As a parent, some of you have the choice to provide your children (be it in the morning, or whenever) with: A balanced meal, from a generally well controlled and regulated fresh food, produce and cereals industries. Or A "shake", from what is an essentially unregulated industry with proven questionable ethics (in the form of marketing strategy and product quality control), promoting a product based around ingredients with relatively untested long-term impacts on health, and with untested compound effects on supplementary nutrient uptake (referring to @Jarradvz's link to the US standards article). Now there have been instances of "...moms know best...", " informed decision...", and I think I even came across the old faithful " don't have kids, so you wouldn't understand" (funny how procreating seems to have a direct impact on your ability to disseminate information and/or have an opinion on a matter); so parent folk are clearly punting their much vaunted judgement in this issue. My relatively tepid point is this: I take the odd supplement, both in the form of recovery assistance and the odd meal replacement. I also use a sports drink for longer rides, hoping it will push back my (inevitable) encounter with the "wall". However, I do this to my own body, I'm informed regarding the (unknown) potential side-effects, and I try to do it under circumstances of necessity rather than pure convenience. Those of you who decide on the latter of the two nutritional choices; when exercising this judgement of yours, what aspect of these shakes trumps the responsibility you have to try and ensure your kids health (as far as is practicable <-- yes, that is a word)? I truly see little value in them, besides convenience. Drips are also convenient, so too are catheters (ok, ok; bad hyperbole). I'm not fishing troll, nor a trolling fish. It's a genuine question, looking for a perspective that I lack on a decision I don't understand. Danger Dassie was quite vocal in his support for the product (being a brand ambassador and all), and got stuck into TimHenman's conduct and integrity during this pelaba, so that'd be a nice one, but anybody would do really. In hindsight; this subject is getting old, I feel TimHenman has made his point pretty clear regarding his reasons for raising the issue, and congratulate him for doing so. So if you want, ignore this post, and have a look at the sharbeartopus..