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    Pretoria East
  1. Is your Country and Home location correct under Settings/Profile? I also can't find time zone anywhere.
  2. Thanks all, will start at Epic Cycles and then work from there.
  3. Anybody know of shops in Pretoria/Centurion selling SS parts. I'm looking for an 18t cog by Tuesday, so online shopping won't work and I would prefer not to have to drive through to Joburg.
  4. I was also looking for one last year, but was told that the Merida agents decided not to import them as the they didn't think they would sell locally. Guess the Trance 2 proved them wrong on that. As a Merida fan, it is a pity in my view. Just for info, I bought the trance 2 and am loving it.
  5. I have the BFe and love it. Definitely worth it! Only had a few rides on it, but it is my bike of choice for short fun rides. For FlyLuis, same photo posted in the SS tread, and will be updated on here once it has been pimped out a bit.
  6. Hows about a photo of said "really cool" crank. No photo and i'm sure it won't work.
  7. Took my "new favorite" bike out yesterday for the first ride. What a jol, and have a feeling the dual sus AM bike is going to get some rest. I have the same problem as Hairy with getting used to a hard tail again, but really enjoyed the geometry of the Cotic. I just need to sort the brakes out, remove some more wheel stickers, convert to tubeless and then I'll be happy (for a while anyway).
  8. Dude, don't waste your money on those stylish hooks at Builders, all you need is some naaaai-lon rope, "bloudraad" and an imagination.
  9. I cant comment on the Galea, but i have the Leaf and it is comfortable and not to hot (has enough vents). I haven't had a major fall with it, so can't comment on protection. Catlike also only give 30% back if you break the helmut, where the other manufacturers give up to 50% if I am not mistaken. Bell also have some nice helmuts for under R1000. I had the Ukon, which isn't the prettiest helmut but did the job for 2 years.
  10. We went riding there beginning of January and were also dissapointed with the condition of the trails, especially considering the amount of work being put in on the deck and future restaurant. They did have a team clearing some of the trails that day, so was hoping that this would have been sorted by now. The routes on the "other side" of the highway were the worst and needed some serious work.
  11. My two questions were how he didn't feel this happen, and how he managed to walk around after the ride?
  12. Seems like injuries are more common "down there" than what we realise. A guy we cycle with never used to wear cycle shorts as he said after a couple of hours on a long ride they were not worth anything, so just cycled in normal shorts. After a reasonably rocky ride one day, he got back and had the need to "pee" every 30min or so. Eventually he went to the doctor and it turns out the saddle penetrated his "behind" and tore a muscle from around the prostate (or something like that). Needless to say he now cycles with padded cycle shorts.
  13. Watched this add this morning, and i think SA needs more of this type of advertising. I think it fits in quite nicely with what you trying to do with this campaign. Everybody needs to take that (split)second to consider the consequences to their actions. http://youtu.be/QEusOilrXs8
  14. I have 2 40km tickets that are not going to be used anymore. Let me know if you interested. I know a good witch doctor that will take nuts, but otherwise I am willing to accept what it cost me.
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