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Ali Mclean

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Everything posted by Ali Mclean

  1. Hi You are more than welcome to try us out. We encourage it! ;-) We depart from Cycle Lab Megastore at 7am winter times (We change back to summer times in September – 6am) We have a number of Road and MTB groups, all doing different Average speeds and distances. When you arrive (7.45am) you will find an announcer on a PA system who will ask Guests/Beginners/First Time riders with the club to come forward so we can introduce you to a marshal, who will ensure that you join an appropriate group for your discipline/experience expectations. There are also telescopic banners in the air, which give info on that group ride (ie Road/MTB, Distance, Average Speed, Ride Time) There are info boards on the floor which have this info on them (see below) We have a fabulous coffee shop to socialize at after the ride. We may be very organized, but I promise we are most certainly not snobby. J Our membership fees are R1 000 from now till the end of the year. R900 of it goes towards your Club Kit (Bibs and Shirt) or R700 which includes the Shirt and your Subs. If you have a brand of bibs that you prefer then you don’t need to take the membership that includes the bibs. If you have any questions or want to set up a time/day that I meet you at the club ride, pls let me know on clubpr@cyclelab.com. Regards Ali Mclean MOUNTAIN BIKE RIDES PLEASE NOTE THAT RIDE TIMES MAY DIFFER DUE TO UNFORSEEN MECHANICALS THAT RIDERS MAY EXPERIENCE MTB - A Group – This is a ride of over 55 km, 3 hrs +, speed 20km/hr +, for experienced and very fit riders, non-marshaled. Also known as the Race Snake Ride MTB - B Group – This is a ride of approximately 55 km, about 3 hrs, 19km/h non-marshaled. Also known as the Puffy Ride MTB - C Group – This is a ride of approx 40-45km, at a strong pace, for intermediate riders, 17km/hr, about 2.5 hours. MTB - D Group –This is a ride of approx. 30-35km, at a moderate pace for those wanting to still improve their fitness or wanting to do a shorter route. Ride must be capable of riding for 15km/h for 2 – 2.5hrs MTB - E Group – A great transition from the beginner clinic to riding on the trails. @hrs at approx. 13-15km/h. Total distance 26 – 30km (Beaulieu Route) MTB - Beginners - Please join us for a MTB Beginner Clinic/Ride. Where we will practice skills and techniques, which will include a riding distance of 15km over 2hrs. This ride typically goes to the PWC Bike Park. MTB RIDE GROUPS Tubeless tires (fresh sealant) and well-serviced bikes are essentials for happy rides. Please arrive for club rides with the basic mechanical equipment you may need to fix any repairs whilst out on a club ride. Please also ensure that you have sufficient water bottles to cover you for the ride time you embark on. Please note that we may advertise a route at 2/3hrs long, but there may be unforeseen circumstances of mechanical failures within the groups’ ride, that could result in up to an hour added onto your ride time. Make sure your family at home is aware of this. The last group to depart will be the Beginner Clinic Ride for MTB'ers, the group led by either Rob Yates or Suandi Rakim MTB GROUPS GROUP APPROX DISTANCE APPROX TIME AVERAGE SPEED MTB - A 55 km + 3. hrs + 22km+ MTB - B 55 km 3 hrs +- 19km MTB - C 40 - 45 km 2.5 hrs +- 17km MTB - D 30 - 35 km 2 – 2.5 hrs 15km MTB - E 26km 2hrs 13 - 15km/h MTB - Beginners 15km 2hrs Up to 2hrs ROAD RIDES GROUPS FLAG GROUPS APPROX DISTANCE APPROX TIME MARSHALL AVERAGE SPEED ROAD A 93km (Caves) 2.45hr Non Marshaled 32km/h + ROAD B 93km (Caves) 3hr Non Marshaled 32 km/h ROAD C1 93km (Caves) 3hr15hmin Marshaled 30 km/h ROAD C2 93km (Caves) 3hr20min Marshaled 28 km/h ROAD C3 93km (Caves) 3hr20min Marshaled 27 km/h ROAD D1 93km (Caves) 3hr30min Marshaled 26 km/h ROAD D2 75km (Lion Circle) 3hr15min Marshaled 24 km/h ROAD D3 75km (Lion Circle) 3hr30min Marshaled 23 km/h ROAD D4 55km 3h3 Marshaled 21/22km/h ROAD E 35-40km 2hr Martin/Migration 18km/h ROAD Beginner Clinic 5km loops 2hr Steve -
  2. we are thrilled! we are dancing on the ceiling! Lynette Burger - Gold (Toyota/Supercycling) Ashleigh Moolman - Silver (Toyota/Supercycling) Cherise Taylor - Bronze (MTN/Energade)
  3. Hi All, Pls find Barrys update sent late last night (Monday) The good news received from Gill this morning is that the probe inserted to monitor pressure on Neils brain is showing that there is no abnormal pressure ? which is fantastic news!! <?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Pls send to all fellow cyclists and friends of Neils (ie EVERYBODY!) I am sure I have left people out. Neil Frazer (Steel Razor) - Update 2 March 2009 Hi Gang (would that be Chain Gang?) As a family we have been inundated with good wishes and support. Thank you all. Neil has been heavily sedated and will remain so for a couple of days. Those fantastic people who stopped and assisted at the scene will bare testimony to the incredible amount of pain that Neil was in. We are extremely grateful that he will be relatively pain free for a couple of days whilst the various medical disciplines are able to conduct tests. I am sorry if my reports are a little haphazard and contradictory, but unfortunately I am not solely to blame as we have also been given some contradictory info from the hospital staff. The neck fracture remains stable and is C5/6. He has been immobilised and will remain so for a period of time. Reports today indicate that together with the fractured sternum (top and bottom) there are multiple rib fractures. There must have been an incredible force on his chest area to cause this damage together with the bilateral contusion on his lungs and a dislocated shoulder. At this time we do not know what caused the accident. We know that it is inevitable that there will be conjecture as to what happened but we are not aware of any evidence indicating the cause of the accident. We are aware of theories that are doing the rounds but choose to rather pay attention to Neil and being able to provide him with the best possible care rather than conjecture. Neil is a very special person who has touched many peoples? lives. Neil?s family has been overwhelmed by messages from all over South Africa (and around the world). Thank you. Please continue to pray for his speedy recovery. We will continue to keep the cycling fraternity updated of developments. Barry P. S. Gill is going to need all the support she can get dealing with the bear with the very sore head who will have a fairly protracted convalescence. P.P.S. Neil?s parents, Robert and Jean, thank you all for your incredible support. Kind Regards, Ali McLean Cycle Lab Supercycling Club
  4. Most of you are aware that Neil Frazer was involved in a car accident on the way back from Subaru Sani2C yesterday. <?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Below is an email from Barry (Neil?s Brother in law) that he has asked us to send out. "Many I ask that you keep phone calls to the family to a limit (although everybody understands the good meaning behind your calls) as they are in need to keep their phone lines open between JHB and Vereeniging Docs, Hospitals in JHB and Vereeniging to. We are a very strong community and Neil and his family know we are all on 24hr standby for what ever we can do to assist. Thanks also to you all for the calls and emails and sms?s to me and the club office. The minute I get more news from Barry and Kirsty, I will again send it to you all. Pls feel free to send on to fellow cyclists and club mates, keep as many people informed as possible. Neil you are in our thoughts and prayers constantly! Hi Ali and Andrew I wonder if you would be so kind as to post a message on the site (and possibly send with newsletter). Many people will be aware that Neil was involved in a car accident on the way back from the Sani2C yesterday. Many people have been (or tried to be) in contact with Gill and me. Our phones eventually ran out of battery early yesterday evening. On behalf of Neil and Gill (and the rest of his family) I would like to thank everyone for their kind words, support and prayers. There have been lots of people who have rallied together and helped us, please forgive me if I omit any deserving person or get names wrong (yesterday afternoon was a little stressful). I would like to express special gratitude to the people who helped Neil directly at the site of the accident ? Anton (and his informant who contacted us), Denise, Andrew, Cindi, Kevin and Colin. It certainly made it much easier for us knowing that there were people at the scene who cared for Neil and who were able to ?clear-up?. Thank you very much! Andrew, Cindi, and Kevin, it is difficult to sufficiently express our thanks for your role in comforting Neil at the scene, in the ambulance and to the hospital. Dear Ali and Andrew, thank you for using the ?cycling network? to help organise things. Mark thanks for being our health consultant and advising us. Should Neil require orthopaedic surgery I know that he wouldn?t want anyone else to be involved. A very special thank you to Louise, Andrew and Glen. Louise your willingness and ability to provide support and comfort to Gill was incredible (I am sure it is a ?girl thing?, and you do it well). To two of the real hard men of mountain biking, you guys are true friends. To stay with us until late into the night providing support and on occasion light hearted entertainment was truly appreciated. Thank you!!!! Neil had an accident between Warden and Villiers at approximately 13h30 yesterday afternoon. He was travelling on his own. No other vehicles were involved and the cause of the accident is unknown. It appears that the car rolled 3 or 4 times coming to a stop on its roof. When help arrived on the scene, Neil had crawled out of the wreckage (remarkable given his injuries and the pain that he must have suffering). Although emergency transport took some time, Neil was eventually transported to Vereeniging Medi Clinic. In a nutshell and with dubious scientific terminology: ? Neil is in ICU and will be seen by a Cardio Thoracic specialist and Orthopaedic specialist this morning ? He has been heavily sedated ? There was a large cut at the top/back of his head. This was sutured. Other than severe bruising there does not appear to be bleeding on the brain or other trauma ? There is a ?stable? fracture of C6 and C7 ? Neil?s right shoulder was dislocated and has been reduced (fixed) ? His right scapula is fractured ? Neil?s sternum is fractured in two places (top and bottom) ? There is a bilateral contusion (both lungs) Neil was in severe pain yesterday. Thankfully he is now in a facility where he will be looked after. It is also comforting to know that his friends (together with his family) will ensure that he receives the best possible care and attention. I personally know how much Neil means to the cycling fraternity, but it has been amazing to witness the support that Neil and his family received yesterday. The cell phone networks have been worked overtime. We are not sure of Neil?s immediate medical needs but we will create a system/network where we will be able to keep you up to date with his progress. Your on-going prayers and support are truly appreciated. Thank you! Barry Kind Regards, Ali McLean Cycle Lab Supercycling Club
  5. Hi All, Gee man Steve is one hellova lucky man. As per Andrew he said they had turned right into William Nicol about 100m later there was a touch of wheels and Steve Midgley went down. Steve landed in the middle of his back on the metal edge of a drain. He said it was a shocking sight and created steve to convulse and loose and gain consciousness a few times. I contacted Eli (steves wife) straight away and we were also lucky that a Triathlete lady stopped and controlled the situation, being a doctor. The ambulance arrived promptly (Thanks ER24!!!) Steve has had all the tests xrays and cat scan. there are no breaks, he does have a compressed T12 and muscle injuries but no broken bones. We are appreciative of the way the accident was handled: the calls from concerned cyclists and riding mates, the reaction time from ER24... and are happy that Steve will be ok. Steve our Baby Baby - recover quickly and we are very relieved to know you will be ok! Thanks everybody! Steve has great company in Sandton Clinic! Sean Badenhorst has just had his Apendix removed! Ahhh Sean so sorry to hear that too. Make these guys feel better, a short sms i know will show your concern and support: Steve Midgley - 083 616 6022 Sean Badenhorst - 083 311 1210 Ali Mclean2009-02-13 03:24:49
  6. Hi Everybody, Yip not a great experience! As IanJ correctly said, this is the exact place that i advertise in our newsletetr each week as one of the Hot Spots! Bad ME! It was at the last minute that i decided not to go with Andrew to the Race for Victory and to rather sleep a few hours longer after the 'race' to Crater Cruise and back and to rather ride my own ride a bit later in the 'safer' hours. I had just left home at 8h30 (1.6km to be exact) and decided to ride up to Emmarentia and then look for somebody getting onto the Spruit there to ride down it back home. As i passed the gap between the fencing and the shear drop to the hiway, i remember thinking.... did i see something blue. The next thing a guy in blue overalls pulled me backwards on the bike from behind me and took what he wanted to out of my back pockets and then he pushed me forward over the handlebars and onto the floor. we struggled between each other over the bike all the time i was screaming. 3 cyclists were coming up the drag and the one in front (Wish i could remember his surname so i can call and thanks him!) started to sprint, i think the mugger must have seen that the guy was coming and he kicked and struggled with me and then let go to dissapear over the edge. The funny thing is that i cleary remember 2 cars wizzing by, not one of them hooted or tried to help (Folk are strange!) anyway as our receptionist said 'ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you' How right she is! Thanks everybody, all is well except for a black and blue leg from the fight i put up to ensure i kept my bike! It could have been worse.
  7. Hi all, I have Bens bank account details. if u would like to PM me i will respond with the details. He is doing well given the circumstances and seems really cheery each time we talk. Thanks for all your support!
  8. To Fellow Club Members and Cyclists, I have been up and about for the past 4 weeks on my new prosthesis. I am very grateful to the cycling community for making this possible for me, up until receiving my new prosthesis I was using crutches at work as a bike mechanic/salesman at Cycle lab Durban. My aches and pains have subsided and I am now back on the bike having completed my first triathlon yesterday at Midmar Dam. I am looking forward to improving my results at races as the leg has made it ever so possible. I will be at the 94.7 and I hope that I will be able to meet and thank some of you that made it possible for me to return to a normal life like I had before my accident. Kindest regards Oswald Kydd http://images.supersport.co.za/OswaldKyddOct1308_250.JPG
  9. Hi All, Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers for Ben. You are all 100% correct this is a man in a million!! We are devistated and can assure you that we are ensuring that Ben gets the best medical assistance this country has to offer! He was working on a bike for a customer who needed his HR monitor fitting. He pulled tight using a long nosed pliers on the cable tie that snapped and the pliers went straight thru his eye. destroying the lens and cornea. ER24 were called and their reaction time was minimal, we followed to Life Hospital and were very fortunate that the Opthalmologist Surgeon was in surgery and could take him in immediatley. Apparently the timing from accident to surgery is urgent to prevent the second (Good eye) eye from taking too much shock that it closes down. He was operated on and the outcome is that Ben will loose the sight of his left eye as the lens and cornea were severly damaged. It is very very sad! As Bruce said he is in high spirits (infact we have shed more tears than him) and we have just had him discharged and he is here at my desk asking me to thanks you all for your support. He will be going back to his flat now for rest but the more support he gets the more chance we have of him keeping his head about him in this sad time. his cel number is <?: PREFIX = SKYPE /> 072 552 2457 . We are here for him 24hrs a day!!!!
  10. After a flaming HOT few days, i am still his biggest fan.
  11. Hi Madmarc, We are looking into the RAF but as you said that will take years. Even better news for all you generous hubbers! We have over R33 000 pledged funds! 2 people have donated R2 500 each!!! Can you believe this!!!!
  12. Hey all you wonderful hubbers!! You have already pledged in excess of R26 000!! Tomorrow our server will be back from race reg at Centurion and we will be able to pull the file with exact amounts and the pledgers will receive a email thanking them! This is fantastic news!
  13. Hi IanJ Thanks for that, i hope you have noticed it has been changed. Thank you
  14. Hi, Good Idea, just asked Andrew, he said they will sponsor a pair of Oakley Radar Glasses to one lucky person irrespective of the amount of money they pledge. Thanks for that! We fully understand that times are tough and peoples budgets are stretched, if you can pledge then thats great. If not, of course we understand!
  15. Hi, What do u mean? Not sure what you asking... These are the amounts to choose from. The one that says R0 is for a person to choose the amount they would like to donate if they do not want to donate one of the pre-chossen figures. R1000 : 0R500 : 1R200 : 1R100 : 7R50 : 0R10 : 1Other Amount : 0
  16. http://www.cyclelab.com/default.asp?Id=188&des=content#OSWALD Good thinking Big H!
  17. The South African Cycling community and Supercycling Club Members are saddened and shocked by the news that a wreckless driver caused a horrendous accident on the Sunday morning ride in Durban North. One of the five members that have been affected by the accident is Oswald Kydd. Oswald lost his right leg in a previous cycling accident whereby a truck hit him in October 1997. It has taken a lot of courage and tenacity to get Oswald back to being the achieving sportsman that he is, not to mention the expense of his prosthetic leg. The accident on Sunday morning (Sunday 3rd August 2008) had left Oswald without his mobility due to the prosthetic being destroyed! Oswald has been a wonderful ambassador to sports people worldwide and specifically to cycling and triathletes in South Africa. Supercycling Club powered by Toyota would like to call on you to help raise funds to replace his prosthetic leg which costs over R100 000.00. There is also a lot of physiotherapy required once he has a new prosthesis fitted to create total adaption. WE ARE CALLING ON YOU TO HELP OSWALD!!!! PLEASE LETS GIVE OUR DURBAN CYCLE LAB STORE MECHANIC THE ABILITY TO WALK AND PERFORM ON HIS BIKE AGAIN!!!!! Pls go to www.cyclelab.com then to online entries and donate to the Benefit Fund. PLS PLS PLS!!! http://images.supersport.co.za/OswaldKydd5August08_250.jpg
  18. Dont you know why Bling had to order the bike all in GOLD? Have you not seen that beaut front Tooth of Blings??? It matches his name and his bike! BOLD AND GOLD!!!
  19. Howdi All, If anybody is interested to join us, we leaving from Cycle Lab Fourways at 7am tomorrow down to the Paulshof point of joining the Spruit. IT IS A SLOW'IES RIDE! with thanks to the hubbers from last weekend, we would like to do the same ride. COME WITH!!!!! Then Coffee back at Vida Cafe Design Quarter approx 09h00 - 09h30
  20. Hi All, Thanks very much for a totally fab ride! I thoroughly enjoyed it and so did my friend. Thanks i hope we do it again some time!
  21. Hi, Giba Gorge http://www.gibagorge.co.za/ it is next to the N3 between PMB and Durban near Marianhill plaza. Yes u got the right place for the Fourways MTB Park. Press releases start from this week. A friend and i met with some hubbers for a ride up the spruit this morning at 7.30. I dont actually know who was who...so.... who ever you were thanks so very much for a great ride!! We love it! Thanks!!!
  22. Man with no name... thanks very much for your much appreciated kind words!! ps. Andrew on a flight to CT now (06h30) and in partner meetings all day so will respond to Mark (if he PM'd him) asap. pps. the podium at prizegiving at MTN Panorama tour looked FAB with all the TCS. Some awesome pics for you guys coming soon!
  23. Hi Mark, Andrew has gone to Supersport and wont be back till 21h00. He will respond either tonight or first thing in the morning. Have a good evening. Ali
  24. Hi, Andrew is away at the Sani 2 C so does not have his email with him. I have told him about the postings and I will look into this with Mike and the Academy Manager, Ian Wilson, first thing tomorrow morning. This is not something that will be taken lightly. Will revert asap tomorrow.
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