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Everything posted by Smolly

  1. If you run out of water we can share what's left in my camelbag!
  2. Alright. 70km it is. When do entries close?
  3. Smolly

    Redstone MTB

    To put it this way, only about 75 out of about 150 riders completed the 50km. I finished 4th or 5th last and had tears in my eyes when I saw the end. Tough tough tough!
  4. Smolly

    Redstone MTB

    Redstone separates the boys from the men! The last race put me back in place! Can't wait for the next!
  5. So, I'm planning a mtb night ride on Friday round 19:30 but can be adjusted to accommodate others Any takers?
  6. Yeah, they run a place called Predator World! Have many strange pets (Including a meerkat and a warthog).
  7. The photo is actually a pic of a friend of mine with their pet Hyena called Odi.
  8. Sorry Scotty, that was a Rhetorical question! The OP just leaves too much guessing ,and possibly panic. Just my 5c. Time to shut up and work.
  9. So based on the OP we must all boycott buying anything from the cape on thehub?
  10. Good point TW, but they also publish the story to create the hype just like the OP has.
  11. What pisses me off is that you never know what was done in order to obtain the stolen goods! What if someone was killed so you could have a cheap wheelset? WTF!!
  12. Don't brag about any purchases made on thehub cos according to anuva fred, you can be implicated
  13. Nah, got back at lunch time, but can only feel my fingers now! The coldest ride of my life, and the wind didn't help much either!
  14. No nuts. Check No toes. Check No fingers. Check No nose. Check You east rand folks are tough!
  15. No nuts. Check No toes. Check No fingers. Check No nose. Check You east rand folks are tough!
  16. Everyone has their own theory. For me, compressed air, inflate but not too hard. Check the bead on both sides, then inflate rock hard and leave for 2 to three days so the tire can form its shape. Disclaimer: I am not an expert, but this is how I have done it with conti protection tyres on a tubeless conversion.
  17. Check for any excess knobs of rubber on your bead. Could be the issue!
  18. Time to go freeze my nuts off!
  19. Thanks! Anywhere I should avoid?
  20. Think I'm gonna find my own route out of Rynfield! Any suggestions Bob?
  21. And still looking for a ride
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