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Everything posted by shammy_rash

  1. talk about violent??? we you perhaps part of the 6 riders????
  2. Ag, Dr. suess as dit nie wys nie dan kyk ons maar iets anders dit gaan oor 'n night out with the boys ...... o ja en girls
  3. Jason you mean side wheels, so we can make your bicycle a tricycle... Just kidding
  4. another week for me
  5. You can't do anything because the criminals are protected by law and the victims are always guilty of neglect and the cause of the crime.
  6. hmmm ouens more is die 23ste
  7. Thanks fourbar - just for those who are believing and hanging onto the words of Beeld, are'nt these the very people who are always getting the names or surnames of the cyclists and winners incorrect???? Proves what excellent journalists we have in SA where a fact is only a fact if you managed to fool people into believing it.
  8. jason, i'm downloading th game gonna test my skills - see what i've learnt by being on SA roads
  9. Annelie - SA triathlete champ - knocked off her bike while riding on left side of road but drunken driver overtaking on left (in yellow lane) because he was in a hurry, drove off after hitting her. Police caught him. Results: nothing. No arrest no prosecution ( AND BY THE WAY IT IS ILLEGAL TO HIT AND RUN AND OVERTAKE ON THE LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!) Theres law for you
  10. guess the cyclists are just following the examples set by them by the south african society - Guess they can't beat society so they joined them. Welcome to south africa, where a life is worth R5, cellphone, and best of all just because you felt like taking it.
  11. Kontak Beeld Skakelbord Johannesburg: 011 7139000 | Pretoria: 012 4207808 Redakteur Peet Kruger Assistent Corrie Knoesen Senior adjunkredakteur Charles Naud? Henry Jeffreys Adjunkredakteur Marga Ley Andriette Stofberg Senior assistentredakeur Dirk Jordaan Gallie van Rensburg Assistentredakteur Willem Kempen Regspesialis Philip de Bruin Kommentaar Ferdi Greyling Redakteur Afrika Liesl Louw Redakteur Perde Etienne Louw Tot u diens Ina Opperman Jip Donnay Torr Spotprent Frans Esterhuyse Johannesburg Nuusredakteur Ingrid Pepler Assistentnuusredakteur Jo Prins Assistent Kim Snyders Versl*ggewers Adriaan Basson Deon de Lange Jo-Ann Floris Lucia Swart Jaco Nel Waldimar Pelser Katrien Smit Sonnette Lombaard Borrie la Grange Alicetine October Carla Mouton Marlise Scheepers Carina van Wyk Noordwes Linda de Beer Mpumalanga Buks Viljoen Limpopo Marietie Louw KwaZulu/Natal Dries Liebenberg Vaaldriehoek Elise Tempelhoff Wes-Beeld Marthinus van Vuuren Oosrand-Beeld Wolfram Zwecker Tshwane-Beeld Hettien Strauss Pretoria Nuusredakteur Erika de Beer Assistent Connie Tait Annie Olivier Delia du Toit Pieter du Toit Erika Gibson Neels Jackson Virginia Kepler Liela Magnus Nicolize Mulder Alet Rademeyer Christel Raubenheimer Antoinette Oosthuizen Eagan Williamson Antoinette Slabbert Neldi Faure Politiek Jan-Jan Joubert Liezel de Lange Deon de Lange Redakteur Fotos Dawid Roux Hooffotograaf Halden Krog Johannesburg Alan Murdoch Siddique Davids Lisa Skinner Johann Hattingh Simphiwe Nkwali Pretoria Leon Botha Brenda Muller Felix Dlangamandla Deaan Vivier Alet Pretorius Redakteur Sake Charles Naud? Assistent Zonika de Wet Jan de Lange Amanda Visser Elma Kloppers Maarten Mittner Mathabo le Roux Jana Marais Petro Lowies Andre Janse van Vuuren Redakteur Plus Christa Smuts Elfra Erasmus Kobus Burger Johan Myburg Amanda de Lange Jacques Liebenberg Janine Morris Thys Odendaal Valda Jansen Redakteur Pols Jo van Eeden Mariska van Rooyen Redakteur Sport Gert van der Westhuizen Pieter Kruger Hennie Brandt Liam del Carme Christo Buchner Jaco van der Merwe Marjolein van der Stad Ettienne van Rensburg De Jongh Borchardt Morris Gilbert Wilhelm de Swardt Redakteur Motors Leo Kok Steven van der Merwe pkruger@beeld.com cknoesen@beeld.com cmnaude@beeld.com hjeffreys@beeld.com mley@beeld.com astofber@beeld.com Djordaan@beeld.com gvanrens@beeld.com Wkempen@beeldcom pdebruir@beeld.com ferdi@beeld.com llouw@beeld.com elouw1@beeld.com totudien@beeld.com Dtorr@beeld.com Festerhuyse@beeld.com ipepler@beeld.com Jprins@beeld.com Ksnyders@beeld.com abasson@beeld.com ddelange@beeld.com jfloris@beeld.com lswart1@beeld.com Jnel1@beeld.com Waldimar@beeld.com Ksmit1@beeld.com slombaard@beeld.com Blagrange@beeld.com Aoctober@beeld.com cmouton@beeld.com mscheepers@beeld.com Cvanwyk2@beeld.com ldebeer2@beeld.com Bviljoen@beeld.com Mlouw1@beeld.com drieslb@worldonline.co.za eliset@beeld.com mvvuuren@beeld.com wzwecker@beeld.com hstrauss@beeld.com Edebeer1@beeld.com Ctait@beeld.com aolivier@beeld.com Ddutoit@beeld.com Pdutoit@beeld.com Egibson@beeld.com njackson@beeld.com Vkeppler@beeld.com lmagnus@beeld.com nmulder@beeld.com arademey@beeld.com craubenh@beeld.com apretorius@beeld.com ewilliam@beeld.com Aslabbert@beeld.com Nstrydom@beeld.com jjoubert@beeld.com Ldelange@beeld.com Ddelange@beeld.com droux@beeld.com hkrog@beeld.com amurdoch@beeld.com sdavids2@beeld.com lskinner@beeld.com Jhattingh1@beeld.com Snkwali@beeld.com Lbotha1@beeld.com bmuller@beeld.com Fdlanga@beeld.com dvivier@beeld.com apretorius@beeld.com Cmnaude@beeld.com Zdewet@beeld.com Jdelange@beeld.com Avisser@beeld.com Ekloppers@beeld.com Mmittner@beeld.com Mathabo@beeld.com Jmarais@beeld.com Plowies@beeld.com Ajvvuure@beeld.com smuts1@beeld.com eerasmus@beeld.com Kburger@beeld.com jmyburg@beeld.com adelange@beeld.com jliebenberg@beeld.com Jmorris@beeld.com Modendaa@beeld.com Vjansen@beeld.com jvaneeden@beeld.com mvrooyen@beeld.com gvanderw@beeld.com Pkruger1@beeld.com hbrandt@beeld.com Ldelcarm@beeld.com cbuchner@beeld.com jvander@beeld.com mvanders@beeld.com Evanrens@beeld.com dborchardt@beeld.com Jgilbert@beeld.com pdesward@beeld.com lkok@beeld.com svanderm@beeld.com
  12. http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_1_2.gif http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_1_2.gif 10/10 spinnekophttp://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_17_4.gif well said http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_1_55.gif
  13. widget, thats a bit harsh. What they did is not right. But I have to agree with some of the posts, ask Elsa Karsten, Annelie and the other cyclists who were knocked of their bikes by impatient drivers, while they were keeping to the road rules and riding behind ach other. On top of that Annelie had a hit and run and what happened to the driver when they caught him - NOTHING. They were lucky to get away alive but what about the man that was knocked and killed. That is "absolutely disgracefull and I hope the full weight of the law is brought against these mobsters. " I don't agree with violent behaviour because one wrong does not correct another wrong, but cyclists are getting fed up with the attitude of drivers and the lack of law, that the cyclists have.
  14. Faniefiets, dink klink vir my soos die regte storie
  15. Somehow I find this VERY hard to believe. Here the innocent old man is driving to work, hoots once and politely drives past the cyclists - moving into the right hand lane to make sure he does not knock anyone over. The cyclist chase after him and (somehow) waits for him at work - guess it was a lucky guess that they knew where he works, and beats the living crap out of him. Come on people this does not sound right in anyway. I know we are living in a violent country but please - the old saying and scientific proof still exists "action causes reaction".
  16. http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/10/10_1_126.gif Jason, lyk my lewe jou motto tot die volste: "If you ever get a second chance in life for something, you've got to go all the way" hehee, just teasing you. http://www.smileycentral.com/sigpc=ZSzeb098&amppp=ZSYYYYYYYYZA
  17. Jason, seem like you and Prince are in competition to see who has the highest falling record
  18. Jason where's the popcorn????
  19. http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/7/7_9_5.gif "all by myself"
  20. yes they are R50, very nice. They come in different colours or plain varnish, she sandpapered it down, took off the varnish and revarnished it to match the frame. Now it looks gooood, but seems like we are running out of space, gues we will have to get another one/two/three
  21. My girlfriend has put all my argus medals in a frame with my times and the date. The rest of the medals she has put the on a medal holder. I don't really care about them but she finds them sentimental. She now wants to put all the classics in frames. ?????? Think she has too much time
  22. I wanna try and get it on DVD - it's currently on VHS (old style)
  23. I got my dad to tape it for me. TCS was on several times, will organize you a copy
  24. Starting $ bunch.Under 2h15
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