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[Event] Ceres 500


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Event Name: Ceres 500
When: 09/08/2024 - 11/08/2024
Where: Ceres, Ceres, Western Cape
Category: Gravel

This thrilling event promises to take participants on an unforgettable journey through the breathtaking landscapes and rich history of the Cederberg region.

Nestled amidst the stunning scenery of the Cederberg Mountains, the Ceres 500 Bike packing race offers participants a unique opportunity to traverse rugged terrain, conquer challenging elevations, and immerse themselves in the fascinating tales of the Koi San people who have called this land home for centuries.

But before we delve into the thrilling details of the race itself, let's take a moment to uncover the captivating history of the Cederberg and the Koi San people. From ancient cave dwellings to tales of oceanic activity shaping the mountain ranges, the Cederberg region is steeped in a rich tapestry of cultural heritage and natural wonders.

The Cederberg is renowned for its unique mountain shapes, sculpted over millennia by the powerful forces of nature. Picture-perfect peaks like the towering Sentinel and the iconic Wolfberg Arch are just a few examples of the awe-inspiring sights that await adventurers along the race route.

No exploration of the Cederberg would be complete without a mention of the legendary Clamwillian Dan. This colossal clam, revered by locals for its immense size and symbolic significance, serves as a testament to the natural diversity and abundance of this extraordinary region. The Clamwillian Dan not only provides a vital source of sustenance for the Koi San people but also supports a thriving ecosystem of marine life.

As participants traverse the rugged terrain of the Cederberg, they'll have the opportunity to conquer the famed Dasklip Pass—a marvel of engineering and ingenuity proudly built by local farmers. With its winding switchbacks and breathtaking vistas overlooking the Westwood coast, Dasklip Pass promises to be a highlight of the race, offering participants a truly unforgettable experience.

Spanning a challenging 520 kilometers with a total elevation gain of 6450 meters, the Ceres 500 Bikepacking Race is not for the faint of heart. But for those brave enough to take on the challenge, the rewards are boundless—stunning scenery, rich cultural heritage, and the exhilarating sense of accomplishment that comes from pushing your limits in the great outdoors.

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“Cedarburg wilderness”

Erm, you chaps never heard of this handy thing called a map? And accurate place names?

Speaking of maps, a vague idea of where it goes would be highly useful info. And no, I’m 100% sure it doesn’t get close to the “untamed beauty of the Skeleton Coast”. 

Apart from that it sounds like a blast. But who knows. 

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