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  • Province
    Western Cape
  • Location
    Cape Town
  1. http://trailhounds.net/
  2. Willow Visit to the beach... Waiting for me to get on the bike...
  3. Willow 1000, House 0 Willow and Ash Willow at the beach
  4. CVANC

    Karoo to Coast

    Pfft, at least I rode down all the hills this year.
  5. CVANC

    Karoo to Coast

    On gravel 41.51kph.
  6. Anyone looking to win an entry - http://www.bicycling.co.za/news/trans-karoo-discount-offer/
  7. Only 35hrs training you need to do, you can do it!
  8. My max speed for the ride 69.2kph, in fact I don't think I've ever been over 70kph in my life, considering that image how fast I was going on the flats Seeing you riding leugue next season, well - you are going to be in for a nasty suprise, especially on the climbs!
  9. Thanks, breaking away is the only way I would ever make it in that funride, my descending skills is well non existant. Leading up to the break away I was already dropped on the first descend at the big intersection next to the golf course, then dropped again on the first descend of Boyes Drive then again on the 2nd descend, and offcourse again on the very steep section going down - I only caught up with the bunch just before entering Fish Hoek. You don't have time to go ride before work?
  10. No, I wasn't caught. I was suprised that no one was behind me since I moved off the front of the bunch very slowly and kept it slow for a few more meters before increasing the pace.
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