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pins and needles


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i posted this topic in Tech Q&A... im posting it here now in the hope people actually see it...


i have a raod bike as well as a MTB... i use the same shoes on both bikes... when im on the road bike i get pins and needles and lose the feeling in my feet... but i dont suffer at all on my MTB... has anybody else had this problem? is it an easy fix? must the Cleat placement on the road bike shoe be different to the MTB?

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I don't know the direct answer to that, as a non-cleat user, so think of this as a bit of a bump. But I have a similar thing between my road bikes, and have wondered whether it isn't a problem higher up, like with the saddle.

Edited by LeTurbo
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Thnx... its a possibility but could that be the case after going and having a setup done at the shop... youd hope your seat is adjusted to the correct position right?

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i posted this topic in Tech Q&A... im posting it here now in the hope people actually see it...


i have a raod bike as well as a MTB... i use the same shoes on both bikes... when im on the road bike i get pins and needles and lose the feeling in my feet... but i dont suffer at all on my MTB... has anybody else had this problem? is it an easy fix? must the Cleat placement on the road bike shoe be different to the MTB?


Normaly I would say the cleat set up would be the same, especialy if you are using the same pair of shoes and the same type of pedals ;)


Assuming that you are using the exact same shoes for both bikes then what other factors are different?

1. Crank lengths

2. Q Factor

3. How long do you ride before it starts

4. Do you ride your mtb for the same amount of time, less, more?

5. Different socks, mtb socks might be thicker and create a tighter fit...


The Q factor and crank lengths could / will be different between your road / mtb, wheither this will cause the pins n needles I dont know....

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im going to try my MTB saddle on my road bike and see if it makes any difference.

i wear the same socks on both bikes.

it tends to start about 20 minutes into the ride.

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I also think it could be your saddle/saddle height. BTW, don't always trust the setup that the shops do. I've had my bike setup done be a seemingly reputable LBS. after strugeling for months I ended up at CycleFit and they fixed my setup for me. it was miles off....

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