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Everything posted by davem

  1. Some perspective on the margins quoted. Retailers work on margins nor markups. Margin is: Profit / Selling Price Therefore on bikes: 35% margin increased to 50 % margin means that a bike that costs R10 000 to purchase from the wholesaler moves from R15 384 to R20 000. A 30% price increase. On accessories: 50% margin increased to 75% margin means that an item that costs R100 to purchase from the wholesaler moves from R200 to R400. A 100% increase in price. Is that fair? It sure as hell makes me jealous.
  2. Last week I read a Think Bike brochure in my local coffee shop. What a brilliant piece of work! Tarmac, Bravo! Your post should be the beginning of Think Bicycle. Perhaps the Think Bike guys on the site can help develope the concept. My ex gf said I looked like a d**s using my rear light in daylight and stopping at traffic lights when I was new to the sport. Rather d**s than dead. I still stop at traffic lights and will always do so. Why is it so uncool to take safety seriously?
  3. I must admit, I quite like my medals. (I don't have many at this stage) After 20 years of sloth, I started doing a bit of exercise last year. My first Midmar Mile, 60km ride, 94.7, Half marathon and Tough One will always indicate a phase shift in the way I live my life. I look forward to my first marathon medal and possibly even a Half Iron Man in the future. For many a medal marks the achievement of a goal that they have worked towards over months. As a new entrant into any sport, it is the recognition of the work put in. I suggest on the online entry have the following option: 1. Medal 2. T Shirt 3. Donate to race charity Keep the entry fee the same for all otherwise too complex to administer. Those who don't want a medal get the feel good of the donation. Medals only to pre entries is also an option to minimise wastage.
  4. What other symbols/words would be appropriate to have projected on the road behind you? I can think of a few. This device has potential.
  5. One of the aspects of driving in SA is that whenever a collision occurs we call it an 'Accident'. The morning radio traffic reports always refer to 'Accidents'. The term implies a lack of responsibility. 'It just happened' Every collision has a cause for which someone bears responsibility, whether it be by willful intention or negligence or omission. Some have greater consequences than others. Our attitude as road users (being cyclists and drivers) must change. Try refering to each collision as such, remove the word accident from your vocabulary. You will likely view that little bumper bashing you had recently or the red light you skipped (cycle or car) in a different light. We all cry out (rightly so) for tougher treatment of criminals. As many people die on our roads each year as are murdered. I cannot control a potential criminal with murderous intent, but I can change my attitude to the way I use the road on my bike and in my car. If traffic collisions are seen as an event that you are responsible for, perhaps the carnage will decrease. I believe that this is an attitude we can change, this is a small step that will hopefully change the mindset. When I read this thread, and keep coming back to it, my heart bleeds for the family of Craig because of the great loss and because of the avoidability of the whole situation. Despite the fact the the driver will pay a price both emotionally and in terms of the justice system, he didn't have to if had taken greater responsibility for his life. This is truly sad.
  6. Thanks for the feedback on the ICG. Does anyone have details on Linden or Northcliff Corner?
  7. Looking for a morning group ride in the Linden area. I am sure there is one from Linden Cycles or other. Anyone know the details? Thanks
  8. Thanks Ian. As a newbie to this, do they explain the workings before or should I seek out Alex before hand?
  9. Hi When is the next Crit? Is anyone welcome to join? What level are you racing at? Thanks Dave
  10. Hey Cranky I agree with you whole heartedly. WIth all the amazing races and other activities happening, surely someone can write a few a few local articles. Bicycling is a bit a of a samp squib at the moment.
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