The race was shocking! About as fun as peak time traffic trip on the N1! Clearly Fritz Pienaar is clearly more interested in raking in the cash and pushing in as many people in the field to finance some new price fixing scam... Really poor organising and not limiting the entries was a big mistake. We spent close to an hour standing next to our bikes on the singletrack sections due the congestion. Really frustrating! We struggled to get to the front of the pack as the 60km guys also joined the field which made it very congested and once you were stuck behind a slow bloke you were stuck. The trail was awesome, however, we couldn't ride it due to the bad congestion. This could've been a great race if it was better organised and numbers limited. Spending 40% of your riding time pushing your bike in congested sections is just not acceptable. Unfortunately I already entered for the Diamond rush... After Saturday it'll clearly not be worthwhile to drive out to Cullinan...