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Robbie Stewart

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    Western Cape
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    3rd Rock

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  1. What an amazing stage. Big kudos to everyone, but Tadej Pogacar just put on a masterclass.
  2. I would stay off trails until the sun has had a chance to dry them out. It's good for trail longevity and also for your bike. Groupsets aren't cheap. Ask anyone who attempted the 2019 edition of the Karoo to Coast what mud does to a bicycle.
  3. I paused, and just looked. Really looked. And I have decided you live in Paradise.
  4. I have a set of Rapidé wheels that are bombproof. I've ridden them since July 2021 with no servicing in that time and they still run true and smooth with no issues. 32 hole rims with great hubs. The entire wheel set at the time cost under R6000.00 and it really was money well spent. I generally ride rocky trails with drops and gaps added for spice and then a lot of jumping as well and they've held up awesome in all that time. By comparison the wheels on my new Stumpy have died within 500km from new. I'm bargaining for new wheels at the moment, but my Camber still runs on with no problems.
  5. In hindsight, the rugby was laced with error and silly decisions. Watching the race ended up being the better choice. I should not have bothered with the rugby.
  6. I watched my first TdF stage for the year today and switched over to the rugby at the last minute. In hindsight I wish I finished watching this stage. It looked like it was going to pop in that final climb, and by comparison the Boks were dismal. Tomorrow is going to be good. Can't wait.
  7. I do yes. I ride along the cycle path with it to build and maintain general fitness. It's a bit overkill but it works. I still have the old original roval wheels of the camber. Mmmm. Maybe put them back on and move the rapides over to the Stumpy. I'll be saving a bunch too.
  8. Deathgrip knock-offs. Might as well get the original and be done. I have a pair on my Stumpy and they are comfortable. I put the Spez lock on grips that came with the Stumpy on the bike I took the Deathgrips from, and by comparison those Spez grips are not great. They are hard and super uncomfortable on long rides. But before I buy chinese fong-kong I would much prefer the real thing.
  9. I'm having the debate in my mind if I should carry the Rapide rims over to the Stumpy, but then I lose the mullet status on that bike which I am quite fond of. That 29" front wheel is all business and the 27.5" rear wheel is where the party is at and I don't really want to lose that. I would also need to re-use the original hubs because the Rapide hubs are non-boost. But then I am also day dreaming over a set of Stans Flow EX3 rims laced to Hope Pro 5 hubs and wrapped in Maxxis Assegai / Minion DHR ii rubber.
  10. You've got me pegged. 100%. Well done. I'm conceding your point. And yes, it is the rear, and yes I knew it wasn't going to last. I was running the stock Eliminator GRID T7 out back which didn't last long, and replaced it with a new one a week ago. It had two rides on before it too died. I'm going back to Assegai / Minion DHR 2 with DD Maxx grip. And yes, I am built like a Neanderthal and ride like one too. I'm just annoyed that my Rapide TR-36 runs held up so well and are still running as true as they day I got them. Why can't EOM stock be as good. But yeah, cost versus function I suppose. Probably the thinking is that aftermarket replacement is inevitable, so as long as they keep me running for a while it's all good? Oh well, like I said earlier, then the bike would be 20k more expensive and maybe not such a good deal then at that price point. It's all about economy of scale I reckon.
  11. I'm just curious how suddenly everyone is insisting that tyre inserts are an absolute must for anything related to enduro / all-mountain-style riding. Yet, they conveniently forget that we've all been riding the same conditions for decades without tyre inserts, nor needing them. But suddenly it seems like the rims are made of butter. Or that the tyres are somehow softer. I dunno. Maybe I must eat even less than I already do and only ride soft trails without obstacles. Oh, wait. Nevermind. Those trails are called roads.
  12. This is the type of environment I ride most often on my Stumpjumper EVO (pic below) , which is the type of environment it is advertised as being designed for. If I am expected to ride my bike as if I'm doing a leisure ride on gravel because the components won't live up to my "abuse" then can I please return my bike for a refund, because that's not what I signed up for. Also, as I mentioned to Morne, I was running 40 psi pressure at the rear, so there is NO reason why that rim folded the way it did apart from just being rubbish. I own two Spez bikes. The other one's Rovals also died a horrific death. Yes, I am a big boy, and I've lost 14 kg overall since January, and I rode my other Spez bike on a set of Rapide TR-36 wheels over these same rocks below many times before without ONE incident. Those rims have never been trued in all the time I've had them nor has a spoke needed tensioning. They still roll perfectly balanced. (not me, not my pic, just grabbed it off the interwebs for reference. I rode down these rocks on Saturday before the wheel died on a much smaller rock on a different trail.)
  13. Thanks, I was also only taking the piss about my weight. I am in a bit of a training plateau at the moment due to various reasons - crashing, getting sick, all the rain, work. . . I'm amping to get after it again. Those Rapidé wheels really are good. I'm tempted to get a set again . . .
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