Hi You are more than welcome to try us out. We encourage it! ;-) We depart from Cycle Lab Megastore at 7am winter times (We change back to summer times in September – 6am) We have a number of Road and MTB groups, all doing different Average speeds and distances. When you arrive (7.45am) you will find an announcer on a PA system who will ask Guests/Beginners/First Time riders with the club to come forward so we can introduce you to a marshal, who will ensure that you join an appropriate group for your discipline/experience expectations. There are also telescopic banners in the air, which give info on that group ride (ie Road/MTB, Distance, Average Speed, Ride Time) There are info boards on the floor which have this info on them (see below) We have a fabulous coffee shop to socialize at after the ride. We may be very organized, but I promise we are most certainly not snobby. J Our membership fees are R1 000 from now till the end of the year. R900 of it goes towards your Club Kit (Bibs and Shirt) or R700 which includes the Shirt and your Subs. If you have a brand of bibs that you prefer then you don’t need to take the membership that includes the bibs. If you have any questions or want to set up a time/day that I meet you at the club ride, pls let me know on clubpr@cyclelab.com. Regards Ali Mclean MOUNTAIN BIKE RIDES PLEASE NOTE THAT RIDE TIMES MAY DIFFER DUE TO UNFORSEEN MECHANICALS THAT RIDERS MAY EXPERIENCE MTB - A Group – This is a ride of over 55 km, 3 hrs +, speed 20km/hr +, for experienced and very fit riders, non-marshaled. Also known as the Race Snake Ride MTB - B Group – This is a ride of approximately 55 km, about 3 hrs, 19km/h non-marshaled. Also known as the Puffy Ride MTB - C Group – This is a ride of approx 40-45km, at a strong pace, for intermediate riders, 17km/hr, about 2.5 hours. MTB - D Group –This is a ride of approx. 30-35km, at a moderate pace for those wanting to still improve their fitness or wanting to do a shorter route. Ride must be capable of riding for 15km/h for 2 – 2.5hrs MTB - E Group – A great transition from the beginner clinic to riding on the trails. @hrs at approx. 13-15km/h. Total distance 26 – 30km (Beaulieu Route) MTB - Beginners - Please join us for a MTB Beginner Clinic/Ride. Where we will practice skills and techniques, which will include a riding distance of 15km over 2hrs. This ride typically goes to the PWC Bike Park. MTB RIDE GROUPS Tubeless tires (fresh sealant) and well-serviced bikes are essentials for happy rides. Please arrive for club rides with the basic mechanical equipment you may need to fix any repairs whilst out on a club ride. Please also ensure that you have sufficient water bottles to cover you for the ride time you embark on. Please note that we may advertise a route at 2/3hrs long, but there may be unforeseen circumstances of mechanical failures within the groups’ ride, that could result in up to an hour added onto your ride time. Make sure your family at home is aware of this. The last group to depart will be the Beginner Clinic Ride for MTB'ers, the group led by either Rob Yates or Suandi Rakim MTB GROUPS GROUP APPROX DISTANCE APPROX TIME AVERAGE SPEED MTB - A 55 km + 3. hrs + 22km+ MTB - B 55 km 3 hrs +- 19km MTB - C 40 - 45 km 2.5 hrs +- 17km MTB - D 30 - 35 km 2 – 2.5 hrs 15km MTB - E 26km 2hrs 13 - 15km/h MTB - Beginners 15km 2hrs Up to 2hrs ROAD RIDES GROUPS FLAG GROUPS APPROX DISTANCE APPROX TIME MARSHALL AVERAGE SPEED ROAD A 93km (Caves) 2.45hr Non Marshaled 32km/h + ROAD B 93km (Caves) 3hr Non Marshaled 32 km/h ROAD C1 93km (Caves) 3hr15hmin Marshaled 30 km/h ROAD C2 93km (Caves) 3hr20min Marshaled 28 km/h ROAD C3 93km (Caves) 3hr20min Marshaled 27 km/h ROAD D1 93km (Caves) 3hr30min Marshaled 26 km/h ROAD D2 75km (Lion Circle) 3hr15min Marshaled 24 km/h ROAD D3 75km (Lion Circle) 3hr30min Marshaled 23 km/h ROAD D4 55km 3h3 Marshaled 21/22km/h ROAD E 35-40km 2hr Martin/Migration 18km/h ROAD Beginner Clinic 5km loops 2hr Steve -