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Everything posted by BodyBikeFit

  1. @Iron The race pickup/ late entries is on Friday 27th January at fountains from 08:30 to 16:00
  2. Lets try that again: ere is the preliminary start times. Please keep in mind there is a great chance that it might change http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=351680678178518&set=a.306339119379341.87744.303032293043357&type=1&ref=nf
  3. Hey Guys cool new update, Burry Stander is comming to the race!! How awsome is that!! Just a quick update as well, we will accept late entries on Friday the 27th Jan. From 09:00 to 16:00 at Fountains
  4. Here is mine http://www.endomondo.com/profile/872650
  5. Dangle is right Romin is NOT a MTB specific saddle, but a road saddle. Also one of the reasons the Romin was designed is for people with Kyphosis - if you have an acute curvature at your lumbral spine, people with kyphosis will have difficulty going into an aggressive position on the bike because of your "soft tissue" getting in the way. Therefore it has a more acute upwards curve at the back of the saddle so it allows you to tilt your pelvis more by shifting back/ up on the saddle.
  6. Here is the route highlights
  7. @Pezulu The XCOSA.CO.ZA Race Series is a cross country (XCO) event whereas the Barberton Race is a marathon (XCM) race. These are different disciplines and are also being hosted in different provinces. XCO is the only Olympic Mountainbike event and to date have received very little attention from event organizers. We plan to grow XCO to the same (and an even better) level of participation by educating Mountainbikers on how to enjoy the exhilaration of Mountainbike lap racing and the idea is not to lure riders away from XCM.
  8. @Singletrack The Anatomic series is a Central Gauteng Event, whereas XCOSA.CO.ZA Race Series is a Gauteng North event, both submitted for inclusion on the CSA calendar by the respective provincial bodies. The XCOSA.CO.ZA Race Series is the only Gauteng North Cross Country Series and is also being considered to serve as events for GN provincial colours. Furthermore the XCOSA.CO.ZA Race Series caters for all age categories inclusive of but not limited to scholars.
  9. Hi Soggy I've been using endomondo, it realy is awsome. Just don't expect 100% accurate results. have a look at my profile/ invite me My endomondo profile
  10. Using padded gloves and grips with more support will only alleviate the problem, not stop it. It is 100% setup related. As some hubbers explained, you put an unusual amount of pressure on your ulna nerve and vein and you need to relieve that pressure. Going for a shorter stem or one with a higher pitch only won't solve the problem either. You need to get that sweet spot (which is a personal thing you will feel right away). I have a tool where I can determine that exactly. I'll pm you my details, give me a call and I'll explain the details!
  11. Hot foot is not necessarily a function of the shoe, but of the support for your feet! Reason why I say that is your feet are designed for pronation. What happens while walking/running, as soon as your feet touches the ground, you roll your foot to absorb the impact (pronation). Then while you pronate your longitudinal arch elongates to store energy in your forefoot for the next step. Problem is in the cycling shoe you can't pronate, but still put the same load on your feet while walking/running. Because of the structural design of your feet your arch collapse (which has its own negative impact) but your longitudinal arch still elongates. Most of your feet’s nerves and arteries run between your tarsals and metatarsal (bones in your feet). With the elongating of the arch, it pinches those nerves and arteries; which causes the hotfoot sensation even numbness in your toes. So to conclude all you really need is adequate foot support. Specialized is one of the leaders in this field (and its standard in their shoes) so if you looking to buy new shoes, then I would recommend Specialized. Also keep in mind that my feet and yours differ completely and you need to get your feet analysed by a trained BG FIT Technician.
  12. Starting on 28 January 2012, XCOSA.CO.ZA offers a XCO race series consisting of 5 races at Fountains (Pretoria). One race every 3 months Grand Finale in November 2012. Participants will accrue seeding log points on each race for participation in the last race. Race series starts on an easy track on the 1st race and getting technically more challenging towards the 5th race, the Grand Finale. Entries for the XCOSA.CO.ZA Race Series is open and is done by visiting our website HERE. Select the Race Entry tab and the steps for on-line entries are clearly explained. The moment you select the race in which you want to take part you will be routed to the iTickets website through which the entry administration is handled. Make sure you select the correct age category and that you have all the information at hand for entry. Payment for entry is also done on-line. All races are capped at 500 entries per day so please don’t hesitate – if you snooze you loose! Top performance at all of these races will be handsomely rewarded ...
  13. Ever heard the saying: “The dawn of a new era”? Well, this is it ... Although the whole world experiences an economic slump, mountain biking as sport and lifestyle activity continues growing in South Africa. Considering that mountain biking is an investment intensive activity, one can deduce that either mountain bikers continue with this past time as a result of their passion for it, or they are part of the affluent population! Nevertheless, everyone will appreciate any opportunity to pay less for more. This is best achieved through the economy of scale, hence our decision to start a new mountain bike club! XCOSA.CO.ZA Club is a new mountain bike club catering for all levels of participation. Our Club Membership entails 3 types of membership ranging from FREE membership for Community Members, R300 annual membership fee for Club Members and R550 annual membership fee for VIP Club Membership, the latter obviously with an array of never-to-be-beaten perks. All information and the procedure for joining, Club Prospectus and many more is available on our website XCOSA.CO.ZA – select the Club Hub tab. Alternatively you can contact us at any of the numbers below. THROUGH XCOSA.CO.ZA CLUB WE OFFER YOU THE OPPORTUNITY TO EXPERIENCE THE FUN OF MOUNTAIN BIKING THROUGH INTEGRATING THE 3 BASIC MOUNTAIN BIKE RIDING ELEMENTS (BODY, BIKE, SKILLS) IN AN EXHILARATING, ADVENTUROUS AND AFFORDABLE MANNER. IN ADDITION, THE FIRST 50 MEMBERS JOINING XCOSA.CO.ZA CLUB WILL HAVE THE OPTION TO PURCHASE A 12-MONTH MOUNTAIN BIKE SERVICE PLAN FOR A MERE R150-00 (in association with Bester Cycles)!!! http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/162043_194758400548215_5430323_n.jpg
  14. Hi I've been trained in the BG FIT system from Specialized. ITB related problems 80% of the time is caused by foot structure and the lack of foot support. Reason for that is a human foot is designed for walking/ running or pronation. The idea of pronation is to absorb the impact of walking/ running and to efficiently distribute and transfer energy. Because you're strapped in the shoe you can't pronate, but still put your feet through the same "stress" as you would while walking/ running. What I do is I do a complete structural and biometric assessment; I then use that data to set you up on the bike. Also there is two things that you must keep in mind 1. A bike fit should be dynamic, ie. it should change/ adapt to your current level of conditioning (so it should change the whole time). 2. Although there are certain rules of thumb around bike setup, personal preference and current state of conditioning plays a huge roll. I would love to discuss your personal fit with you over a cup of coffee My email is bodybikefit@thebestyoucanbe.co.za
  15. Enjoy the freedom of health and wellness ... to have zest for life ... to take any challenge head-on with confidence ... to wake-up with a smile ... to look forward to every day ... to fit in to the clothes you dreamt about ... You get: Personal 1-on-1 coaching from a professional coach A personalised, customized shape-up training programme Access to a state-of-the-art coaching studio A full-body biokinetic “before” and “after” analysis Clinically tested and scientifically formulated natural supplements and Super Nutrient Health Shakes for everyday meal-replacement For more info Contact Pierre or David on 0713608770 or email active@thebestyoucanbe.co.za
  16. Event Name: 2012 XCOSA.Co.ZA Series When: 28 January 2012 Where: Fountains Valley, Pretoria, Gauteng Category: MTB The 2012 Active Lifestyle Coaching XCO Series Bringing you the fun of mountain bike lap racing ... The 2012 Active Lifestyle Coaching XCO Series will introduce you to thefun of lap racing, the only mountain bike Olympic event! The series will consist of 4 formally timed races, all taking place atFountains (Pretoria), during which participants accrue log pointsfor participation in the 5th race, the Grand Finale that will takeplace in Nov 2012. Normal UCI/CSA age categories and rules apply. The race tracks will start-off with an easy ride for the 1st race,and the technical standard of the track will increase towards the Grand Finale. Each race will be preceded by a series of development clinics,presented on the very next race track to equip participants tocope with the skills to participate. These clinics will allowparticipants sufficient training time for preparation. Top performance in each race will be handsomely rewarded http://proietto.com/wp-content/themes/proietto/images/facebook-icon.jpgFollow us on Facebook Go to Event Page
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