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VA spinning instructors


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Anyone been on the wrong end of "Mistress" Sharlene at the Old Eds VA??


She doesn't have the cahonas to take someone on face to face. She generally waits for the person to leave before making some comments about them.
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Is there a fixed rate VA pay their instructors? I'm also qualified' date=' and our VA here in Rustenburg has got a definate shortage of instructors. Maybe I'll go and offer my services. [/quote'] No they don't get a fixed rate. I started off at around R60 a class 5 years ago and is now on R100 a class smiley9.gif I give class at Vodaworld and have never ever shouted at anyone in my class, it is normally the guys that don't ride a "real" bike that do stuff like that   smiley7.gif , I've been in all the instructors classes at Vodaworld and they are "laid back" when it comes to that. Just choose the right classes and instructors smiley9.gif My 2c
At R100 a class you obviously do it for the love of it. Sheesh, scratch that off my list of potential part time jobs.




For a part time job it's nothing.? But if you gonna go spinning in anyway, why not sit in the front and get paid for it.? I am currently getting nothing while sitting and sweating there Embarrassed




Yeah, I am going to do the class anyway so way not get paid for it PLUS I do not pay gym fees because I'm an instructor. I use the gym not only for spinning but do weight training with every session plus I use their swimming pool ( cause I don't have one at home smiley9.gif ) And in the winter it is much nicer to go to a warm gym than to freez your arse off outside. Plus there is always something for the eye as well smiley9.gif

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Yeah' date=' I am going to do the class anyway so way not get paid for it PLUS I do not pay gym fees because I'm an instructor. I use the gym not only for spinning but do weight training with every session plus I use their swimming pool ( cause I don't have one at home smiley9.gif ) And in the winter it is much nicer to go to a warm gym than to freez your arse off outside. Plus there is always something for the eye as well smiley9.gif [/quote']




There we go.


Someone with the same sentiments.  Thumbs%20Up


Free Gym

Get paid to get fit

ALWAYS good looking ladies in the class!

Its a win-win-win situation.  Wink

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The instructors at K90 are not too bad, sometimes they do too much bike gymanistics but i just do my own thing. Never heard them shout at members either.

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you guys should all go and attend a spinning class with donkey at VA gardens' date=' ape town.

He IS a legend of an instructor. highly qualified and even more entertaining!




Donkey is definitely a LEGEND!!!

I don't know of any other spinning class where you need "The Auditor" to be there Wink


Have to concur.  Donkey has an active sense of humour and his classes are often based on current bike events; eg the DC, etc.  And there's often a round-up of bike calendar events.  And of course there is the music trivia which just keeps the interest level up.  OK, that is probably enough sucking up, but if you are a cyclist looking to do some spinning and you are in Cape Town then Donkey's classes are probably for you.    


Agreed. His classes are awesome, and are conducted in a way that makes you WANT to work hard...


Plus, he uses them for his own League training as well... so you know he's looking after your training as well. Definitely one of the best spinning instructors i've had a session with.


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  • 2 months later...

I was a spinning instructor for 5 years at VA which of I stood in for many Instructors while they where sick at various gyms around PTA and Mid rand, this is my 7th year and still giving spinning classes but at a private gym with only 15 bikes I still giving 6 classes a week.<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

All Spinning instructors at VA have to go and pass a spinning instructors course at a created academy.

I have seen some serious altercation  in various gyms, I was addicted to spinning if I could not give a class I would spin in other instructors classes.

Now to the point, I wish that people would refrain from attacking the instructor because of his looks PLEASE focus on the issue.

1. He is a employee of VA and is bound to a contract.Smile

2. He is getting paid to give a class and has to conduct him/her self as a professional.

3.  If someone came in late I use to turn the music down and tell the person that he/she needs to warm up first. I also never fussed if someone left early what about if they had a urgent issue because of a tummy issue.

4. There is a book in all the VA gyms where you can lodge a official complaint.

5. I you get no joy from the Gym phone the Head office there is a Lady that is  responsible for the conduct at the VA gyms she rules with rather a firm hand.

6. I use to give class to 36 people in the class of which 10 where on there own training program so they do there thing you as a instructor has to have a diverse personallty.

To Conclude: Quite a few instructors forget or don't know they are there to lead the class and the class is not suppose to revolve around him.

The spinner's in the class come first they are paying members of VA.

After all Sinning Instructors are humans too (have you tried to instruct a class)  I had some real rude spinners in the classes too!!!!!!! 


Wrighte2009-01-06 09:13:02
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Solution to the problem, don't join a spinning class 10min after it has started! It is called a class for a reason (group participation) and I feel it's both disruptive and disrespectful for the gym fee paying members who arrive on time for a class for anyone just to stroll in and do their own thing at anytime they feel! If you want to spin for a bit longer use the spinning bike provided on the floor, otherwise book yourself for two spinning classes in a row. Those of you that are all very quick to criticize the Instructors (I am not agreeing with the way in which you were told to leave), but rules are rules as pathetic as they may seem to you. If we all changed our attitude towards rules (of the gym the road, whatever) would SA not be a safer place?



flyguysa2009-01-07 09:35:43

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Firstly it is not a job you are applying for, it is a skill and a passion you work for at the gym, you have to earn your colours there are no privileges here.


Spin in classes so they get to see your ability first, your level of fitness and your passion.


Then tell the manager you will stand in for sick instructors etc and then it will happen. Big%20smile
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On Monday I have experienced propably the most boring spinning instructor ever at my VA club.  This guy was just standing in, but apparently he presents classes on other days of the week at the same gym. Will make a note to avoid this guy in future.  His music in most cases was as boring as hearing a ANCYL leader do maths.  And in the odd instances when he did play tracks that was more relavent to spinning, the spinning workout, did not correspond to the beat of the track. 

Think it is time to dig out my papers and apply to be an instructor.  I can surely only improve things this way for everybody smiley2.gif
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I bought a house on The Spruit so that I wouldn't have to spin indoors.


Seriously, I have tried spinning four times in my life. The amount of sweat that I generate is embarrassing. Afterwards there is a puddle that emanates from where I've been spinning.


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Please, a gym has been made to train in and why should you feel embarrassed, we are all there to work out and to sweat out all the daily toxins we consume and to energise our system to release endorphines, my experience is, the people that sweat more in a spinning class stress a lot more than others, that includes me and I am top fit.

Once again!!!! there is a "Ramp and Rave" book at all VA gyms at the reception, a VA policy, please make use of the book, the manager of the gym is obliged to read your comment and he has to answer you. If not approach him and express your concern.

If you have no joy from the VA Gym General Manager send a mail or call.



Call Centre no: 0860 200911 Virgin Active

Head Office: 021 684 3000 Clown
Wrighte2009-01-08 00:40:04
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Please' date=' a gym has been made to train in and why should you feel embarrassed, we are all there to work out and to sweat out all the daily toxins we consume and to energise our system to release endorphines, my experience is, the people that sweat more in a spinning class stress a lot more than others, that includes me and I am top fit.

Once again!!!! there is a "Ramp and Rave" book at all VA gyms at the reception, a VA policy, please make use of the book, the manager of the gym is obliged to read your comment and he has to answer you. If not approach him and express your concern.

If you have no joy from the VA Gym General Manager send a mail or call.



Call Centre no: 0860 200911 Virgin Active

Head Office: 021 684 3000 Clown


Go straight to Hellopeter! We have an aircon problem in the VA Centurion since it opened there are no fresh air coming in and no air movement we have to open an outside door (if the staff can get the key and when they see it fit to attend to the problem). I dont sweat easaly but in that gym i sweat like a pig.


I did a few test over the Desember I did a 30min tt hart rate 85%+ outside temp 28C to 34C and I completed 15km mountain bilke with littlle  no sweat on my clothes, only after stopping the sweat started to show. This concludes that temperature is not as important as air movement and freash air.


The gym is regulated at 22C but littel fresh air is supplyd and there is no air movement.


someone is designing clubs with no knowlage of climate control.


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Guest Michelle

Personally I think it's annoying when ppl come strolling in half way through the class, setting up their bike next to you Dead  There are rules about it, 10-minutes in, the doors close and that's it.

I can highly recommend Lynette & Jeanine at VA centurion... Jeanine especially.... her classes are always packed.  She has asked ppl to leave when they've come in late and the class applauded after the guy left LOL

So stick to the rules & you won't get kakked out... that simple.

I tried a couple of the spinning classes at the Planet Fitness in Centurion...  bikes were broken, music sucked (sorry I can't get going on "rooi rok bokkie") and the instructors were not good.


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I have to concur with you about Lynette, Jeanine & Hiedi at VA Centurion they where my mentors and I learnt just about everything I know about being a instructor from the three of them Kool... something great? 

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the Virgins pay way too little to instruct a class, thats why there are too few great spinning instructors!!!

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