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Everything posted by gummibear

  1. I saw alot of riders this morning riding in thick mist without helmets or lights.
  2. now those will look nice on my bike.can you drop them in my stocking please.
  3. Zaskar thanks.only thing is i liked the Newton bars and on there site it says 205gr but when weighed they are 260.i liked the Ritchey goodies.
  4. R.I.P My condolences to her family and friends.
  5. Conti did you ride this morning? how were the wheels in the wind if you did.
  6. Ok so now i learnt something.
  7. i broke a saddle bolt 50km into a race once...but it was overtightened.it wasnt fun trying to ride standing.only lasted about 3km then hitched a ride.
  8. the fork is full carbon and never felt heavy when the bike was built but the bar and stem did. i really like the look of the carbon bar and stem. windblown2007-12-17 04:08:07
  9. what is a "brifter". if you mean shifter,its 10speed Dura ace
  10. nice bike and happy trails.
  11. i was cleaning my bike this morning and without the wheels on,the front end feels heavy. does anyone know if the bar and stem which are felt if they are heavier than most alu parts. i want a carbon bar and stem but its more for the looks than as weight saveing but will it make it lighter.
  12. thanks guys.they look nice from the photos on the net. windblown2007-12-14 02:05:02
  13. i had those and compared to the Mavics.the Mavics seem roll easier and they are stiffer.i know my LBS has spokes but other than that i dont know.
  14. I really like these wheels a lot.they are stiff and are fairly light.i have been riding mine for 4 weeks now and they are still running as true as the day i got them and i am still carrying a bit of my winter tube to. windblown2007-12-14 02:08:36
  15. Die wind sal nogsteeds waai.dit maak nie saak waneer hulle dit hou nie.
  16. February en Maart is dit redelik stil.behalwe die wek voor Ironman en op die dag.
  17. Conti ek ry mook met Aksiums en die laaste paar oggende waai die wind nogals lekker.ek voel dit ook maar dis eger met die ruk winde.jy sal gewoonond raak daaraan. WAARSKUWING aan al Gauteng ryers wat PE toe kom.los jou deep section by die huis want die wind waai lekker hier.
  18. thanks i have sent him a PM. i heard it in the bunch while we were riding.
  19. thats a very nice bike.
  20. Has anyone heard of these carbon wheels before.they sell at R6800 a set.what else is there in that price.Apparently this is what MTN Team will be riding with.Here are the specs. 700c, 50mm carbon tubulars 1495g per set Shimano 10 speed compatible only Campagnolo 9, 10 speed compatible Deep V 50mm full carbon rim 20 spoke front, 24 spoke rear Zefiro 2/1.6/2 spokes Hubs: Micro 58 front hub, RD-205 rear hub Precision sealed bearing (2 front, 4 rear), super smooth & fast Lacing: radial front, 2 cross rear Rider weight limit: 95kg Includes 2 year warranty, Zefiro rim strips, brake pads and extra spokes for front and back wheel
  21. that looks very nice.all it needs is Zipp cranks and white bar tape.
  22. That rear derailure is very nice.
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