Hi Hubbers, The TokaiMTB committee had a constructive meeting with Noel from Trail & Tar, who leads the runs weekly into Tokai plantation as well as Trevor Ball from trailrunning.co.za (he organises the Table Mountain Challenge and Mast Challenge). These 2 running groups cover most of the trail runners that visit Tokai and with the planned signage, we hope that other trail runners will conform to what we have all decided as a representative group. The issue of safety was presented and well received. Consensus was quickly reached that the mountain bike community, as large as it is, is restricted to very few locations in the Park with a few kilometers of purpose built singletrack trails, found mainly in Tokai. Since runners enjoy the features found on the mountain bike trails, it was also established that it would be a shame for runners to lose access to all the singletrack, so the suggestion was made for TokaiMTB to advise on which trails could be deemed safe to share. Since the MTB trails are built for mountain bikers and by mountain bikers, it was agreed that right of way would be granted to the mountain bikers. Slower trails where running would be permitted include: Fairie Garden Your Roots (contour section). It was advised to approach the exit of this trail with caution as riders entering from the road do so at speed and over a blind rise for anyone in the trail. An exit route has been constructed and will be clearly marked on the map. Runners are encouraged to use this exit. Lizard If you take a look at the current MTB trail map, all green graded routes will be shared between runners and mtbers. Outcomes and requirements: to be communicated among users. Rider speed on descending trails and vegetation height are contributing factors that place both rider and runner at risk of collision and injury. Runners are to be educated on appropriate trail rules and encouraged to comply for continued good relations. A map will be provided showing the trails that can be shared between users. Trails in the tree-lined areas are best suited for shared access as the widely spaced growth allows both runner and rider enough sight to plan encounters well in advance. Should there still be an unexpected meeting on the trail, the average rider speed on these contour trails is slow enough to avoid an accident. Fall-line trails (Downhill 0, 1, 2, 3, 4) and descending XC trails are to be avoided by runners at all costs. See map for approved shared trails. Where running is permitted on mountain bike trails, right of way will be granted to the rider. Runners are to move well off the trail to provide enough room for the rider to pass unhindered. Runners must not make use of earphones while running. Signage at the trailhead will soon be erected detailing rules and guidelines. At this time it is not possible to signpost each trail sign, so runners need to associate themselves with trails set for shared use before setting out. At some stage a symbol/icon may be applied to signs at running permitted trails to assist in compliance.