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  1. WOW what an awesome course the 42km Buffet Olives MTB challenge was yesterday, it indeed had a bit of everything and a HELL of a lot of climbing!!! Wish I'd been feeling better (bit of flu) but I enjoyed the ride all the same! Highlights for me: - the climbing (to a point ) - the displays of humour by the organisers at "the sting in the tail" unrideable climb. (They asked if we'd found our Granny yet? Well this was one of those races that I was riding prdominantly ONLY in my granny - all the way!) - the passage under the flyover leading to the tunnel - I was awe struck - the waterpoints and the CRUNCHIES - I want the recipe!!!! - the ST - flowing and fast! - just all round organisation. LOW LIGHT: - That darn 4km climb in the end! If I had passed the race designer on that climb I would have given him a piece of my mind ... all in the spirit of riding and jokingly of course. But that climb HURT LIKE HELL. Thanks Geddan Well done and THANK YOU to the organisers, this is one I will rave about for a long time and will definitely be riding it again next year. Hope the rider who fell and hurt his ribs is OK, it happened in close proximity of me and it was a HARD fall. My time: 03:38 (with flu... next year I aim for 03:15!).
  2. Preparation and (later in the week) self-motivation is key. I can never just recovery ride...DITTO, I've given up on that one it always has to be flat out!!! My legs are always tired / heavy / burning especially climbing stairs at work. Wind can change direction in an instant, and I've become a wind expert to be able to predict rain according to wind direction Sunrises are beautiful - ALWAYS Cycling at dawn is - refreshing The morning sounds of birds / animals is stunning and addictive! The smell of the fresh air is revitalising. Most commuters are friendly - yeah, MOST. The workers on their single speeds ALWAYS give me a run for my money! There's always a race waiting to happen - unless the legs are dead. I arrive home 200% mofe relaxed - DITTO My rear tyre (mtb) gets killed on the tar - DITTO Always have a Plan B available for those unexpected turn of events - my sister works at the same place as I do (she is my Plan B B). People do the oddest things in cars sitting in traffic - for sure. Some motorists are friendly when stopped next to them - others make a point of looking the other way. Only two motorists thus far actually SAID THAT I WAS MAD to be cycling in the cold and dark ... others probably all think it. IT IS SO MUCH FUN to constantly pass work collegues who are stopped at red robots. You pass them, they pass you, you pass them, they pass you, then you get home the same time as they do - BUT YOU'VE at least EXERCISED in that time they've been stressing in traffic! You get idiots on the road - you just have to think for them too. Would you give up commuting to work - I would not change it for the world!
  3. Hi all, <... and just to keep this cycling related> Are there any Mountain/Road cyclists out there who also do a little Motocross'ing (part time) on the weekends in the Western Cape when not out cycling? I bought myself a Yamaha YZ and have a lot of fun on it, but I'm sure one could have MORE fun in a group of like minded peers. At the moment I ride in and around the Krftn Sport fields, and have heard of Dirt 'n Dust in Phisantekraal ... But are there any farmers allowing some riding on their lands in Bottelary koppies - I know the Renoster Veld Conservancy said a BIG NO which is understandable and I respect that, but they mentioned that there is a farmer who allows it on his land (through which the MTB trails currently do not run) and if one could ask permission ... ??? Anybody know who he is? (PS: I wil not break any rules and will never ride where not allowed, as I too am a MTB'er and appreciate the trails and hard work that goes into mainting it, hence the post to find adequate and legal spots.) Thanks
  5. They offered me a glass of Game and that made everything ok ... they thought I was anemic too Sleeping HR = 36 RHR = 54 MHR = 187 (not yet proven ) Age 37
  6. Vir die DC, kry eder vir jou twee wat jy gelyk kan dra - dis lank sit - haha.
  7. Reg Lizzard stated that "So I send the HR sensor and wearlink strap to Polar and the replace everything under guarantee." and this I did not see as including the Polar watch battery itself, so I mentioned it as I know I had the same issues and the new battery resolved the problem. If it helps then great. If not, at least you have a new batery in your watch )
  8. When last did you replace the battery in the POLAR S720i watch, mine did the same and I replaced the Polar watch's battery when they were here for the Two Oceans. Problem solved.
  9. Guess what??? I just got a special delivery ... and its VERY SNAZZY!!! Thanks Matt (from the Admin team) the new "The Hub" cycling kit looks awesome, I can't wait to try it out on the tour up to Knysna. The extra effort on your part, in getting it to me ASAP and in time for my tour, is much appreciated!
  10. Thanks for the advice guys (and Mackie thanks for having my back, well said )
  11. After eating a lot of sand (and some other foreign objects) and swallowing quite a bit of water coming from my OWN front wheel when out cycling in the rain I would like to know if .... fitting MTB Mud guards (front and/or back) to my Merida Matts 1000 would receive a or a VERY BIG . One can still duck and dive the spray coming off a fellow cyclists' wheel by riding slightly to the left or right of his/her wheel. BUT cycling with your body and head in a slanted position to your hands (as if being pulled to the side with hands still on handlebars) is ridiculous and that in order to duck and dive the spray from your own wheel.
  12. Just a quick question: Can someone PLEASE provide me with a reason why it always happens that when I stop training for a much needed break after +- 5-6 months of constant cycling (5-6 days a week) I ALWAYS come down with a cold/flu? I usually at most take the odd two days break here or there otherwise the normal one day a week off, but when opting for a much needed 7 day break, starting the previous week Thursday before the cycling tour from bellville to Knysna at the end of June, the flu hit me like clock work starting on day 3 and escalating by day 4! It has now been 3 days normal rest, 2 days sick'ish and 6 days sick like hell with still no bum on bike . 11 days total, and counting... So why does one need to rest again? To get ill? Thanks
  13. Private numbers are a bonus
  14. Phone the cell number and the guy actually answers (i almost fell off my chair as I expected voicemail so I had to chat to him), he wants to know when i'm going to pay the money, he says he spoke to me yesterday and emailed me but I never replied apparently. (Dont recall that though). I said I'll pay in about half an hour's time, so he asked if I had his bank details. I said he sent it yesterday, and he stated that if i am not happy with the bike when it arrives he will gladly pay my money back. So what about all the other guys who called and emailed and he said the same thing tooooooo???
  15. This begs the question .... how many have unknowingly paid for this bike already? Phone the cell nmber, haha, the guy says he spoke to me yesterday and sent me an email but I never replied. He did? Oh just by the way, the bike is still available for those interested, just remember to pay first - he says you can get your money back if not happy with the bike when it arrives. Ok. Uhh, no thanks!
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