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Everything posted by Smolly

  1. I'm in the same boat, so bought a bbb torque wrench. Haven't used it yet, but so pretty!
  2. Cool, thanks for the info, last one, how difficult is it to replace, starting to do all my own work on my bike to save some moooola. Ps: apologies for the hi-jack, but the questions are related
  3. Thanks, will do! How many $$?
  4. Hell. Beats me. Its on a mtb if that helps.
  5. I have the same issue on my bb30 bearings? Any ideas?
  6. Vinny, I think this calls for an official hub post race debrief! I'll buy some roids from sliverback so I can make I sure I get my "free" beer
  7. Even better, a few micro breweries have beer on tap and a fair amount of variety!
  8. Looks like it, just waiting for SooperC to reply and then hopefully all is sorted! Maybe I should also pack a few long toms in my camelbag?
  9. So.... It looks like I'm gonna be short one nut.
  10. I would also buy conti tubes with the removable valve core. Made life easier. But now... Tubes? What's that?
  11. Yeah maybe so, but so can most people Edit: fixed it
  12. When I was a kid we needed tuck money, but now days the kids need TIK money!
  13. May he have multiple punctures,run out patches and have no signal for his mobile while it rains and hails! Nb: this only applies if was seriously running a scam.
  14. I offered my nut for scientific research, not 55k.
  15. Looking for entries please!!! 40 or 70, and if possible 2 or a combo of either. Willing to donate my left nut! Please note: me missing the entry was not due to lack of planning, but rather uncertainty with work commitments, however, my friend just planned badly.
  16. Maybe get one that would fit in your shirt pocket, but then it would have to match your shirt!
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