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Everything posted by Sparkles

  1. The battery life difference is 14 hours vs 24 hours in GPS mode, so depends what types of races you do.
  2. I have been on a Flux since mid 2017. I have had connectivity issues using BlueTooth with and iPad, but no issues with ANT+. For me it is good value for money for a wheel off smart trainer.
  3. I was in a similar situation. Picked up plantar fasciitis at a three day trail run stage race at the end of 2015 wearing Brooks trail shoes I had won in a lucky draw (thinking since they were trail, they would be better for me than my trusty Asics GT1000’s). I could barely walk for a few days. Took a number of physio sessions and focusing on cycling, but eventually it gradually went away over a number of months. Best was to keep a filled water bottle in the freezer and rolling my feet every time I put on the kettle. I never really had to stop running for an extended period and did 70.3 three months later. I am still weary of trail running, but have since done a couple of OMTOM’s and a Comrades. The other day I did a short farm road walk wearing the infamour trail shoes and immediately after realised it was a bad idea. So yes, it can be healed, but I think afterwards you will remain prone for it to reappear.
  4. It probably has something to do with your primary purpose of using the PMC. If your number one goal is on your fitness (CTL) then I would also be weary to "claim" something towards my fitness measurement that is not reliable.. However, if you use it primarily to understand your form (TSB) I would think that you are ignoring a part of the equation by not logging a workout that caused stress on your body.
  5. Joe Friel suggests using 50 TSS for an hour of strength training as a "baseline" and then adjusting based on perceived effort from there. http://www.joefrielsblog.com/2016/02/the-weightlifting-pmc-part-2.html Definitely not a perfect system, but to me it "feels" right compared to other sessions.
  6. Thanks, and yes, Indeed I am! If you guys are interested in upping your weekly TSS you should really consider something like a triathlon-style training program. Cross-training just provides so much more opportunity to increase overall fitness, especially swimming. Since the start of 2015 to date I have averaged a weekly TSS of 815 at an IF of 0.75.
  7. My TSS for Sani was 970. The slower you are the higher the score
  8. Definitely DS if you are not racing. The corrugation makes it feel as if your brain is shaking inside your skull.
  9. That's interesting. I was always under the impression my stride length is too short (very stiff hip flexors from all the cycling!) 1.69m avg: 168 spm max: 250 spm stride length: 0.9m
  10. I run in Asics GT1000 as I pronate slightly. I have tried others and have always gone back to them. I get around 1000 km out of a pair. And I buy them at SMW on sale, just bought two pairs for R1500 each last month so that I can swop them around while training for Oceans Ultra. Interestingly enough I also developed plantar fascitis after doing a Trail run stage race in Brooks trail shoes...
  11. Today's TSB = Yesterday's CTL - Yesterday's ATL
  12. Have a look here: http://help.trainingpeaks.com/hc/en-us/articles/230904648-Suggested-Weekly-TSS-and-Target-CTL
  13. Ironman is zone 2 / 3 all the way, definitely not full pace. So it sounds like you will have no issues To give you a bit of a reference. I typically train for three weeks, then one week recovery with decreased volume. Usually 12 - 15 hours per week (8 - 9 hours in the recovery week), and in the two max volume weeks about a month out from Ironman I did 20 - 22 hours per week. From your expeditions you will prob know, but work out what nutrition you will need to keep you going and train with that. It is an awesome event, go for it!
  14. It really depends on which 70.3 you referring to. I don't know Midlands Ultra, but the difference between 70.3 in EL and IM is not that great, you just need to up the training volume in Feb and March (i.e. have the time available in your schedule to add more training hours and develop the mental strength to overcome being bored out of your skull as IceCreamMan said). However, the difference between something like 70.3 in Durban and IM is quite a bit more, specifically for the bike route. Durban is an easy, flat (draft fest) route and IM's bike is more hilly and the wind can be pumping once you hit the section next to the ocean. Are you working off a program? And yes, definitely sort out the bike fit. I also did my races on a road bike with tri bars. So depending on your future plans it may be more sensible to just buy a road bike.
  15. Yes, it's self-seeding for Ironman events (YouTube the rolling starts to give you an idea) which means the race is basically an individual TT. For other events you typically get batched by age group or gender depending on the size of the field.
  16. You can also have a look at Coral wetsuits in Salt River. They make the wetsuit according to your exact measurements and will do adjustments for free. Not as fancy as the oversees suits, but for me a better fit and better priced.
  17. Three months after buying my first bike I did something similar. At that stage of my skills and confidence development it was exactly what I needed and I think it is a great that something similar is being planned. Now I am no longer a part of this event's target market. But I am not offended by the wording at all, I just did not see myself as someone it was aimed at. What does frustrate me is the lack of information on the website. The website should have been live by the time of the press release.
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