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Everything posted by Smolly

  1. Even better if she does that naked!
  2. +1. Got the x-king Race-king combo
  3. Hey Salah, If you come to Sun City please let me know. A few humble trails here and nearby, but at least it is time to see new places! Chat soon.
  4. 1.68/ 86kg. Yes, I'm a heavy boy!
  5. Glad you followed hub protocol and put it on the couch for the pic! Edit: spelling
  6. Finished my 40km, but had issues with cell reception at the finish! Just so you all know, Mike Bike is a race snake. He passed me before the halfway mark and he was seeded 2 batches down from me. I wasn't too slow and finished in 2:15, so he was on fire!!!! Well done Mike!!!
  7. So... Its race day and I had an incident last night I stayed at a mates place in pta and when I went to the toilet at 3 this morning I misjudged and fell down his stairs (tiled). Gonna be a hard day!
  8. I see what you getting at! Let's try this. Merida is best bang for buck and Giant is worst (I.e. You are paying for the name and the "phantom" frame building process) So when you purchase a Giant at the inflated price, the second hand market automatically adjust the item to the perceived value based on components and frame value. So the more bang for buck item retains its value as perceived by the market. Don't thank me, buy me beer
  9. Let's throw this out there! When you buy a good scotch, it still has the same amount of alcohol as a bottle of first watch. You drink it slower as you enjoy it more, but in the end you are in the same place as you would be if you drank you FW with a pinched nose out of a shooter glass Same type of product, different process of making it, but a different way of enjoying. And obviously a different price. One appreciates, the other, well, gets downed at the same value even after 5 years.
  10. Where's the face palm button when you need it!!!
  11. Its because they don't just guess the geometry, types of alu/carbon, thickness of the material! Its called research, testing and technology! Do you think Tata and Porsche use the same technolgy and techniques for producing vehicles?
  12. Or my cannondale to a dunlop!!!
  13. Ahh! So he's fighting for the Fins again!
  14. Maybe we should ask Clint to start a new thraed?
  15. Oh yeah, this fred was about vibrating disk brakes! Quite the hi-jack!
  16. Don't think the blue worked too well for you last time sorry!
  17. Now red hoses sound like plan! So which is better?
  18. Starting to feel the urge to buy red gloves!!!
  19. Thanks! Will post pichas of the finished product!
  20. Ok, so I'll have to wait till next week but how much moooola is required?
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