I've been stocking Powerbar Performance bars since I became a dealer in February this year. In the past it was always hard for me to justify the R30 price tag vs a R10 price tag of their so called competitors. Because a energy bar is a energy bar right? Well so I thought... The 1st time I actually used it was on a day I was about to bonk - Rode too hard and ate too little... I ate the full bar just stuffing it down my throat out of desperation. It was literally 5 minutes before I started to feel my legs again. I really couldnt believe the effect it had on me and never questioned the R30 price tag again. I also cant think of any R10 bar that would've done the same for me on that day. My partner used it for the 1st time this year on the Panorama Tour. He also thought his race was over when he got to the top of Long Tom Pass - It was a cold and rainy and unpleasant day. He took this "magic" thing I've been telling him about and also recovered within minutes. They won the stage that day. I've never ordered their recovery products because I thought it was too expensive and would never sell - But decided to try it out just on myself and make a fair decision. I thought that if the bar is the best in the business why wouldnt the rest be... I got the Recovery shake and Protein shake last week. We train twice a day and they advised me how to use it. Our sessions are short(45min - 1hr),but in the red mostly. We almost crawl to our cars normally afterwards. I used the Recovery shake afterwards and once again couldnt believe how fast it worked. I felt ready for another class by the time I got home. I've been drinking recovery shakes all of my cycling career and could never pinpoint the one product that really works and makes a difference until now. We become so accustomed with what we use thinking it works but does it really? I tried out the Isomax race drink this morning for the 1st time. It contains Pepto Pro and caffein and also comes at a price of around R450 for 24 servings(24 races).We do hills on Tuesday mornings - it's definately the hardest effort of the week because all 9 hills is a race so what better place to take the race drink? As we went on tackling hill after hill I just started to feel better and better whereas normally it's the other way around - It carried me through our 2hour girls ride afterwards with ease. I can really recommend this product to everyone who wants to use the best. It is more expensive yes,but for a reason. And almost all of our clients have changed to Powerbar after testing it once or twice. I was in France recently and saw how they sponsored the Ironman in Nice which I competed in,as well as the Tour de France everyday. Thumbs up to a great product! They've also got gels(with or without caffein),training drink,Energise shots and Recovery bars just as good as the rest! For any questions feel free to contact me on hannes@cycleboutique.co.za