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    Western Cape
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    Cape Town

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  1. Did some tweaks to mine- I have not changed anything on it pretty much since I got it , barring tyres of course, a little refresh was called for I guess, Deity bars and stem upfront and AXS at the back end
  2. Wow , what a tour Well done Bini! Well done Mark and chapeau Tadej, you stamped your authority on this event and won it in a dominant and equally entertaining style!
  3. LOL dont think he actually drank from the bottle, just doused himself
  4. Wonder what @SwissVan thoughts are on Pogi offering Vingegaard some water?
  5. Can Remco show some teeth?
  6. You and @frosty have nailed it one the head, those who have expressed dislike for him should provide some context , failing that it’s purely anecdotal or plain old sour grapes because their favorite is on the losing side. I for example am not a fan of Christiano Ronaldo, his sporting exploits aside he has shown himself to be an arrogant egotist on more than one occasion.
  7. Shoo, is that it? How do you know he did not say thanks? Do you have insight into the UAE bidon practices? was expecting the link to show him doing something really deplorable!
  8. Sad when it comes to this . Is our beloved sport still tainted by the ills of the past? Apparently we cannot sit back and enjoy the spectacle and celebrate the exploits of a generational talent? Yes, I’m a Pogacar fan , for many reasons, does this make me glaze over stuff that non fans perhaps see?
  9. 100% - adding some panache!
  10. Yip, hopefully some action from those two tomorrow, failing that this is right and truly a one man story for this year’s race
  11. Jorgensen not looking that comfortable but not shipping time either AT PRESENT
  12. Can Remco shake Jonas?
  13. Imagine that radio now for our stage leader now hearing that Pogacar has attacked
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