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Found 5 results

  1. I recently went through the process of upgrading my mountain bike and I gained quite a few new perspectives around the "bike weight" obsession. I strongly desired a lightweight (<12kg) dual suspension XC bike, not an easy (read "cheap") feat when you run an XL frame, but in the end decided on a slightly heavier but better specced Titan Cypher 120mm Carbon frame with dropper and heavy duty Lyne wheels. When I saw the calcs of the impact of a few kilograms extra weight on a climb, I felt vindicated in going heavier - I will almost certainly make up the climbing time losses with more confident descending - especially in the way I ride: Source There are so many factors at play when determining how fast you will climb, but on the level I play, bike weight really does not have to be the be-all and end-all. So, all this just to say, if you are moderately fit, and ride for fun, I don't think it's worth it to spend tens of thousands of Ronds to shave of a few tens of seconds of your climbing time... Keen to hear the the thoughts of the other hubbers...
  2. New challenge for 2019. I will start: Mod Update: The New Me's The Bike Hub Challenge for 2019 Spreadsheet. See Post #4 for more details
  3. Guest

    Suggest a bike

    Im looking for some sound advice please. Im wanting to get a MTB bike. Im 6ft1. 120kgs. Probably never going too do more than 20km to 40km. Definitly a weekend warrior. Normal 10km, 20km race riding. Nothing fancy. Ive been looking at hardtails for budgets reasons (budget around 10grand). Lots of nice specials and deals on 26" bikes. Not so much 29" (understandable). Ive been fitted on a large Titan frame so i spose im around a large x-large size. Would preferably like a 29er but dont know if i could ride a decent make 26er. For example one can get a 26 inch GT Full carbon xl frame bike with sweet components for 9500. Thats a good deal but then its 26". Dont know if it will hold me up? Currently ride a cheap large 26" Dimamondback which has served me very well. It looks like a kids bike under me and obviously takes a bit of work to keep going over a 29er which i would assume would be easier to ride. Just the deals on 26er are really really good. Can get a lot for your money. Im not looking for wheel comparisons but i am looking for decent advice on suitable bikes maybe from guys out there who own shops or were in the same boat as me at one time. Let the good ideas flow!!
  4. Hi Hubbers! I have gotten into cycling, specifically mountain biking, over the past year. At the moment I have two bikes, a 26er hard-tail and a 29er dual-suspension. I have also spent a lot of time on a hard-tail 29er which is a friend of mines. As per the title I weigh +-100kg's, 6ft2, with not much body fat. I live in Cape Town and do most of my riding on Table Mountain with the dual-sus 29er. When I am in other provinces I use the 26er and hard-tail 29er respectively. What I notice is that my worst rides from a struggling with getting up hills point of view and just getting around in general are on the dual-sus 29er. I don't know if it is just because it is much heavier than the hard-tails or if it is just not setup correctly (although I was fitted on the bike), but I really don't enjoy my riding when I ride with the dual-sus 29er. To give you an example, while in Durban I had the pleasure of riding at Holla Trails, the yellow route (48km's) on a hard-tail 29er and it was an absolute pleasure. Back home in the Cape I often cycle to the blockhouse on Table Mountain +-20km, and I also took part in the Xterra in Grabouw which was a difficult 28km's but it felt like murder on the dual-sus 29er, and the blockhouse ride sucks until I start the descent. At the moment the thoughts going through my head are sell the dual-suspension and move to a hard-tail. Carrying 100kg's around is already difficult as it is, am I being foolish trying to do it on a heavier dual-suspension bike? The type of riding I do is recreational, table mountain, the odd off-road triathlon and I am hoping to do some stage races next year like sani2c. Having said that could it be that I need more experience on the dual-suspension, my legs need to get stronger, the setup needs to be looked at? All of which I am going to do regardless before making a decision. I find that it feels like I am riding quite low even with the suspension locked out and my pedals often make contact with objects, which when on a hard-tail, would normally not happen unless the pedals are vertical when going over an obstacle. I climb hills like a demon on a hard-tail and like a rookie on the dual-sus. I would just like some insight from experienced riders like yourself, perhaps this is a normal learning curve. The 29er is a Scott Spark 940. Thanks! milo
  5. Hi, this has probably been posted 100's of times but have not been able to find the answer I am looking for. I have a 2013 Specialized Epic Comp, which is a great bike. My problem is that I have gone through 2 front rims in less than a year. I currently weigh 120kg and am 1.93cm tall. I don't know which way to turn, been on google, chain reaction cycles, mavic to mention a few sites. What do the guru's on thehub have to say? Thanks in advance
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