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Posts posted by Octavian

  1. Look at the end of the day, its the pilots call on whether the plane is overloaded or not. Its a pity that this is happening now when all the cyclists are rying to go down.


    I'll just be sure next time to make alternative arrrangements when it comes to transporting a bike to an event....Have seen to many of these f'ups over the last couple of months....

  2. sorry i fail to see the humor in this , having kids and having grown up in the bush the reality of what could be if the glass broke or was not there is DAMB scary.Seen a kid snached up while sitting with adults around a fire place will do this too you.


    Not sure it was posted as a humerous clip.


    Unlikely that a zoo would have glass that can be broken by the animal inside...Have seen an elephant enclosure with a glass part...

  3. Ja also mention the words FICA and FAIS in front of the attorney to ensure he provides transparency. Also ask for discount. I know it sounds stupid but it works trust me.


    "Labour" costs (excluding bond and transfer fees) for a transaction like this is not supposed to be more than say R10k?? Or am I wrong fellow hubbers?


    Lawyers are somehow not bound by FAIS, depsite the fact that we use them extensively for tax advise in structuring deals. Which in itself is a financial service. Somehow they managed to get out of it!

  4. So we have already paid for the research by some ministers buddies company


    Yes, apparently the cause of lightning strikes on previously disadvantaged individuals was attributed to:



    White capital

    The DA

    White males

    Afrikaans cultural institutions

    White imperialist pigs

    Die Groot Trek


    Any white individuals not covered in the previous causes

    Bantu education

    Black university alumni that work in white capital companies and who are friends with white capitalists

  5. I honestly can't remember a thing. I suspeect that I was going at a fair lick on hard surface and suddenly went through soft sand and lost control. It must have happened really quickly as I don't have any injuries on my hands or wrists. So I must have hit the ground instantly...

  6. I would like to extend a big thank you to everyone that helped me after my face plant over the weekend at Northern Farms. I was the blond guy that was carted off in the ambulance.


    Special mentions go out to:


    My work colleague and his wife(you know who you are).


    The tuck shop owner lady.


    The ambulance staff.


    And lastly, there was a lady(fellow rider) that was holding my head when I regained consciousness. I feel terrible for not remembering your face, or saying thank you. All I can remember is your voice.


    If anyone can recall this incident and knows who this lady is, and/or know of anyone else that assisted me in my moment of delirium, please PM as I would like to thank all involved.


    I was unconscious/ in lala land for about 20 min, so I have no recollection of anything that happened 5 min before and 20 min after my fall...So I apologise if I dont thank some people specifically....

  7. Which is exactly what you are supposed to do according to the law. What's the fuss?


    It's got nothing to do with some motorists being non-cyclists. It's got to do with as Eldron puts it: "**** you mate. Don't give a **** how many laws I break as long as I'm ok. And another great big **** you if you dare be breaking a law that inconveniences me in the slightest. In fact double **** you for even being alive."


    Are they allowed to ride 5 abreast?

  8. I was driving through the cradle this weekend on my way to Van Gaalens to do some MTB'ing and I can confirm that these guys in these big groups ride up to 5 bikes abreast. Often had to drive behind them before I could overtake as I had to go fully into the oncoming lane.


    I can understand how non-cyclists can become irrate...

  9. Its called a free market system. When it functions correctly prices are very close to each other. Anything else means that the distribution of information in the market is impeded somehow.

  10. I would like to hesitate a guess at the age of this guy.....14?


    I suggest he comes and works for me, and try and do something that I have mastered. I will make sure to shout at him while he is slow at doing the work that I will do 10 times faster than him...


    Patience is a sign of maturity...

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