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Clinton - theCOW

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Posts posted by Clinton - theCOW

  1. Is R10 a time really going to kill any one???

    Would you rather drive further to find free parking and use the R10 "saved" in fuel cost???

    It is a privelage to park on private property - a small fee is nothing to pay for piece of mind!!


    Agreed - think their timing just before 94.7 was poor.


    A lot of people park @ Riverstone, i'll be taking a parking card, getting the R100 back to use in any of their stores/vendors is great, it costs you nothing really and i live about 5km away :blink:


    Something Country you need to mission on the sand with road cleats, not so kewl but bearable. I have the issue that there's so many people riding/walking there it's an accident waiting to happen.


    Never parked at any other venues but there's lots in the Cradle, it's a matter of choice.

  2. Thanks Sir Cow

    This sounds like a winner, will check it out on Google Maps....yeah, I'm a map guy

    What fun are you guys gonna have the 17th?

    Wyatt also said I can park at his spaza shop, :whistling: will see which option will be taken.

    Good luck for the final few rides


    It's pretty easy, maps will show you the way. Oom Earps shack i'd guess is round 5k's, if you gonna meet there after for beers, also a good idea


    Last year we did the 2 laps in Elvis Presley Outfits - why we were fast :eek:


    This year, we'll be "Rocking" the streets for 2 laps


    For those that don't know what CHOC really does - it's all about kids with Cancer

    The CHOC house gives a rural child & caregiver accommodation/food/transport for the duration of their treatment (around 3-4 months)


    2013 goals are:

    • Support for the Bergvliet House (bone marrow transplant patients) housed their for up to 9 (nine) months due to the risk of infection
    • Support for the NEW (Land bought & house built from 2012 campaign) East London CHOC house
    • Zach Foundation - Peadiatric Cancer research
    • Awareness around early cancer detection in rural areas

    YUP - we'll be at the Expo, peddling our wares - if you don't want to just give money, buy yourself a T-Shirt or socks


    If you want to see what money raised has done, visit the Peadiatric Oncology ward @ Bara, go see the CHOC house in Soweto.


    Ride safe peeps!

  3. Tires were pumped to 7 Bar, HongFu has been great with this problem. Replacement rim is on its way to me already at no cost to me (apart from Duty) and then i will need to get the wheel built - but can live with that

    Picking up the frame from the sprayer today!


    If there was a RMA, you should be able to get the rim free/gratis/mahala. Not sure if you'd need to ship the old 1 back but i stand under correction.

  4. Hey Clint, how can a full sheet be 26 for a 29er raffle..? :ph34r:


    Did it as 26 letters on a page, i should've just used numbers (blonde moment) :eek: Does this mean you keen to take a sheet of 26 to win a 29 bike :clap:


    We actually have a lot of raffles going around for CHOC, yussus it's confusing!

    A Raleigh 20" kiddies bike up for raffle

    Night @ a fancy hotel for 2 incl massage (happy ending is your problem :oops: )

    A beer brewing thing


    I can't keep up, but we'll be at the Expo to mug all the cyclists :thumbup:

  5. Looking for a carbon road wheelset, who and where and what to look at? I'm a complete novice and noobie when it comes to all this road bike.




    I priced internationally from http://www.wheelsfar.com/ (cos they listed weights and they're light - i'm a weight weenie) never priced at Dengfu/Hongfu etc on the 38mm Full Carbon Clincher. I got the following:

    Price for New FSC38-CM with Edhub and Sapim cx-ray is US $578.Weight 1250+/-30g.

    Shipping cost for the complete wheel is US $117

    Paypal handling fee 4.5%


    When you do all the maths, my option is to rather look local from CCD & have a 2yr warranty @ R7700 although the wheels will be i'm guessing 100-150g heavier

  6. I wasn't planning on goin but thought, why not?


    Fair was kewl (imo) R60 isn't a lot and when you break it down, it's 2-3 coffee's, spent about 3 hours there.


    For me it show cased that cycling isn't about Road/MTB only, it's about all aspects, touring, "fun" bikes (electric, Fat, SS road & MTB, chilled go to the shops driving miss daisy bikes)


    I never test rode anything on the track, had a spin on 1 of the Contraband bikes so if you made a serious day of it, it's well worth the R60.


    Keep it going guys, if more manufacturers/suppliers buy in, it'll get big! It'll get to a point where you'll spend 1 day test riding 15 bikes, this is a real bonus when you think we hardly ever have that opportunity.


    Apparently i know way too many people and spend too much time nattering but it's all part of sharing a sport/hobby we love :thumbup:

  7. She has started riding your one bike so technically you only have 2 bikes. You already have permission for 3 bikes :-)


    I think you may need to change the stickers tho, cos i can see you get a snot klap when okes chooon her, "Hey Sweaty Betty"


    We have 7, i make it clear to the lil lady that only 2.5 are mine, cos she has her bikes and we "share" - read "i use" the SS :whistling:


    I was told i can't get my Fat bike until she get's her Driving Miss Daisy CM bike with basket :cursing: Guess what i'm shopping for :ph34r:

  8. Awesome! :thumbup:


    I like my white MTB shoes, when they clean and sitting in my cupboard, else they a mission to keep clean, must be a roadie bling thing in me. The black does look the business, they kept the overlay scuff type finish on the inside of the heels? Was impressed when i saw that on my shoes. If you can, try a set of S-Tracks, you won't regret it!


    This is bad to see things like this @ such good prices, i know when i looked for road shoes initially they were R3200, so still thinking of getting a pair & hiding them til Xmas, think i can get away without the gf knowing :whistling:

  9. I had a look at the road closures around the start and first part of the route.

    From what I could see woodmead drive is a no go until 10-ish

    My wife's office is in Western Services Road and she said I could park there (just next to the Baron). Only problem is I wouldn't know how to get there from Centurion with all the road closures.


    I contemplated riding to the start, but that might just be too much.

    ANy suggestions on a route?


    Take Allandale, hop onto the old PTA road all the way to Marlborough, left into Marlborough, left into South, as you go under the highway, right @ the robots onto the service road, all the way down to the Baron.


    Take Rivonia, turn left, left into 12th (i think), a right into "Katherine", left into another road, right into the service road by the Baron.

  10. I also found shops don't keep all sizes. Too many sizes to stock? I had to order and wait for them to arrive, wasn't a major since i phoned in so no real expense.


    The R2k S-Works would be my bet.


    I'm tempted at R2k to get another pair but the gf would kill me

  11. Compared to shooting R600.00 + rand a weeknd on paintballs playing 12.5 bps with burst.... MTB parts dont seem so pricey anymore.

    Youll shoot easy 28.8k + in a year ,thats without comps :whistling: or new gun & kit every season ....


    I played about 10yrs ago, peeked at the DM stuff yesterday, still nearly 20k for a proper comp setup. The airfills are cheap, once you add clothing etc the initial layout is bad.


    From what i understand, the price of paint has come down, the R/$ isn't helping once again but agree, it's not a cheap sport.


    Do they still do tourney's with limited paint? Like a hopper only, that would help costs.

  12. So if you want to minimize costs you have to look at where mountain biking as a hobby's expenses lie and make peace with the fact that its a "you cant have your cake and eat it" scenario


    Initial outlay...do I want X when Y will do....my advise here is get what you want and don't try and save pennies. No point in riding a bike you didn't want to begin with.

    Consumables... Lube, tyres, chains, cassette, chainrings, bearings...Do you need XTR when Deore will do?

    Services...do I have to pay someone to do this, or can I do it myself?

    Races...do I have to do sani when I can do a weekend away with the boys at mankele at a fraction?

    So when you organising that weekend away at Mankele :whistling:

  13. With regards to my nice new rims, got down to Amashova start and had a flat front tire, starting changing the tube and noticed this had happened to my rim - completely stuffed and unsafe to ride.

    By an absolute stroke of luck, the guy in the car next to me offered me a spare wheel it worked out to be @PROZAC (from the hub unknown at that time) - a true gentleman!


    Had 3.14 minutes (mind not completely in the race) to ponder as to what on earth happened to the new rim. The rim tape had been pushed through the spoke hole and the tube has a slash about 1cm in length. The tire is absolutely perfect.

    Still not 100% sure as to what exactly happened.


    Got my office in HK to speak to Hongfu directly, they seem puzzled but had immediately said a new front rim will be sent out Monday/Tuesday next week. Impressive service i must say (will confirm once the rim has actually been sent and arrived in SA)


    Frame is at the sprayer and will be ready late next week


    I know Easton had issues with their 38mm FCC, hence why we never saw them. Chatted to a guy who went thru 5 sets of them.


    Apparently it was a weakness in the rim bead, the pressure put on bead causing the failure.

  14. About a year ago.


    I got my MTB shoes from Dunkeld 0113410627, think they were also round the R2800 mark, they were about R400-500 cheaper than Concept. I'd say call Dunkeld, the call is worth the saving ;)


    West Rand Cycles were round the same price as Dunkeld.


    Mate normally orders his Spez stuff from Hannes in Bloem.


    I have no ties to either of the stores, to be honest, i've only ever bought a pair of shoes from Dunkeld & a pair from West Rand. My road shoes i imported, that was a 1k saving about 4 years ago.

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