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Rest Days ....

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WRT cycling is a rest day just for the legs


I find after 3-4 days riding that the legs just dont wanna go but also the HR doesnt want to rev up


what I want to know is should you also avoid doing gym work on a rest day


been doing plenty time on an exercise bike where the resistance is quite high so a very different feeling to a spinner


Yesterday maintaining 60% HR but struggled to get to 75% had strength to crank up resistance but no power to get the cadence up and keep it there


I would say that if I wasnt looking at HR i would have thought it was much higher


So on rest days should I just stay away from everything and REST


training towards Pioneer so have a goal

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Well if you do not rest on a rest day then it is not a rest day is it?


Only things you can gym on rest days are upper body, this includes abs. I would advice to maybe eat more protein rich foods or get a glutamine/amino stack supplement. Maybe your problem is more about your poor diet than your legs burning out.

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I believe in recovery rides after races, or very hard training rides, also I take 1 day off the bike completely.


general week is 1-2 recovery rides, and 1 rest day wiith the other 4 days been hard training



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My diet isnt great due to circumstance as I work offshore so you take what they give you ..sort of


But I do take a Protein shake - IGF-1 after a heavy riding or weight session, also taking CLA and Arthroguard and VIT C


Just didnt have space for the L-Glutamine


I took a day off with no exercise and the difference was amazing my legs felt strong HR was like an F1 engine up and down through the range


Busy trying to train for the Cape Pioneer under very different circumstances, so getting to know the body and what it needs ...rest rest

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Yes, your body needs a good rest more than we think. I would stay away from ALL usn products. They are a waste of money and don't work. Next time go for SSN's weigh protein or Optimal Nutrion (about 80% more expensive, not really worth it but it's the best). Your protein also consists of glutamine so that is taken care of then.

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Yes, your body needs a good rest more than we think. I would stay away from ALL usn products. They are a waste of money and don't work. Next time go for SSN's weigh protein or Optimal Nutrion (about 80% more expensive, not really worth it but it's the best). Your protein also consists of glutamine so that is taken care of then.


I've tried Evox and didnt rate it


I've used USN and dont agree that it doesnt work, I use a protein shake more for peace of mind


when at home I eat fairly normally and use L-glutamine and maybe a shake after gym


drinks wise 32GI or hammer perpetuem and Enduren bars on the bike


Protein wise I rate USN, I have also tried a few others, but USN seem to get a good texture and I have to say it does seem to give you that full feeling for an hour or two after a good session

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So on rest days should I just stay away from everything and REST



IMO short answer YES


BUT depends a lot on your personal situation, age, how much sleep you get per night, work hours, family hours, nutrition....


The older i get the more I'm moving towards rest week in place of rest day

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My normal training week consists of : Monday - Rest day

Tues - Hard interval session :1hr

Wed - Recovery ride : 1 - 2 hr

Thur - Jog : 1hr

Vry - Rest

Sat - 5/6hr group ride with couple of intervals but not too hard overall pace

Sun - 2/3 hr group ride.Medium pace

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My normal training week consists of : Monday - Rest day

Tues - Hard interval session :1hr

Wed - Recovery ride : 1 - 2 hr

Thur - Jog : 1hr

Vry - Rest

Sat - 5/6hr group ride with couple of intervals but not too hard overall pace

Sun - 2/3 hr group ride.Medium pace

Okay I must admit that's what I would like my normal training week too look like....skipping a couple of sessions most weeks

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