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Everything posted by Marq001

  1. Im keen to follow this topic, would really like to find out if it is all worth it.
  2. Hi Guys Does anyone that has a Rider 40 please explain to me how you delete a file from the 'My Workout' folder on the device? If i go to the 'to plan' function and select a workout it saves to the 'my workout' folder, but then i can not find a way to delete them from there. Checked it on the web when you connect the device but nothing. Thanks
  3. Do you have the normal bike Cube or the deluxe? Is there any differences between the two anyway besides for the strap and matt?
  4. Here is the route profile......... Start ____________________________________/\____________________________Finish
  5. Hi Everyone So been looking at storage/travel bags for my cycling gear. Something to keep spares, helmet, shoes etc packed for race days or travelling. So far i have found these two. They keep everything nice a neat and protected. Ogio Duffel Bag: Bike Cube: Has or Does anyone use something like these, if so what do you use? Recommendations welcome.
  6. Very nice stuff! I quite like the cycling jersey...
  7. Im in Great Race! Flat and Fast...
  8. Im also interested in this... not much info anywhere. But, looking at the address I think i might have done this last year, I suffered though, it was a lap race inside one of the reserves there. Only about 50 riders. I could be wrong. If it is the same one im going for vengeance..
  9. In MY own opinion, hakahana was probably the most challenging one day event last year in the gauteng area, but i do think Vori-berg is definitely just as challenging and the event runs through the year. I also believe that Clarens, for me still is the hardest one day race, the Ultra I mean.
  10. Index of 30, and in E batch...
  11. He is not that type of a woman...... quoted from a guy that used to be in the news almost everyday...
  12. What a funny thread, have a had a few min of solid laughs.... Think im going to be getting myself a can of swat this afternoon, I think it would make it just slightly safer when I do rides by myslef. Just a question to all the stories on here, what do you guys do that have sprayed these perps in the face? Ride away? or get a few kicks in there then ride away?
  13. And the picture of the thief http://www.iol.co.za/polopoly_fs/laptop-thief-2-1.1449672!/image/1791951363.jpg_gen/derivatives/box_300/1791951363.jpg
  14. http://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/Thief-posts-pics-on-victims-Facebook-page-20130111' Nice one choppa...
  15. pierre.devilliers.9231 - whatachop!!! "as they have formed strong special interest groups" make it sound like we are some sort of cult? I wonder if this guy does any form of exercise? a pedestrian can be just as difficult to spot. Us as cyclists obviously try keep to the safest side of a lane, but this chop obviously forgets that motorcyclists are also a danger to motor vehicles and cyclists.
  16. wow makes me a bit queezy for this time of the morning..
  17. i spotted the box in near the east rand of mall sometime ago, was curious to see what poena looked like, so when I pulled up next to him at the red light, he made the eye contact and at that moment the robot turned green, and 3...2....1... poena was weg! whatachop...
  18. I think we should do a seriously lumo group ride one of these days! so bright that a motorist will see us from a mile away.... Just for fun!
  19. Gosh, they are really aggressive there, funny though!
  20. Diet Diet Diet.... Thats the only way! fat loss agents help in shedding some fat, but essentially its all the diet.
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