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Rave : Amashova Organisers


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A word of appreciation and big thumbs up to the Amashova Organisers!!


After the Amashova (which I enjoyed thoroughly being my first one) I sent the organisers (Annie) and email thanking them for an event well planned and executed. Part of this email, I thought it good to bring 2 issues to their attention that we experienced on the route about some marshalling inconsistencies and a marshal motorbike that was coming straight towards us close to Durban in our racing line.


Immediately Annie acted upon the mail and even went the distance of getting the Chief Commissaire to contact me and getting us talking about the marshalling issue. Julian and I spoke and managed to resolve the entire issue.


Gerald is now also looking into the motorbike incident as that could have turned out quite disastrous... luckily without and issues (or what i know of).


The fact that the organisers started communicating with me directly after my email to them and resolving all these aspects shows that they really take this event and the safety of the cyclists to heart.


Thank you once again to the Amashova Organisers. You guys show that true personal touch!!

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Its great to see an open channel of communication. I believe that with rider input and Organisers open to constructive criticism this event can only get bigger and better.

Well done Ladies.

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Was a lovely race, and very well organized - :clap:

Even for the family that was waiting at the end, lots for them to do and entertain themselves while waiting

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The motorbike marshal incident did cause an issue. Coming down to the N3/M13 split at Paradise Valley, I was on the right shoulder of the bunch and as we went across to the M13, the bike came straight at me! I managed to swerve to thee left, but a young lady next to me could not and clipped my left pedal. I managed to stay upright, but she couldn't hold her line and ended up in the bushes on the centre island. I hope she is okay. The marshal is a moron and should be banned from all future races. Finished and Klaar!


That all said, this was my first Amashova and I will certainly be back for more!

Edited by Dazshell
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I'm sorry to see that the bike marshal did in fact cause an accident amongst the cyclists.



Do you perhaps have some info/description on that motorbike or the rider? Gerald as mentioned in my OP is looking into this situation and am trying to identify who this guy was. I unfortunately couldn't provide much detail on the bike or the rider & passanger barring a few descriptions.


Gerald asked for any information that might help to identify this guy. You can PM me the details (or post it here) and I will mail all the info to Gerald

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All I know is that it was BIG road bike. One of those ones with the faring that cover the front. I hope that helps.

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All I know is that it was BIG road bike. One of those ones with the faring that cover the front. I hope that helps.

Thanks Dazshell,


Yeah i also only caught a glimpse of the oke... I was more concerned of getting out the way and trying not to hit the guy head on.

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