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Everything posted by Wilbies05

  1. Hi All, I am still looking for some seriously old MTB bikes or even just parts of bikes to please build up machines for the youth development, to the awesome people who have offered clothes thank you, I have in boxed each of you. Please people of the hub, could anyone assist here.
  2. Thanks for all the advice and guidance and to those who have already committed to this amazing cause.
  3. we have decided nothing will stop us, I don't know how to quit, don't know if that's always a good thing, but this involves three things i am passionate about, God Kids and of course cycling, blessed to have a wife and 3 kids (14 11 10 years of age) that share my passion and desire for all 3 of the above. Thank you for the encouragement.
  4. what awesome advice and thank you, we are busy with the local paper and yes everyone is open to a awesome invite for fun and sun.
  5. Thank you again PM sent. This is so awesome seriously.
  6. I will put this together and thank you, wow talk about wild fire and excitment.
  7. Awesome and Thank you again PM sent adress and contact details. Photos and videos will be taken and put on my facebook page link to be supplied if admin will allow this.
  8. Morning All, Hope this is the right forum. lol First off, I want to say i am not trying to be under handed or doing this for self enrichment, My wife and i and our 3 kids relocated to Vryburg in December, and got involved with a Church (Vaderhart - under the leadership of Ps Ettiene Binnemann and his wife) and have realized there is absolutely nothing for the youth in Vryburg (aged from 8 to 18) to do, the youth (white black and colored not to racial), they are on the streets smoking doing drugs and getting into absolute trouble. Being a Father and being proud of what my kids heck family has achieved as cyclists we have wanted to try and start the following: We want to introduce the youth to MTB, we have already got a farmer in Vryburg who has opened his farm to us (I was there yesterday and its awesome some single track jeep track loose sand hard pack some rock a bit of everything), we can have course set out anything from 6km loop up to a 18km loop and we could easily add onto this. Okay to the point what are we asking for, 1 Any old Mountain Bikes laying collecting dust in any state, 2 Any cycling gear Helmets shirts anything 3 Any spare parts that are not being used More importantly any advice from the people on the Hub SA with regards to Indemnity Forms and advice please. We are humble people who have been blessed but cant afford to buy 3 or 4 extra bikes to be used on a loan bases on the farm for people to try and see if they like the concept. Plans are to build a Team to enter event eventaully and to try uplift our youth and show them there is so much joy beingpart of a awesome family that we take for granted daily. The Family of God and ofcourse the Family of cycling. PLEASE I AM NOT TRYING TO HAVE SELF ENRICHMENT (sorry for the caps) but am trying to start a project that I believe will do well, my family and i are more than happy to offer our time and guidance (for what its worth), to make this a better place. Thank you for your time. Sean Janine Joshua Aura and Seth.
  9. Go give it horns and bring it home for South Africa, its going to be a fight but im darn sure you guys will have alot of SA support,
  10. Dip Slick, i cant read your post when its typed correctly lol where is the darn cap locks?, but seriously i have to agree, when last did you see someone smiling while driving
  11. so much love and care in this house, Roadies clapping drivers, roadies turning on MTB (even if jokes), damn and us MTB guy thought we was tough, huh na bru ek sien die K*K gaan spat, lol, lets hope the general public can forget this un savory event and we can try create a clear and basic respect for each other.
  12. and in CAP locks, let me rather keep quiet before tared and feathered,
  13. The idiot comment was made by me, and is in reference to the so called President of the guilty club saying it was fine cause his cyclists were provoked, now if your okay with that behavior and letting a person who should lead by example state this on any form of site, then i am ashamed to be a cyclist cause one fools comment paints all of us cyclists as dim whited road obnoxious fools, now i am not one of those fools and im sure neither are you, surely our Club Presidents should set examples and lead and teach correctly, my comment to close the club is made cause what else will his "people" do to endanger all of us at the end of the day. Signed proud idiot speaking the truth like everyone wants to but may be holding back cause it cause a discomfort, and a "Beating" excuse the pun.
  14. the video doesn't lie, a bit of water from a sachet wont make the road that wet, i think best you keep quiet as you make sense have no educated input and well you kind have slapped every cyclist and member of the hub in the face with your attempt at ill fated humor (see bolder text), we are a band of brothers and sisters here that give a damn about community friends and cycling for you to come in here and make us a mockery just does not fly well at all.
  15. Dis flippen gusting, close the damn club.
  16. you have kinda opened a can of whoop ass here, however if that was me or my kid been bugged by a driver would explain nice and firm not acceptable, if that was me and my kids in the van having that *** done to me,, by kids trust me i would put my damn foot down and ride their bikes moer toe, (and yes i am a cyclist but no one will endanger me or my family point), if those were my kids and their friends doing the mob justice, I would bliksem 7 kinds of k@k out of him fetch all his "bras in da hood" and march the swines to the police to be dealt with POINT, what are we showing the world that in SA we rule the roost and do things vigilante style no im sorry if these or any of these are your kids sorry to say handle it be a parent and do whats right, nothing the driver could have done or said was deservant of the blatant attack. however the follow on will only be felt later down the road when a innocent woman or child or cyclist training minding his own and doing what he loves gets "taken out" by a pissed off crazed motorist cause of a bunch of ill mannered ill tempered twats.
  17. Escapee, im sure the story has 2 sides, however there is a law thats says your reaction cannot out way the situation that started the action, so in basic terms , if the driver indeed cut them off, they still had no right to pepper spray the bloke punch them and try steel his keys, and the bigger issue is the fight is on tape, not what happened in the first degree, so there word against the drivers and the evidence of the tape, I think the cyclists are at fault here and are in serious trouble. Im not attacking you but this is a serious issue.
  18. haha, thought came to mind now, Big Bubba in the prison can ride him like a bicycle all night long, " elke keer wat ek jou gat sien wil ek hom trap soos a Bicycle" lol, no seriously I have to agree arrest and action,
  19. well then its safe to say cyclists are even more f#$%ed than before.....wonderful thanks you bunch of snot nose wankers.Maybe us hubbers should all get together and get them and we hand out mob justice on FB to save what good cyclists try and do daily, we will be the "Parents" teaching the little children right from wrong, Wait you cant even smack your child anymore as its assault, okay no more play-station and XBOX till you have manners
  20. I have no words for this we are all human and yes at times we lose the plot we get enraged and make stupid decisions, but thats when its time to act ones age and no shoe size, be the better person and rather leave it or apologies, seriously, whats stronger you and your bike or the guy in his car or truck, kinda like farting against thunder here.
  21. may i suggest you report them and have this resolved you and your friends could have suffered the mother of all beatings yesterday and possibly died, as these guys were major enraged, and you and friends could have missed the Aurgus cause of a bunch on nancy boys, bet you take the group away and make it one on one, and the cyclist would run the hell away,
  22. People, this is a damn sad day , typical of a young bunch of "were da manna", and of course every young tot had to add his violent flair, it sickens me to watch this, irrespective if the driver did or dint do something, to have 6 or 7 guys act like this is so totally uncool. We the few decent cyclists will have to watch our backs even more so now cause of a bunch of young "Arnold Snot sugiers" with a moerse chip on their shoulders. Name shame and banning from the sport wont wok people they will blame the proposed "Fool" in the van and go make more K@K for us the decent few, no its assault its assault with a deadly weapon (bike shops look out for the tool with a damaged front wheel wanting it straintend, its assault with intent to do bodily harm, find them and send the swines to jail, and let "Bubba" teach them about respect at night. Can anyone say Vaseline.
  23. Thank hell they didn't include a person weight either cause then i figure a whole lot of us would be in a serious state, never mind boob size g string versus granny panties or no panties (ladies of course ...and for those "metro men lol), seriously, why the hell can one not just buy whats your budget and what appeals to you and thrash the living chains out of it, since when did the consumer become bullied into something, hey don't get me wrong if proper advice is given and explained for a valued reason by all means, but now size issues, no i see a snake in the grass waiting to bite so poor starter in his / her arse, Thats just me hey, I have kids on 26ers my wife on a 29er and along comes me on a 29er, we aint no pro outfit but gees we love the freedom and the time as a family and with friends, to us its not about the best (yes 5 people mountain biking and competing is expensive), to us its the adventure the priceless memories and I will tell you a huge secret (I DARE ANYONE WHOS HONEST TO DISAGREE HERE), when the LBS realize that its about family fun and adventure and not the R100K sale they will make money hands over fists.
  24. I have heard never ride faster than your guardian angels, but in this case should be never type faster than the brain can process the spelling and grammar. Coffee and biscuits.
  25. for the record Porqui, are you are that you can open a case of Common Assault against the fool, (never law says that assault doesn't need to be physical or verbal, but in any situation where you the person feel threatened in any way or form), yes what would it help its court its this and its that, well maybe its the wake up call the driver needs, it could be the wake up call the bus company needs to train all its drivers, as for his statement, well we all know we are going to Heaven as for him, well Vaseline and torture do come to mind. i am just glad you were not harmed, but it does scare me all this senseless violence and stuff going around, we have become such a angry selfish un caring Nation ... Wild West knocking on the door i think.
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