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1x10 switch from scratch


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I am sure the nature of the feel of the frame has changed now that you can run that rear wheel slotted as close to the seat stay as possible vs where it would have been when running SS with chain tugs?


Sacrilege to do that to the Inbred frame, but looks like a decent 1 x something setup.....how lekker is it to run gear again :)


big sacrilege! :ph34r: Was running a 20T at the back the last few weeks, which resulted in a close to the frame setup as well, the jump from 18--> 20, was an odd jump, so couldn't add links, thus had to bring the wheel in.


As for change of feel, not to sure, was still shredding like a mean machine, except now I can speed up instead of spinning out. Gears are definitely cheating, haha. After almost 2years SS it was time for a change.


Glad I was still able to get the Horizontal dropout frame+hanger combo, see all the new frame are either SS or geared.

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