 of my friends who works with me to the amazing sport and we started them both off with cleats. They bought the bike, the cleats and the shoes all at once. It?s much safer learning to ride a mountain bike with cleats! <?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> We went for a couple of training rides in a safe neigbourhood and after 3 weeks they did their first race aver ? 4Okm at Sabaru Sabie in their cleats.. 4 hours and 30min without any major falls! I am so proud of them ! They definitely do not qualify as the sporty type and both of them are quite small females.. but with gutsy attitudes and loads of daredevil spirit ! In fact it?s the girl friend with the ?takies? that had the biggest fall. Now that you have the gear ? USE it !
  16. I?m not an expert? I tend to spend a lot of time talking to and making good use of the dudes in the shop. They know me by know and all my questions I hope doesn?t make me look like a complete idiot - aha ha<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> As for as I know it depends on your shoe size and your bike setup (length of you legs etc...) It also depends on the make of the cleat. ? Shimano / Time / Crank brothers. Normally the shoe has 2 options.. Ask the dude at the bike shop to check it for you. That 15mm made a big difference for me. It should snot sit to close to your toes.
  17. A good pair of comfortable cycling shoes should make the world of a difference! <?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> I recommend Specialized! Cycling shoes isnt just more comfortable, their improve bike handling - especially on a mountain bike and you will pedal with allot more power! Have a bike shop do a proper setup for you with your shoes on. Make sure the cleat is fixed on the right spot under your shoe for easy clip in and out! It?s definitely worth the investment! Jozanne2009-03-10 05:39:18
  18. he is quite scary ...
  19. Good luck.. there are some really good quality mountainbiking men out there ! It also helps if you drink beer...
  20. if on mtb.. i prefer to stick to dirt roads.. Its way more fun flying through the air after a successful bunny hop!<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Tar scar.. dirt only hurt.. Who needs speed.. if you can make that 90dgree turn after a drop off?
  21. Nice ne !
  22. Hi Girl - in mtbing - just be prepared for everything!<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Definitely take an extra tube... even if you have tubeless.. if gadgets fail.. you'll be begging a spare tube form someone. Luckily, and I have said this before, the awesome sport of mountain biking just wouldn?t be the same without all the good Samaritan?s out there? loads of respect to all the men (and ladies ) that stop to offer their assistance. My theory :what comes around goes around? A girl can be physically tuff and even technically inclined; but after an ?incident? / accident we normally lack the emotional strength to fix any problem ? hah! Don?t fret ! ? there will always be a man ready to pump that tire ! By the way.. that?s how I met my handsome husband !
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