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Supported uploads

Guest Latent Blue

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Hi matt.


I cant find a previous thread I saw on a similar topic. Sorry


Why is gifs/images as url link from Cheeseburger not supprted?


Like this one:




Apologies for not responding sooner.


Image links like the one above are considered dynamic image urls and not allowed for security reasons. In short - it makes it easy for a hacker / attacker to embed an "image" in this manner which is actually malicious code.


You have to save the image and either upload it here or to another image hosting service which allows direct linking to the image (i.e. the URL ends in the image extension: .jpeg, .gif, etc.)

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Guest Latent Blue

Apologies for not responding sooner.


Image links like the one above are considered dynamic image urls and not allowed for security reasons. In short - it makes it easy for a hacker / attacker to embed an "image" in this manner which is actually malicious code.


You have to save the image and either upload it here or to another image hosting service which allows direct linking to the image (i.e. the URL ends in the image extension: .jpeg, .gif, etc.)



i understand. thank you

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