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    West Rand
  1. I have a drop in fiberglass and the thing cracked, it is a mission to sort(have to pull the whole thing out to repair) so i would definitely go with a concrete option next time.
  2. i did all mine online and on the phone, if there is nothing dodgy it is straight forward.
  3. DJ84


    People/players apparently don't get along with Jake all that well, so wouldn't be surprised if he was asked to leave.
  4. When he was about 20 he got bit on his lower calf by a Puff Adder, never really recovered and he got gangrene from this. Not sure where or how this happened. A good 15 years later we were hunting and he more than likely stepped on the black mamba and it bit him in a very similar spot to the Puff Adder, it took an hour to get him to hospital but the slow circulation probably saved him. He was in ICU for 1-2 weeks, cant remember now. This was about 15 years ago as well. I was close to him (within 5 meters) at a young fit and healthy 16, if it bit me i probably would have died.
  5. The Puffy has more bites due to there being a **** load more of them, thats why it has more deaths/cases. Have been with my cousin when he was bit by a mamba and he has been bit by a puffy as well, guarantee he would take a bite from the Puff Adder 100 times before the Black Mamba again.
  6. I have always owned power breeds and trained most of them. To be honest i dont see the IPO training assisting in what you want. It is command training that gets them to attack not stop them from doing so. proper obedience training is all they need to listen, on top of that the dog needs to follow the leader and if it does not believe you are in charge it will make its own decisions. On top of this, and i see it with my Staffie and my wife, if she gets startled so does he and that can dictate what he does. She must learn to follow your lead and you need to learn how to lead her. If i show aggression towards someone and my dog is next to me he gets worked up and tense ready to fight, it is pack mentality and they are designed to follow.
  7. Just some feedback, I ended up getting the Jabra Sport Pulse. They are pretty damn nice, a bit expensive but worth it if you want to use the HRM, it is quite accurate. It can be a bit tough to get the fitment right but once you do the will not fall out and can go louder than you would expect. Oh and everything actually works, such as skip songs and such. they App is a great addition as well.
  8. Definitely worth having Med Aid. Healthy guy and my wife all the way through. Still barely ever go to a doctor, but over the last 3 years my wife and myslef have had a couple hospital trips. I have paid roughly R 600k to my med aid over the years. My wifes opps and physio and and and cost close on R 1m and they covered 80% so already recovered there alone. You just dont know when something can happen, the same for any type of insurance.
  9. Haha, They settle around 5 years old but they still way more hyped than other dogs still. Thor tore a muscle 2 weeks ago so he is only allowed light exercise, man can he get frustrating wanting to go running or to the park ect. he also slipped a disk about 18 months ago, he was not allowed to jump for 6 weeks, that was a full time job all on its own. He is a big reason i cut my holidays short, cant be away from that personality for too long.
  10. Said it before, he looks so much like my boy. I love the bull bread dogs and staffies are just so much fun if you enjoy being active with them. Not the best examples as he hates the camera, either attacks it turns away.
  11. Jabra Pulse Earbuds, havent used them properly yet but so far they are great.
  12. Eina bliksem, His arm is facing the wrong way after that fall.
  13. What about fairy tales instead of movies. The big bad wolf and 3 little vagina's Snow white and the 7 vagina's Vagina in Wonderland Vagina and the Beast Little Red Vagina's Hood Puss in Vagina(boots)
  14. Agreed, but i ride for fun now and a bit of fitness. Dont really care for spending undulating hours on the bike at the moment. When and if i want to start racing i will get the gearing suited to that. Maybe slap the new 2x10 XT on.
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