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  1. CN also didn’t know that Julien Absalon won back to back gold in 2004 and 2008 and claimed that Pidcock is shaping up to the first to achieve it. Never mind that the course isn’t exactly suited to his strengths candice not being mentioned as a contender is good for her. No need for additional pressure
  2. I was waiting for this one…😂 selection criteria isn’t designed to fill quotas for the big events. It’s designed to identify the most consistent riders and the best at the national champs. At best, the intent is to send the top 2 men and women from elite, U23 and junior categories. NOT TO FILL QUOTAS. ask CSA and SASCOC why that is, but it is what it is and those affected only read the rules in MARCH which is 3 months after DECEMBER ‘23. so when you say the system is dumb what do you mean? Dumb in that it does allow CSA to fill the quota or dumb Soema just because it’s a popular thing to say?
  3. If they get to go and if dstv actually screens the world champs and if Cecil nurse doesnt try to sell me a chair at that moment I will be cheering for the Saffas in all the disciplines as I always have. first up is Candice on Sunday. Because you know she QUALiFIED
  4. Frankie and Ethan Q..U...A..L...I..F..I...E.....D..... and were selected so yes they get support.
  5. nope I wrote that and it is a relative comparison but maybe you're having a sensitivity moment? I don't know but it appears that you're childishly spoiling for a fight. Have a lekker ride before the storm comes in.
  6. it does not surprise me that you attempt to devolve the conversation into a j'accuse, i.e. me of being mean toward Theo despite my admiration for what he has achieved. I have nothing against him on any level despite your little clique's attempt to paint that picture. Pretty childish. The topic of discussion I'm focussed on is qualification for World Championships while his "supporters" have only played the man, be that CSA or anyone who disagrees with their point of view, and tried to draw the reader into the emotive space that a talented rider(s) is/are being persecuted when the position they find themselves in is of their own doing. At no point have they even acknowledged their role in their position. I'm sure Theo Rory and co will all qualify next year as they find a way to navigate the qualification criteria and get the number of points required. I'm also sure CSA will take their concerns into account and amend the points structure, but they are never going to send 6 or 7 males and female for every category to Worlds. The criteria is always going to aim for the top 2 or 3 riders and the selection criteria as it stands, aims to achieve that.
  7. Keep it focussed on DHI please. His general talent as a rider is not under discussion. He's been national champ in DHI many times but as also says our national level is F3 not F1.
  8. riiiiiight so I focus on DHI and yo introduce another category of event to claim y metaphor crashed... must be Friday logic. different skill sets as Morne mentioned. Keep it focussed. The discussion is around DHI.
  9. the irony is.... on the DHi circuit, Theo is the Epic rider struggling to make it down plum pudding..... <drops mike>
  10. about 120-160 enter qualifying, from there top 60 go into semi-finals and the top 30 men and top 10 women race the final runs
  11. depends on how many UCI points our riders amass and where RSA stands in the rankings. If Greg retires then its up to the current riders wanting to go to World Champs on his points to go and earn those points for themselves next year. I'd love to see the arguments next year....
  12. Not sure what bad parenting has to do with Elites not getting selected do to non qualification....? Can you explain? CSA has nothing to do with provincial colours selection and they don’t force injured riders to participate in the national series. Ja there are hoops so jump through but they don’t force you at gun point. No one’s life is being threatened to participate or else. Again, national series started in Jan, World Cups in May, not a significant overlap. You pick the best opportunities to earn your 3 points. I'm not debating XCO here either. Just illustrating that XCO also did not fill its quota and neither did DH so there is no favoritism one way or the other. The system seems deliberately objective to strip out subjectivity that also gave rise to accusations of unfair treatment in the past. Seems like CSA is caught in the damned-if-you-do-damned- if- you-don't spiral of athlete discontent.
  13. Johan van Zyl and Candice did a combination of national and World Cup events to qualify. i think Unathi , Michael and Massi might have used the national series entirely or maybe participated in one world cup each. Not 100% sure. the same was available to the DH guys. I doubt CSA will ever filL all the available slots for World Champs. Why would they send a large contingent of riders unless doing so provided a better opportunity for a medal? the national points accumulation is structured in such a way as to take the best 2 riders male and female from the national series and national champs plus riders performing well in world cups. It is not intended to fill an allocation of slots. No countries selection criteria is designed that way.
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