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Which Shock Pump?

Guest Hollow Man

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Guest Hollow Man

Some advice Please, O clever ones:


Based on your personal experiences, which Shock Pump would You wise shock pumping, tinkering Hubbers recommend, based on the following criteria:

1) Ease of use(I know, I know : how complicated can a pump actually be, right?). Some designs are just dumb/not user friendly.

2) Accuracy of the built-in gauge(I would like one, unless they are all dismally inaccurate).

3) Inbuilt mechanism to prevent air loss when disconnecting the pump from the shock(I would like to avoid over inflating and guesstimating how much pressure I have lost when disconnecting).

4) Price/ Value for money/durability.


* I've already heard all most of the jokes about a shock pump being related to one's first night of encarceration. :P


Thanks in Advance,

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Any one that works. Use the same one every time on your bike (each one's pressure might vary a bit) or just set your bike according to sag, not pressure.

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this is the best pump ever, i have a ransom which comes with the equalizer, needs stupid pressure so cant use another pump unfortunately. currently running mine at 25 bar!

this pump has a threaded shrader valve that engages/ disengages the pin to allow a no loss removal system.

its not cheap and has been discontinued as far as i am aware( i may be wrong but remember seeing something about this online somewhere). i managed to find one about a year ago but it was a grand then. there are a few online shops you can order from but you are going to have to search.


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Any pump will do as long as it puts air in. The gauge is a guide. Set the shock and fork up according to sag. My owner's manual suggested a pressure of between 150-180Psi according to my weight. Felt like I was trying to pedal an OCC custom. For XC type rides I run it just over 200Psi (According to the gauge)


I use a Giant pump. Tried an RAVX but it didn't fit for some reason..

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I keep the slim Lezyne in my backpack but its a bit tricky to read the Bars sometimes, and not adverse to bit of a pressure drop when disconnection but useful when you need it




Recently got a Rockshox with a dial and hose to keep in the tool box, much easier to use.

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When I bought my Trance, I got a Giant pump with it. Seems to work ok and is easy to bleed air if necessary.



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My Ryder shock pump actually does the job quite well.

Not a fan of their products, but this little pump surprised me. (friend had one).

Nice action, air-blead botton works a charm.

I paid about R250 for it, but it might be more now, so value for money is pretty good.


The air escaping when disconnecting the pump is normally with most shock pumps just the compressed air left in the tube of the pump and not air escaping from the shock itself.

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...What Would McGyver Do...



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...What Would McGyver Do...




He'd fix it with a piece of bubblegum and string.

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