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Leon Besaans

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Everything posted by Leon Besaans

  1. This thread is very funny..... Reminds me of the saying "opinions are like @rseholes, everyone has one" Regards
  2. Prof Google can justify anything. That is reality. Also, everyone of us are different, and we will burn fat and/ or carbs differently. When we used to cycle with Cytomax many years ago, OMG, it was so damn good and everyone used it, now the buzz is 32gi. Tim Noakes, Gary Taubes, Peter Attia has turned the world upside down with LCHF stories, but its not for everyone, its clear and they tell you so much. Truth is, you need to find what works for you, and what drives me crazy is all this fancy marketing and hype about this or that product with the shiny label gonna make you see gold medals etc etc. Its just not true. Ultimately a well balanced diet and truthfull fitness levels will determine your outcome. For what its worth, I use UCAN for marathon type rides and mostly nothing for anything less than 2hrs. Good luck in your search. Regards
  3. Picked up a really old Bridgestone MB2 for R 450 today. Idea is tyo give it it the gardener, but jislaaik, thats a really nice frame, with lugs and all. Is it worth turning this baby into a SS. Or is it really only good enough for the gardener?? All the best. Leon
  4. I took revenge on Van Gaalens on the weekend, after that terrible bonk 2 weekends ago. This time, I ate some sweet potato and butternut the night before, normal eggs and some fruit for breakfast and then a sachet of UCAN. Man, oh man, 50km later and 3.5hrs in saddle and it feels like I never broke a sweat. Jaja, we did not race, but we certainly did not ride at sunday morning levels either. It really seemed like my heart was working at a lower rate, and it showed afterwards... average of 128bpm.... Bifg diffs from a week ago of nearly 140bpm average. So, my lesson, you need carbs for high intensity endurance activities, and UCAN is THE business. Regards
  5. http://cyclingtips.com.au/2013/08/high-fat-low-carb-diets-good-for-you-and-your-cycling/ Rather interesting.... Regards
  6. Dave, Tombeej, With you, not arguing, my argument (if its an argument) is purely trying to avoid a near death experience like I had at VG over weekend. Riding at 48yrs old after a 13 year layoff is not for the faint hearted, and I mean really, its not THAT vital in my life to be a pure fat burner. So we go on and learn/ improve in small steps. If I find after coming weekend that my bowl of oats before the ride was wastefull then be it... I will hoof down more eggs on next ride and see what happens. Point is, cycling is the fun part, trying to find the optimum nutrition is just to help that. All the best.
  7. Get it, but I am more Paleo than LCHF, and I dont really have an insulin problem so not sure if its such a big deal. Learning as we go. Regards
  8. So, 2 things here: 1. If you dont race its surely academic, personally I thought I was ok till Sat at van Gaalens... Nearly died, and it showed my dietary shortcomings in a big way.... I will be strictly Paleo 90% of the time, but come any ride/ race over 3 hrs and I can tell you I will consume a large bowl of pasta/ rice/ oats before. Not prepared to suffer like that again. If it will make any diffs, only time will tell. 2. Paleo man never spent 3 - 6 hrs at 85% HR chasing down their pray, so they did not have the need for higher carbs. They where adapt at shorter sprints to make kill. Read Joe Friel's book on Paleo for athletes. All the best. Leon
  9. Sprinted to work this morning, 40mins, 12km, up and down... Normally the ride to work takes me 55mins. What did I do different, I took a packet of UCAN superstarch......after breakfast. (3 eggs, banana, grapefruit and tablespoon of coconut oil) Seemed to work.. Will continue with this stuff on LSD ride this weekend and see the outcome. Regards
  10. Ja, you need to chill....heading into that over training zone when your heart does not wanna get up. Regards
  11. Jaja, look, been off bike for 13 yrs and only been riding since Feb again, so dont have it in legs yet, but it will come... PLEASE post those nutition requirements...
  12. Paleo now for about 3 months...And honestly, 2 hr or 2.5 hr rides are no probs, but anything after 2.5 I start feeling the strain. I got hold of some UCAN superstarch but was to scared to try it for VG, wil try this weekend and see if it makes any diff's. Another thing I wanna try is some biltong/ droewors on the ride, think that can put some sodium back and as you mention, I really could not stomach anything sweet anymore. Thanks for all other replies!! Regards
  13. Hey guys, Need some help here. Been following more Paleo than strictly LCHF, do consume fair amounts of fat, protein, carbs are mostly 2 fruits a day, salads and the odd sweet potato. I am "almost" a toppie at 48 yrs old. Yesterday I rode the 70km Van Gaalens and took a serious beating. Finished on 6 hrs where the winner cruised in 2h20 odd.. Now I dont believe I am unfit, been training around 8 hrs a week for a while now, with heart rate monitor, doing all the high intensity stuff and also longer slower rides, what I do find is that any ride beyond 2h30 I start feeling the strain. I eat on the bike, bananas, sweet potato, 32gi bars, and also use 32gi in my water. Question is, how the hell do you prepare yourself nutritionally for these mega marathon rides, and what do you guys eat/ drink on the ride. Appreciate any comments Regards
  14. Was ridiculously tough. More off the bike than on. Just could not get going, everytime you think you can ride, you have to jump off cause 20 other stuck in front of you. Very frustrating. Happy I finished, but this was a leveller for me. Thought 8 hrs or so of training a week is sufficient... Mmmmm.... clearly not. All the best Leon
  15. Hello Guys, Can anyone recommend a doctor in Sandton /4ways area that has knowledge about this diet and cholestrol. I dont trust conventional doctors and really want to understand the whole thing. Regards, Leon
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