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  1. Cannot resist this: Ok, so then you advocate only one cycling event, no MTB, cyclocross, downhill, T/T, flats racing, BMX, etc? As a swimmer (dormant) myself, I can tell you that the different ways the different styles tax one's body make it difficult to be an all-rounder in all events. One can and must specialise to become competitive in any one style. Each style also has its own unique joys of perfoming (think MTB's technical balsy flavour vs the fast paced bunch riding head games of roadie), such as the explosive surging power of butterfly or the dolphinesque breast stroke. And all the events gives us more opportunity to ogle stunning athletes in body-hugging apparel!
  2. The informal business people use stolen CC's to buy cigarettes, booze, airtime vouchers, shopping vouchers and perfumes as this can readily be converted back to cash. So any of you merchants out there, inform your staff to be on the lookout for this purchase pattern. I'm waiting for biometrics to secure payments other than cash. Can still be hacked, but as yet with extreme difficulty. This is only a practise run for the flood of dumb suckers about to hit our cities in 2010. Shark feeding frenzy!
  3. I believe nobody is condoning doping (on this forum), but I find the lack of all-out outrage worrysome. It smacks of a "don't ask don't tell" mentality, a nudge-wink attitude. Of course it spoils it when some of the top world riders are found to be doping! Ok, I'm probably over-reacting & you're correct in that the sport remains at its core one worthy of my passion. Yet until such time as dopers are mercilessly and effectively exposed and disposed of, I shall ever be sceptical of the greats' performances. 'Sop2008-07-23 15:18:30
  4. To a moderately serious cyclist such as myself, its getting to be a real pain to support a heroic effort, getting all swept up & excited at a plucky guy giving it all to a spectacular finish... then to hear the next day the dude's been found doping. Lamenting that this a curse all pro sports suffers from, just does not cut it with someone like myself who values an honest competitive spirit in my chosen sport. Last year I swore not to again get so involved in the tour de Farce, yet here I am again, suffering yet more disappointment. Next year? At this point I do not even care that much as to who's going to "win" this one. "win" as in: most successful at outfoxing the doping tests. All you dopers can go [perform obscenities upon] yourselves! 'Sop2008-07-23 14:42:25
  5. 'Sop

    Gear ratio's

    Read up all about it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bicycle_gearing , this gives a comprehensive explanation of gearing and ratios. In practise we rarely use the full range of our gears, i.e. all 20 possible combinations, as engaging crossover ratios, that is for instance the large (front) chainring & largest (rear) sprocket, or the converse - small front, smallest rear, would lead to accelerated wear on all components involved. Shimano has claimed that their chain is flexible enough to make this a non-issue, but then again, if they are being economical with the truth it would mean that they'll sell more parts, sooooo I'm sceptical of that claim. In general, try not to use the top and bottom three rear sprockets with the corresponding crossover front chainring. Generally, don't overly worry if you do this every now and then, EXCEPT if you put in some real power, such as climbing or sprinting. On my bicycle I have a compact crank, and I find that at around 30 km/h I enter this problematic area of crossover. When I shift the front d?railleur I then have to compensate with two or three gears in the rear in order to maintain the same cadence and speed.
  6. 'Sop

    Going MAD!!!

    Two suggestions: 1. I'll bring you over my DVD "Roam", the most chilled-out MTB vid ever. Then you can watch, drool and get even more frustrated. 2. Help me think up a new signature for my Hub handle. Hmmm. Yours are also getting a bit jaded... ;-) 3. (ok I can't count). Get a camera and be our official visual documenter for our next ride. We'd love to have you involved, even if you cannot participate directly. Hang in there, Nellie!
  7. Oh I forgot to mention: CS (good ol' teargas) is illegal to possess by members of the public. Even the cops' use is severely restricted. So keep those cans well hidden. Anyway, personally I think CS is much more effective to stop an attacker than CS. Personal taste...
  8. There are lots of brands available. Best bet is to shop at your LBS. Some tips: * Get a small size like those sample deodorants we get in our goodie bags. This will satisfy the weight weenies and can easily fit into a handbag. * Get the "fogger" and NOT the "direct stream". The fogger does as the name implies and releases a cloud of OC, negating the need to aim accurately. * A bike attachment is preferable. Just make sure you (or the gal) practises beforehand to rapidly get it in action. * It works against dogs. * Test the can briefly about every three months. The OC may build up in the nozzle and briefly activating the can will clear this. It will also cause the can to become depleted, so replace it biannually, or even annually, to be on the safe side. * Should you get the spray in your eyes, keep on rinsing it under running water. * The product I use is fully edible (pressurised air, vegetable oil and capsicum, that's what the spray consists of) and I know ppl who use it on hotdogs. Ok, these guys are basically braindead anyway, but there you go. Protection & condiment in one.
  9. Which tour is that? Sounds exciting/interesting. (uhm, how can I post that, based on the injuries suffered by your chums?)
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