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Bottelary Hills MTB Trails


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Like dirtman said we've added a new section of singletrack above the existing one on the GREEN LOOP. I marked it this afternoon and removed logs that were blocking the trail, so it's open.

That said it's obviously new and soft in places, the coming rain should help compact it a little. This section is the first of 4 sections of singletrack we plan to have done come end September and will certainly be great additions to the trails.


With the limited time and funds available we are upgrading the route marking and signage. This however is a labour intensive, costly and timeous process but be assured that we are on it. Enhancing the route layout and making changes as we go along is also something we are constantly working on.


Just a little behind the scenes info in case you were wondering if we were still here. :thumbup:

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If you start at Hazendal then it's about 10 km in. It starts above the existing singletrack which it then joins lower down. Not sure how long it is (haven't measured it yet :thumbdown: )

We did this to add more singletrack but also to cut out an awkward "S" bend on the jeep track and a "tricky left" to enter the existing singletrack. Once ridden in I'm sure it will be a great addition.

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Great to see this trail developing so nicely. Hopefully you are planning a race through the trails at some point to get some more exposure here.

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We've finished the new singletrack on the RED Route. Its called Ribbok Run after the hill (Ribbokkop) it's built on. The changes to the route marking to incorporate it have been done so it's ready to be ridden. It will be soft and loose in places so take it easy until it settles.


Give us some feedback once you've tried it.

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I rode the new section of single track on the red route this morning and must congratulate Hellwarp on the building thereof. I did the lay-out of this single track (together with my riding buddy) and Hellwarp decided to build it with his team of farm workers. If one takes into account that this is his (and his crew’s) first ever single track project in extremely difficult terrain, I think they did a great job.


To build more single track, funds are needed, so please buy permits when you ride the trails or even better buy an annual permit. If you find riders without permits on the route, please “sort” them out (in a good manner !!)

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  • 3 weeks later...

We've re-routed the Green Loop where it's joined by the pink link from Hazendal. The farmer is cultivating the land where the trail used to run. So pay attention to the signage when next you ride.


We busy with a few more additions, will keep you posted. :thumbup:

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