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Everything posted by MarvH

  1. Seeding from Amashova has been updated now.
  2. MarvH

    2019 Amashova

    I could have been a part of the group you hooked onto till the end. Also started BL and the guys working on the front the whole route were the Vukani guys - my time was 2h51. Nice PB...
  3. MarvH

    2019 Amashova

    Not what I was saying at all, and not the 'general vibe' I got from the comments on here either. I can only speak for myself and basically this is what I'm saying: Train for the distance you are planning to do, in the time you are planning to do it Understand how much nutrition you will need and bring it plus some extra, just in case In my personal example I know over a training ride of 100km I can get by with 1x bottle of drink + 2 bars of food at a pace of at or below 30km/h. That is on a cool day however, and is not the same amount I needed compared to 6 months ago because then I needed more. I started Amashova with 2x bottles of drink, 4x bars of food and 3x gels - because it is a race and I will be pushing more - and just in case. I had half a bottle of drink, 1 bar of food and 1 gel left over. I wouldn't know what I need in terms of nutrition, plus many other parts to the sport of cycling, without training. I don't think training should be viewed in a negative light at all. Being prepared is for your own well-being and allows you to enjoy what you're doing that much more.
  4. MarvH

    2019 Amashova

    Not sure how I did any of that, but you’re welcome.
  5. MarvH

    2019 Amashova

    This was my first Amashova, and my first sub 3 hour race (started BL but was seeded AL). I have been cycling for just over 2 years and have done a handful of races. Over that time I’ve learned about nutrition while training and racing from fellow cyclists and some online research. I still consider myself a noob to this sport but I’ve found out how important nutrition is. I had more than enough liquid to finish the race with my two bottles, some guys in the bunch I was in only had 1 bottle and ran out, but they got more water from the stops closer to the end without stopping, drank some and offered others in the bunch some as well. Another guy in our bunch’s bottle fell out when he hit a pothole, so someone just gave him some of their drink and he got some water and the next water point. One guy asked me for some of my drink, less than 5kms from the end and I let him have some. Think he passed me in the last stretch (thanks dude). So yes, some people ran out but were able to get more. To be honest I really enjoyed the race, felt it was better organized than a few other races I’ve taken part in, the route was very enjoyable as well. I mean at suncoast they even had a free secure bike park to leave our bikes while we ate, watched the Springboks, prize giving, etc. Great experience and I’ll be back (still have flashbacks of that cyclist laying motionless in the road though, that was unsettling and I hope they’re okay) IMO some cyclists need learn to rather come over-prepared when it comes to nutrition instead of running the risk of not having enough. And maybe figure out what they should be eating and drinking before any race. I don’t think this should be reason to criticize the race organizers at all. And like some have mentioned on here; if you’re out and no water point close by, or no water at the water point, stop at a garage and top up - or maybe ask other cyclists around you for some of theirs.
  6. MarvH

    2019 Amashova

    I'm trying to choose whether to do as you here or just start with BL and stick with them. My first Shova this year, AL group.
  7. Three were hit by the taxi, one has unfortunately died. Yesterday on our club training ride here in JHB a very drunk driver bumped a rider just behind me, fortunately he wasn't hurt but his rear wheel was damaged. Driver didn't stop just carried on weaving across the road. Not safe out there.
  8. Hi Anyone know if the race is happening again this year or where to find info?
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