I would not usually get involved in a discussion like this, but having been there and having had the priviledge to participate in another Epic I do feel the need to voice my opinion. After a very successful (in my opinion) 2011 Epic me and my usual partner decided to take a break from 2012 (mainly because he became father 4 days after Epic 2011). But by September he was roped in by another partner and I sure as hell weren't or cheering for him. So I put my name out there as a willing partner and someone contacted me who assured me that he would be able to finish in the top 150. I thus agreed and started to drink less wine and got up just after 4 every morning to train. Huge was my dissapointment when after all my training, my partner arrived in SA and walked twice on the prologue. Not the uphills, but the downhills - as he gets scared when it is really steep (as all who know Contermanskloof would know, it is not steep). After waiting for more than 2 hours on the first stage I was about ready to inflict injury upon myself. But Epic sometimes not only tests ones cycling ability, but also all other aspects of life (like my lack of patience). So instead of emotionally draining myself and sulking about my situation I decided to use this Epic to experience things I would not usually do. On the first stage I stopped to help an unconsious guy. Not that I have any first aid background, but I waited till the medic arrived and his partner turned back. Also assisted with puntures and broken chains, and helped myself to lots of food at the waterpoints. Like many people I do sometimes get fedup with the obsession with development and transformation in this country, but for the first time really I saw first hand what value it could add when done with the correct intention and in the correct way. Being stuck in the middle of the field I got to ride amongst the Exxaro riders for a few hours on every stage, and I trust and respect that we each experience and see things in our own way due to our circumstances, but from what I have seen I have nothing but admiration and the hope of a big future for these guys. My partner's been cycling for 8 years (according to him) and he's had all the oppertunities one could wish for when riding the Epic. No amount of training or oppertunity can however give you determination and the will to be successful. I thus refuse to refer to the Exxaro guys as development riders, as they climed better than most of the riders (even on the technical stuff), they flew past on the downhills (don't know whether this is due to lack of fear/consideration or plenty thereof) they were real gentlemen when I spoke to them and after having many mechanical issues they still came in at Lourensford ahead of most. From what I have seen and experienced at the ABSA Cape Epic 2012 I honestly believe that some of those boys can one day stand on the podium. They have more skill, guts and a will to succeed than most of the blokes sitting at the back on their kitted out S - Works bikes (oh how I wish for one of those). Having read the views of some of you above I still believe that it is a great initiative, but maybe they can look into something like a "mentorship"programme where one of those riders can ride with someone with experience (with regards to riding, etiquette and life skills). Thereby adding even more value to the lives of the riders and maybe giving some of you who would like assistance the oppertunity to ride the Epic As I have tried so hard to find positive things during this Epic, and still try to recover from my emotional ride ( I waited close to 9 hours in total on this Epic for my partner), the Exxaro guys and the extra Woolies food bag are some definite highlights. Whether or not it was a marketing ploy by Exxaro I would not know, but it certainly changed the lives of a few guys forever, like Epic and cycling in general changed mine. I hope that what the Exxaro riders have learnt and experienced they will pass on to their friends and communities and that they will be back next year in some form, with more experience and adding even more flavour to the Epic. At the risk of being unfriended on Facebook I would also say that I would much rather ride an Epic with one of the Exxaro boys whom I can see is giving 100% than a guy who is passing by a special occasion in life. An oppertunity that many would give all for. Thats my 2c worth. See the positive and hopefully I have another oppportunity to take part and give 100% in another Epic someday.