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My 2008 Epic Experience


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I did the Epic with Pragma and spend a lot of time in the bikewash, it was an awesome experience, annual leave well spend, nice equipment and well organised but would not do Epic on a bike, I am a roadie and will do some MTB'ing over weekends during winter.

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Klappit, bike wash was an awesome group... thanks for all the 'spray downs' I got in the hot weather. You guys were great.

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mtb'ers/roadies roadies/mtb'ers. same people. i think mtbing is less stressful , no cars , no bunches , no drafting , no stress gives the perception that mtb'ers are awsome. 

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Pedal, thanks for sharing your experience.


Other riders: I wish more hubbers that participated would contribute. I am intrigued by the event and would love to take part eventually but simply don't know enough e.g. how the bike park works, getting your own mechanic, and hey, how about that 'different type of shorts' tip? How does one get an entry is probably the most important point and next, how does one prepare and then know when you're ready to tackle the EPIC? 


Lastly, the organisers need to publish more stats e.g. how many riders opted for a soft tail (per age group etc as I'm just over 40),  which bike make featured most, how many riders bailed out, their ages, and at what point in the event (ps I won't call it a race)? Stats, stats, stats....feed me!
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I enjoyed the Epic a lot eventhough I was on a hardtail, though there were some words said about the wind and when I bought some land on Gamkapberg's downhill.  Must agree with the guy(s) about practicing bunch riding.  This is were I struggled the most by far. 


To the boys who worked the Pragma wash bays, thanx a million, you were GREAT!!


I will surely do it again, but only in 2010 as I have other things to concentrate on for the next year. 
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  • 2 months later...

Hey Klappit, Jy sal dan daai mountain bike moet kry vir die naaweek jong. En wat is dit met die profile pic?

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