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Everything posted by Mamil

  1. Lekker ride. 45 was tough but good. Well organised and signposted. Beautiful part of the country. Will be back next year ... Maybe for the 60 but maybe not .... Another 800m of climbing may precipitate sense of humour failure
  2. Ha Philip - it's either a reflection on your friends or on my riding ability because when I told mine I'd entered this event I was told "Please tell me you've entered the 46 and not the 64".
  3. My Merida Ninety six 800 --- interested in talking to anyone else who has one of these http://www.vanderwant.co.za/m_File_000.jpeg
  4. Lungs clapping hands like awuarium seals at feeding time ..... I love that
  5. I heard die muishond has wolverine style retractable cleats on the soles of his feet so he rides barefoot.
  6. The 46 was a lot of fun. Will be back next year for sure
  7. Ok... So i'm is a bit more skilpad than muishond
  8. I'm gettin in touch with my inner muishond in preparation for a weekend of riding. Perhaps we are Die Muishond
  9. but .... but .... who is MUISHOND???
  10. They say he once fell off. The mountain apologised
  11. I'm battling to find the route profile for the 45. Anyone have a link?
  12. I think he overtook me on Conterman's last stretch of single track. There was a gust of wind - the trees next to the water bowed their heads in his slipstream - as if the mountain itself revered him - his tyres roared--- muissss and his forks whispered hond as they bottomed out on the bend. And he was gone. I didn't see his face.
  13. Just did my first Cobra as a relative noob mountainbiker - apparently a lot easier after it's recent maintenance. What a thrill!!!! I can see that it's seriously addictive.
  14. Just realised I can't ride this one because of an inescapable parenting commitment. Not sure if I can sell my 82 km entry? Probably a good thing because it's a Funky Fynbos the next day.
  15. Excited and nervous for it - doing the 46k. Are there many sandy spots? Hate sandy spots.
  16. 3 months of trouble free riding on my reverb external routing 125mm travel dropper. Kicked my riding up a notch and made me feel a whole lot more confident on corners and descents. I had been forced to have my saddle very high as I have long legs and my centre of gravity always felt too high and the saddle in the way of moving around on the bike. Worth every penny and hoping it lasts as the review suggests.
  17. Me pusha big hills!! Thor - I tell ya if I walked those distances I'm going to give up MTB and take up trail running 'cos I'll be a competitor there!
  18. No - I walked in the really steep bits. IT was only the speedy sprogs from the L group who were riding up and overtaking us when I was toiling away on foot.
  19. 102 kg of matured za beef on a merida hoofing it up to the top of helshoogte
  20. I may have lifted my eyes briefly from the convoy of walkers to see your boy go whizzing by. I don't think he was out of breath.
  21. Dorstberg has done wonders for my ability to push a bike up technical climbs - I'm way better at that these days. Some of my friends didn't even ride the race - not mentioning any Nordic thunder gods ....
  22. There were also several points on the route where the trail branched and I looked at what the route wasn't taking and thought "Thank the maker we're not going up there" They could have made it a lot harder I think
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