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Polar CS200 - Yes or no?


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I decided to 'treat' myself to an upgrade for my comp....been researching, and the Polar CS200cad looks to be wot i want

i want my comp to have cadence, HRM, and if it can download to pc then all the better. but then again i wouldnt mind seeing gradient as well....hmmm??


did a search on the hub and i picked up quite a few threads with ppl having issues with the CS200. is it problem proned?
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If you can pick up a good deal on a CS400, then I would recommend that.


I have had mine for about 1 1/2 years and haven't had a single problem.
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Guest Agteros

I'd say a no because of this:

Data transfer
SonicLink (PC with a sound card and microphone required)UpLink (PC with a sound card and headphones/dynamic loudspeakers required)

CS200cad: http://www.polar.fi/en/products/cycling/CS200cad/



This method of data transfer makes use of the speakers and microphone of the computer. Rather go for a cycling computer that makes use of an infra-red (IrDA) adaptor. SonicLink can be potentially noisy/fickle ...


CS400 is the 'first one from the bottom' that features IrDA: http://www.polar.fi/en/products/cycling/CS400/


Alternatively look at a new/second hand S710i / S720i / SS725 / S625 ?



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if it can download to pc then all the better.

What kind of data do you want to download? The CS200 only stores a summary of each exercise/lap i.e. time, average HR, average speed etc. The higer models like the CS400 actually sample your data given you a second-by-second plot of your workout.




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When I was hunting, I was keen on the CS400, CS300 is ok, but CS400 had everything you could ask for and wasn't over the top expensive.


My vote it try get a couple more bucks together and get a CS400.
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cs 200 is the bomb !


but why on earth do you want gradient ?


If you want to know why you feel like you are dying - its cause its moer steep! thats all the gradient you need to know


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Are you dead set on Polar? Suunto have some great models T6 will give you everything you want and more.


Also, Garmin is worth looking at!

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I've had the CS200 and upgraded to CS400 for a few reasons:


 - CS200 can only store 7 exercises, if you ride regularly this can be quite a pain, I sometimes had to delete exercises because I had forgotten to download (CS400 has 100hours of storage capacity)

 - you can't download your information to software, only to the polar website so you can't access your info unless you're online.  I also found that training diary to be painfully slow. (CS400 comes with pro-trainer software)

 - No ascent (I like to know my total ascent, esp when training for an event where I know there's a lot of climbing)


They are both very nice computers. My CS200 served it's purpose but I love my CS400. It gives me all the info I need!


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Nice summary Nance - cs200 vs 400 depends which features are a benefit 2 u.




the diary feature & website is enuff 4 me, the ascent / gradient wud b nice but not worth the extra for me. The sonic download can b tedious.




if the diff in price is not so great, go for the 400 fm memry it was 1200 more - mayB 2 much?

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I got a good deal on a CS600 with power meter on the Hub, for R3000.


Now that offers a lot of features, but costs a bit more.


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