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Everything posted by Master-Yoda

  1. You're the one that started insulting and posting stupid comments so what do you expect, that I keep quiet? Once again and like others that read but don't understand what they're reading, I'm not putting no one in danger nor do I/we ride against traffic. If you had any intelligence going on in that empty skull you would have understood by now what I've been saying and repeating, god you're think headed! I ride with other riders and we ALL ride on the LEFT, capiche you idiot? NO ONE is riding on the right or implying that this is what we should do so take your head out of your ass and learn to listen. I don't care if few people like my opinion and I honestly don't care if the majority has a different opinion, it sure as hell doesn't mean that mine is completely wrong. There's a few that voted right but prefer to keep quiet, maybe because the majority don't know how to deal with someone else having a different opinion and then all gang up on the minority but guess what, I don't give a ****. I have my opinion and I sure as hell aint going to keep quiet about it. Just because everyone (the majority) votes ANC in this country doesn't mean it's the best/safest/smartest option but guess what, that's what the majority does. I say screw that and send my vote the other way because that's what I believe and if you believe that you're with the majority, then good for you. Last I checked I didn't have a kid by the name of Kwezi (capital K please), do you by any chance have one by the name of Padesse?
  2. I love the way how your replies always seem to include the "we" and "us", are you so uncertain of yourself that you need to include others to back you up? Oh and once again you don't understand what you read so I'll repeat it again as I'm sure it'll eventually sink in.. I've been MAKING a LIVING off the net for +15 years, not moderating for 15 years and if you must know (because I'm sure your mind needs some sort of stimulation and something to keep itself occupied with..), moderating was something that I did (did and not do, you did notice that right?). Irrelevant if you ask me and nothing to do with the topic on-hand so either stick to it or don't post off topic comments. "Wants answers and opinions but only those he agrees with, if not in agreement he will illuminate their mental and moral deficiencies, it is his duty." Have you failed to notice that reply #78 proves the exact opposite? You're a great example of the type of guy that jumps onto the bandwagon because his mate is on it and it sounds cool where they're heading even if you have no idea where it's heading to. You'll repeat whatever he says (like a dumbass parrot) because you lack the ability to rationalize for yourself. You should direct all your effort to improve our riding skills and instead exercise the most important muscle of all which is rather under developed. The point here is that the majority believes that riding with the traffic flow is safer and I respect each one's decision. I still believe that (and this is my opinion), I'd probably have a better chance of getting out of the way if I anticipated that *** was on it's was by seeing it instead of not knowing what's coming from behind. Like someone else commented, maybe I wont have enough time to react but if that means that my family that's coming from behind sees/hears the "splat" and if that gives them the chance to get out of the way and save themselves, then I'll be happy to be hit head on by a vehicle if it means that they aren't. Any parent would do/think the same and anyone that disagrees either isn't a parent or sucks at being one.
  3. I actually read your story about that bakkie that hit your friend and son literally minutes before I opened this thread and trust me, I know exactly what you were feeling because I have a daughter that's also into the sport and the last thing we need in our lives is for our laaities to get hurt, or worse.. That's my main concern and I know that the only reason that you went in front and not at the back is because as the father, you want to be out front and leading the way making sure that your family follows safely from behind. At least that's what I do and just the thought of hearing/seeing my family get hit from behind (without knowing you're about to get hit) has to be the worse feeling of all...
  4. I respect your comments and partially agree with you, would be nice to have more guys like you that actually know how to put their thoughts across without insulting others.. +1
  5. What are you on about? I asked a question, I didn't say that I was riding against traffic so don't assume that I am! And what the hell is wrong with me adding more insight to back my comments and or statements? I obviously needed to explain where I'm coming from and now all that you can do is to hold onto that little point and call it a "convenience".., grow up.
  6. Can you please post the link to the thread where I try to convince anyone to disobey the law? Stop being delusional and read to understand what others are saying, it'll give you a better understanding of the topic on-hand..
  7. If only we had that option.., we mostly ride through sugar cane farms and sometimes need to get onto a road to either head back to the lbs (where we all start our ride from) or simply to cross the road to hit another trail. The only option is to be on the road..
  8. Of course it could have happened, ever heard of houses being hit by lighting? Maybe it's because the house was built on the wrong side of the road... You gotta love sarcasm!
  9. The below study clearly shows that you're less likely to suffer an accident when riding in the same direction as the traffic flow and not against it and I thought I was clear when I said that in most countries this is the case. What most hubbers that are reading and replying are forgetting is that I specifically mentioned our conditions and how many drivers in SA and especially taxi drivers behave. So once again I'm going to repeat this and say that the question asked refers to if you're less or more likely to have or avoid an accident (in SA) by driving on one side or the other. It has nothing to do with whether or not it's illegal as we all know the answer to that question.. http://i.stack.imgur.com/f6gyc.png Source; http://bicycles.stackexchange.com/questions/9033/why-is-it-safer-to-bike-with-traffic-instead-of-facing-oncoming-cars
  10. This is exactly what I'm referring to, glad to hear that someone understands what I'm talking about (Y)
  11. Convenient, no. It's called adding information so that others may better understand my perspective, certainly not "convenient". Reply #36 of the following link which I posted a few weeks ago clears shows that we have mountain bikes and not road bikes; https://community.bikehub.co.za/topic/132266-rant-thule-salesman/page__st__32 BTW, I've been making a living off the net for over 15 years now and have in the past moderated more than a handful of public forums. Don't be naive and assume just because someone is newly registered and only has a few posts that he/she is a complete newbie because you'd be wrong. Rofl.., what assumptions people make these days..
  12. This is a different scenario but nevertheless, I want to be the guy in orange (26 seconds onwards) that's in-front of the car, sees it coming and gets out of the way..., and lives to see another day.
  13. Hun?? How am I twisting anyone's mind into doing anything that they don't want to do? I'm not asking people to join a cult and to follow my every command, I'm asking a damn question of what people think and not if people want to do what I'm saying that I think of as being the safest option. So to say that I must do a "search on what you propose on the forum" is not only a stupid suggestion but rather an irrelevant one as well as I'm not asking anyone to ride on the left, centre or on the right. You ride where ever the heck you want to ride, good for you and I wish you well (I truly do) but learn to listen to what others have to say and understand what they're trying to express even if you disagree with it.
  14. Hitting a oncoming cyclist at 60Km/h is gonna be sore as hell but I'll take that any day over being hit by a car from behind even if it's doing less than 60Km/h, have you done the maths on that?
  15. Agree and well said. This is exactly how I feel and I get worried for the safety of my two girls..
  16. Maybe I should have explained this better, we ride mountain bikes and not road bikes so we're not always on the roads. We do occasionally need to either cross the roads or ride short distances and although I didn't include this info, I am referring to riding on the roads in these conditions. Of course if referring to road riding then it's a different story..
  17. I'll ignore your attempt to insult me and I'm sorry to say, you will have to try better if you want to get under my skin
  18. You're missing the point and by a mile and unless one day you have someone like YOUR CHILD that gets whacked by a car/truck/taxi from behind, only then will you realize that things might not work how you thought they did. My questions and concerns are valid, as valid as your comment to "then drive your car" may be. And as for oncoming cyclists, why would you assume that I'd somehow react differently to moving over to let him/them by? Yes because that's what I or anyone that respects others while commuting on the road would do and I sure as hell wouldn't have a problem moving over for another cyclist.
  19. It's also illegal to drink and drive and take out people on the road and the question which is Ride with or against traffic flow? Which is safer and why? and not if it's illegal or not.
  20. In most civilized countries where drivers respect cyclists, this would be a simple question to answer. It's logical to assume that the safest would be to ride your bike with the traffic flow and obey all traffic laws just like a motorized vehicle has to. Not only in SA but in many other countries a large percentage of drivers have no respect for the traffic laws and don't give a damn about cyclists. Taxi drivers are and in my opinion, a bunch of killers on the road and I hate to stereotype all taxi drivers but what I really mean is that 99.99999% of them don't give a damn about you and your bike. A few weeks ago one taxi driver almost knocked my daughter over, she couldn't go any further off to the left and he literally gave her centimeters of space between his taxi and her handle bar. So my question is, and as you've already been anticipating, why would you ride on the left and not on the right and against traffic if it gives you a better chance of survival? There's cyclists getting hit by cars from behind every single day and sometimes families get "taken out" with one swift blow by a lunatic, drunk or idiot that shouldn't be driving in the first place. Wouldn't you want to be leading the pack with your family safely behind you and at least have a chance of reacting should some crazy idiot decide to move out of his lane (to his left)? I'm seriously considering riding on the right as each day I ride my bike I get more and more convinced that my family and I are safer on that side on the road.. Vote and post your comments/thoughts/suggestions..
  21. They're at it again.. http://cyclenpartcenter.wozaonline.co.za/_item?item_id=021001 http://cyclenpartcenter.wozaonline.co.za/contact+us This is where hub members that buy/sell here fail miserably. I've sold a few items in the classifieds section and even though I asked the buyers/sellers to leave feedback, not one feedback was left. On the other-hand, ALL buyers and sellers that I've dealt with here on the hub have received my feedback so that other users can have a look at what sort of feedback they have. It's a no brainer yet most forget to leave feedback on the seller/buyer's profile which will ultimately make trading on TH much safer. My 0.2c..
  22. This guy has my respect not for being able to change the tube but because of riding to raise money for the disabled child. To simply make an effort regardless of being disabled or not is impressive, I admire his strength..what a guy! The force is definitely with him..
  23. I had a good look at all Thule options and almost went for it until I read about the Atera (made in Germany) which in my opinion is far superior to any Thule I've looked at. I got myself the Strada Avo 3, here's the link; http://www.bikecarri...id=62&Itemid=77 They also have the option for the 4th bike extension; http://www.bikecarri...id=57&Itemid=65 It' s rock solid carrier and what's really good about it is the way that it slides back and tilts at an angle (away from the boot) leaving more than enough space between the carrier and the vehicle to load whatever you want into the boot. Here's a few pictures I took a while back.. http://s21.postimg.org/gxzy0tnwn/image.jpg http://s21.postimg.org/71yv16i4n/image.jpg
  24. Gotta be careful these days, not much is needed for someone to sue them for some ridiculous amount if there's a bad accident caused by a faulty shock.
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