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    Western Cape
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    Cape Town

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  1. There really is a shortage of MTB events isn't there. I love it all, gravel and road and MTB somill probably do this Enduro but I really do miss somemof the oldtb events. Trail seekers wellington is still on the cards this year
  2. Getting p1ssed off with the customer base and their speculations about the river may not be the best way to go out to bat for the race. That the race might be a mud fest logistical nightmare isn't too far of a reach to make. Footnote - I entered in January already and am doing the 200miler unless it's raining hard in which case I'm duvet and a good book.
  3. I'm actually really looking forward to the ride. It will be a real challenge given my fitness. Bike prepped and test ridden at Tokai and Garmin is optimistically interpreting me sitting in front of the tour de France with Doritos and gin and tonics as "peaking". Funny how there's always an ou something on these rides... Ouberg... Ouplaas... Ou man....
  4. LBS is like a surgeon or an accountant - if you don't trust them they wrong one.
  5. And no black screen sudden stop on DStv .... Could it be that they listened?
  6. Current forecast predicts no rain. There goes my excuse. 9pm start seems somehow crueler than the 36one 3pm.
  7. light rain starting more or less the same time as the 200 miler starts Accommodation paid Entry paid long time ago Light rain I can cope with but If weather is foul - I'm staying under the duvet. I did the rainy 36one - I'm not riding 200 miles, undertrained, in the mud
  8. And the fans are wild and dangerous too
  9. I'm on a windows PC - only does it on the cycling stream - the tennis is perfect as is anything else on DSTV - only happens on the cycling.
  10. Ving is one of my favourite sporting heros. For the reasons @Daledescribes and also because of a photo I can't find at the moment of him with his partner and daughter. Of course the fact that he can ride a bike in the way he can features.
  11. Here's my letter to Marriot investing. To your marketing department, Your advertising has interrupted my viewing of the tour de France for 3 weeks now and has guaranteed that any intention I might have had of using your services, has been extinguished forever. As a footnote, your advertisement is quite frequently paired with an even more annoying one for Hollywood bets and as a result, you invitation to exploit record high interest rates, is now irrevocably linked with the mindless hope of the inveterate gambler. Congratulations. Hollywood bets is getting one too in which I'm quoting Orwell So long as they (the Proles) continued to work and breed, their other activities were without importance. Left to themselves, like cattle turned loose upon the plains of Argentina, they had reverted to a style of life that appeared to be natural to them, a sort of ancestral pattern...Heavy physical work, the care of home and children, petty quarrels with neighbors, films, football, beer and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult." George Orwell, 1984 Also Cecil nurse is on my list and Ryder as well ... You'd think cyclists would know better.
  12. Today is going to be epic. But first 110 km of zone 2 zwifting cos I'm too soft to go out in this icy rain
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